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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-04-06 in Posts

  1. rebusrankin

    World Politics

    Fox News is not a credible news source. 1. Fox News is currently being sued by Smartmatic for repeatedly making false claims about their machines and the 2020 US Election. https://www.natlawreview.com/article/big-lie-could-mean-big-trouble-fox-news-defamation-case 2. Fox's own lawyers have argued in court that you literally cannot believe the "facts" that Tucker Carlson tells you. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye 3. Chris Wallace, an experienced respected journalist left Fox News because they started questioning the Truth. https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2022/why-chris-wallace-left-fox-news/ 4. They repeatedly lied in their coverage of the Trucker Protests. https://www.cnn.com/2022/02/21/politics/fact-check-fox-canada-protests-carter-gutfeld-pirro/index.html
    7 points
  2. 17to85

    World Politics

    And therein lies the problem. The right wing in North America has been dragging the perception further and further right. Especially in the USA. Republicans constantly saying "meet us in the middle" while stepping backwards every time the democrats move towards that middle. Bernie Sander is seen as a lunatic left winger in the USA... yet he would fit right in with the moderates in most of the rest of the world.
    6 points
  3. 17to85

    World Politics

    The problem I have with that is that it is based on Democrat being seen as left which perhaps is true in the USA, but in the rest of the world it is still ******* right as hell.
    6 points
  4. Rich

    World Politics

    There is a combination of many factors at play that have led to the current state of today’s media. A large contributing factor is the rise of the internet and the upheaval of their monetization model. The mass adoption of the internet and eventually social media, while vastly simplified distribution, also came with the expectation of free content (killed news print), and a plethora of news sites and ways to consume media combined with newer generations not even watching TV (killed cable news). This drove journalism into click bait. Everything is now geared to enrage to get eyes on content and grasp at meager online advertising revenue, and slanted to appeal to the base who reads their site. That slant is becoming steeper and steeper by the day. I don’t see a clear way to get out of this tail spin that the West is on right now with their media, but it continues to get more and more polarizing. There really isn’t even debate of issues anymore. All of that has been replaced with mocking and making fun of “the other side”. Just look at 95% of the posts and news articles in this forum as an example of that microcosm. Extremes are always highlighted to the point where people think extremes represent the majority, which only feed into the cycle.
    5 points
  5. bustamente

    World Politics

    The change happened when Conway stood in front of the media and spouted alternative facts and then Trump started with the fake news and nobody stood up and said this is crazy talk and you have to give proof of the stupid things you are saying. Now everyone just says the first thing that comes into their head no matter how bat **** crazy and without any proof to back up their statement.
    5 points
  6. This team does not deserve to be in the playoffs. They don't seem to want to be in the playoffs either.
    4 points
  7. JCon

    World Politics

    There's an entire academic discipline that studies politics. Since they defined the political spectrum, I would say, they define who's left, right, centre, or however they measure it. It's just become convenient to say left and right, especially in the US where they can only handle two parties. So, the Dems are the left and the GOP is right. But, when you measure their policies against the global political spectrum, the Democrats policies align more closely to the right of centre.
    4 points
  8. JCon

    US Politics

    4 points
  9. Wideleft

    World Politics

    I don't even like the terms left and right anymore as they've become almost meaningless. In my opinion, there are 3 types of people: Progressives Regressives Those that don't know the difference between the first 2.
    4 points
  10. Tracker

    World Politics

    Unfortunately, media is now driven, not by rational wishes of most viewers to hear reasoned, truthful reports supported by facts and science, but by competing for viewers who will not only watch, but also support extreme beliefs by buying the advertised products. It seems to be a direct parallel to evangelical parishioners who not only flock to the newest, sexiest church which is loudly proclaiming old wine in new bottles but will support these financially to the point where they will take our loans, In this way, these followers exert a disproportionate influence on both society and policy.
    4 points
  11. Yea but all media outlets are corrupt and bad, all political parties, all politicians can’t be trusted and anyone suggesting otherwise to what I just said here are gaslighting, are demonstrating their confirmation bias, are not paying attention as I provide links to made up **** that actually align with who I really am but I don’t come out and say who I really am and hide in cover behind my claims of hey I’m just a reasonable centrist following the real truths and anyone who doesn’t do what I do is a far left or far right nut job.
    4 points
  12. 17to85

    US Politics

    Gaslight Obstruct Project <-- claim democrats are pedophiles while trying to allows marriage to children. Time to call out these anti-antifa what they are, fascists.
    3 points
  13. Wideleft

    US Politics

    BuT tHeY'rE aLl ThE sAmE - pArT 2 "Congress could soon send to the president's desk a bill that would cap the cost of the life-saving drug insulin at $35 per month -- a move that could significantly reduce and rein in out-of-pocket drug costs for millions of Americans with diabetes. The House approved the bill Thursday by a vote of 232-193, with 12 Republicans joining all Democrats in support." https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/house-votes-cap-cost-insulin-35-heads-senate/story?id=83798272 193 Republicans voted AGAINST it. All 232 Democrats voted it FOR it. Don't tell me they're all the same or I will keep providing you examples of how they are not.
    3 points
  14. Tracker

    US Politics

    That the Supreme Court can deliberate in secret on their "Shadow docket" and issue rulings without public scrutiny or debate illustrates how screwed up the American "justice" system is.
    3 points
  15. https://3downnation.com/2022/04/06/bombers-have-talked-at-length-to-a-lot-of-kickers-to-provide-competition-for-marc-liegghio-ali-mourtada/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