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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-04-19 in Posts

  1. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Unfortunate about the suicide. We do though need a lot more of this declining hush money to expose bad behaviours. Makes no difference to me who these people who do bad things support politically. What matters is bad behaviours and bad choices must come with consequences no matter who you are. Declining a huge wack of money to stop someone from escaping consequences for their bad behaviours requires a lot of courage, morality and conviction to the person who was wronged. Kudo's to the girl's father.
    8 points
  2. HardCoreBlue

    Manitoba Politics

    Cuz F Trudeau, thank you Truckers, my freedoms, my rights, I want my country back, lefty government overreach, dictator, corrupt, WOKE, Thought Police, Socialists, radical leftist agenda destroying MY country. (even though you're talking Provincial level not Federal level and the response I gave lacks coherency and substance and has nothing to do with the health issue you are referring to)
    6 points
  3. 👋It's like everyone is talking directly to me today...
    6 points
  4. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    Like I said, it's easy to point fingers and yell when you're only job is to do just that. But it's not leadership and that us why he looks bad now. He is doing the same things but when you are supposed to be a leader you actually need to come up with the answers. It's why conservatives are failing the country right now. They aren't interested in answers, only yelling about how awful the other guys are.
    6 points
  5. 6 points
  6. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    The CPC need a real climate action plan. Without it, they're just stuck in the past. (Like 25 years in the past) I remember Bateman coming to my door during the last election and we chatted for a while. I said that I couldn't vote for her for many reasons but, foremost, was the lack of a climate action plan. She stood there and told me they had one and went up and down about it. But, it was evident that she knew I could see right through it and it would just mean corporate welfare payments that would go into the pockets of the executives as bonuses. I told her that. Mulroney actual had a climate plan in 80s. Since then, absolutely nothing. We continue to download climate problems to the next generation. We're beyond pretending that climate change is not manmade and we're beyond pretending we can just allow oil companies and others free reign. They don't get this because all they care about is money in their pockets. We need action and the CPPC are just dinosaurs.
    5 points
  7. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    You know what's great about an effective opposition? New ideas and holding gov't accountable. But, it's hard to hold a gov't accountable when you're starting culture wars and yelling at the wind. It's sad and pathetic. At least the NDP bring ideas.
    5 points
  8. rebusrankin

    Manitoba Politics

    A group of surgeons at Grace Hospital wrote a letter to the Health Minister outlining concerns five months ago. Nothing was done. NDP raises it in the house yesterday including a copy of the letters (signatories names redacted). PCs claim its fake since the names are not given, downplay it and refuse to do anything about it. Bunch of Ghouls. I could list many more such stories but for any PC supporter here, explain how you defend this party?
    4 points
  9. Lowry always shows up for the playoffs.
    4 points
  10. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    Given the current global issues: The war in Ukraine Food Prices Droughts Etc, etc, etc To then have elected MPs stand up and say 'the more Liberals go woke, the more Canadians go broke' is just beyond lame. They need to do much better - just my 0.02
    4 points
  11. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    It's a minority gov't. Not like he has prorogued it to avoid a non-confidence vote. What sort of autocrat would do that!? Sounds like projecting.
    4 points
  12. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    You can't even use the word autocrat properly. Or the word fact, to be fair. This is straight up unhinged trolling on your part.
    4 points
  13. And welcome back to all the fans who were “so done with this team” 3 weeks ago.
    4 points
  14. Nice to see a consistent grinder like Lowry get a couple of goals.
    4 points
  15. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    Let's imagine a government under Pollievre. He's talked about putting the government on a diet and how Conservatives don't like social programs so we likely see a reduction in spending on social programs. He's advocated that bitcoin can buy our way out of inflation and for firing the head of the bank of Canada so let's assume interference in the Bank of Canada and oh maybe investing CPP $ in crypto or maybe pushing provinces to give power to crypto miners instead of prioritizing it for citizens. He continually derides experts so heaven help us when a crisis arises because he'll ignore them. Throw in convoy support and his woke is bad nonsense. Sounds like life in one of the worse Republican shitholes in the us.
    4 points
  16. WildPath

    Canadian Politics

    He has won three elections in a row and is the 10th longest serving PM we've ever had (and counting). That's a pretty solid length of time being right.
    4 points
  17. bustamente

    US Politics

    She may be stupid but she is the poster child for many idiot Americans
    3 points
  18. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    One poll may show that, but polls can say a lot of things - like people don't really like either Trudeau or PeePee to any great degree.
    3 points
  19. Danny Austin @DannyAustin_9 · Follow Interesting. The Stampeders will not be selling seats above Row 52 at McMahon this year (other than Labour Day and vs. Riders). Will be installing tarps to cover top seat sections. Hopefully an aesthetic improvement. 6:17 PM · Apr 18, 2023
    3 points
  20. I'm trying to counter his C's get degrees with B' s get (blank), A's get (blank). My low brow humor could only come up with B's get Boobs. I'm obviously struggling. Yes, off topic. Go Jets Go. Leafs suck.
    3 points
  21. 17to85

    Canadian Politics

    His followers don't care. Trudeau bad! Is all that matters to them.
    3 points
  22. I'm still so pissed and frustrated that Hartman got one lousy meaningless game suspension scores an OT winner against Dallas while Ehlers watches from the sidelines. Ref called it interference, Wild called it retribution, Bieska called it sneaky dirty, I call it intent to injure that should come with a lot more consequence. I would be saying the exact same thing if a Jet did something like this. Brutal.
    3 points
  23. rebusrankin

    Canadian Politics

    CPC is the party with members posting or making statements about being anti woke, anti lgbtq, banning books, promoting conspiracy theories about the WEF and fifteen minute cities but they are not the party promoting culture wars?
    3 points
  24. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/autocrat On the one hand, you accuse him of setting "all government agenda" (whatever the **** that means) while presenting no evidence to prop up your feeble claim that he's an autocrat. You then proceed to suggest he refuses to call a public inquiry, despite the fact MPs already voted on that and the motion was defeated. That fact was covered a while ago in this thread, but you chose to ignore that. The Prime Minister of Canada has no unlimited authority. To try and claim otherwise without actual evidence just smacks of ignorance and is the same insufferable rhetoric the Covidiot Clown Convoy and its supporters have been spewing for far too long. There is a glaring lack of understanding related to our nation's democratic institutions and the checks and balances in place. Do better. Every accusation is a confession.
    3 points
  25. Wideleft

    Canadian Politics

    Oh Gawd....referencing Diane Francis.....
    3 points
  26. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    No wonder so many people dislike him. Wait until a federal campaign and the rest of the country learns what a useless liar this guy is.
    3 points
  27. blue_gold_84

    Canadian Politics

    Speaking of unhinged: He can't even pick a lane because he's so braindead.
    3 points
  28. My 19 year old son's saying as he finishes up his first year University. 🙂
    3 points
  29. Thank you for the warm welcome... 👋
    3 points
  30. His tears sustain me.
    3 points
  31. HardCoreBlue

    US Politics

    Their only regret? That they didn’t get away with it.
    3 points
  32. Just when I think I can't love that Morgan Barron kid any more than I already do, he goes and gets 75 stitches and keeps playing.
    3 points
  33. I can see both sides of this. On one side, if there are real issues around other states interfering with our elections, we should take a look. On the other hand, has there been any actual evidence brought forward? Like what is the proof that what Mr.Dong is being accused of, would have made a difference...? That's what I get stuck on. Like you have to be fairly ignorant to think there is zero interference, there is...to what extent, who knows. But the accusation is, Mr. Dong told the Chinese to not release the prisoners because it would help the PCs. How? I haven't really been able to find an answer to that. And I know, that would be part of the enquiry. But they ain't cheap and I don't see how the liberals benefit from holding one. Regardless of the results.
    2 points
  34. who'd thunk all it would take was to get Scheif out of the center position and on the wing with PLD? Amazing how one line up change can turn an entire season around, and turn a team that looked flustered and lost into a behemoth who just steam-rolled right over those hapless Vegas bums last night.
    2 points
  35. JCon

    Canadian Politics

    Let's go down this path... the PMO has too much power. This is something I absolutely agree with. It's been a problem for a while and has been exasperated by the Harper and Trudeau gov'ts. More power has been concentrated in that office than should be there. In the past, the MPs voted on the leader for the party. I would like to go back to that practice. It's the Westminster system. That would put the power back into the hands of the gov't MPs. If there was a "revolt", they could replace the leader. This would also put more emphasis on the importance of elections and more importance in the role of the MP. Unless you live in Papineau, you're not voting for Trudeau. Unless you live south of Ottawa, you're not voting for Poilievre. Let's stop pretending we are.
    2 points
  36. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    The ALL CAPS is always a nice touch. Really drives home the importance and insights one is sharing with others.
    2 points
  37. Noeller

    Canadian Politics

    any time I see people using JWR as an example of an honest politician who stood up to Trudeau and told the truth (!!) my eyes roll further and further into the back of my head. That woman is a noted crazy person. There's a reason virtually no one came to her defense after she got booted out ("left to run as independent") and it's not because Trudeau somehow muzzled all her "supporters"..... I just truly believe nobody liked her and she was bonkers from jump street.
    2 points
  38. HardCoreBlue

    Canadian Politics

    Here, I snatched this off their website: “Budget 2023 must reverse inflationary deficits and taxes and end the war on work, by letting workers bring home more of what they earn. It must also remove gatekeepers to free up and speed up permits for homes people can afford. “Make Canada work for the people who work. Bring home powerful paycheques with lower taxes, so hard work pays off again. Bring home lower prices, by ending inflationary carbon tax hikes & deficit spending that drive up inflation & interest rates. Bring homes people can afford, by removing government gatekeepers to free up land and speed up building permits. “We must bring home a country that works for people who work. Bring home powerful paycheques, bring home lower prices and bring homes people can afford. It is the common sense of the common people.” Make Canada work for the people who work? I would have focus grouped this a bit more.
    2 points
  39. JCon

    2023 NHL Playoffs Thread

    All road teams won yesterday.
    2 points
  40. Yup and maybe a workman like goal from someone like Stenlund or Barron to help.
    2 points
  41. 2 points
  42. Tracker

    US Politics

    Georgia fake elector strikes immunity deal with prosecutors It was revealed today that there is an ongoing debate about removing a lawyer for some of the fake electors in the Georgia case. None of the fake electors have been charged with a crime. But it appears there is an ongoing fear that charges are coming from the grand jury and Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis. Buried in the stories about the legal drama unfolding in Georgia was the revelation that one of those fake electors had made a deal with the prosecutors. According to the New York Times report, "At least one of the electors not represented by Ms. [Kimberly B.] Debrow or Ms. [Holly] Pierson has an immunity deal in place and has cooperated with the prosecution, people with knowledge of the case have said." It goes on to say that Willis' new motion asking for the removal of Debrow comes as others are desperately trying to get their own immunity deals. "According to a legal analysis by the Brookings Institution, the fake electors could potentially face criminal liability for interfering with elections, among other charges," the report explained. Local Atlanta station WXIA explained that the fake electors that once shared lawyers and were a united front, are now turning on each other.
    2 points
  43. Little plays like Wheeler hustling to wave off icing in the dying seconds of the period so no face off in our end impresses me.
    2 points
  44. Ya my favourite jersey is my era correct Walby, but it doesn't have a name plate...just the 63 front and back. I really wish there was a way to get an era correct name bar done up. Got that one autographed at Banjo Bowl last year which was awesome.
    2 points
  45. A bit OT but I’d love to see some retro collector jerseys from different eras in the bomber store. Be great if I could pop in and get an era correct Dunigan, west etc.
    2 points
  46. Poilevre being more palatable than Trudeau is like Ted Cruz being more palatable than Beto O' Rourke. Like I said, spite is a power thing.
    2 points
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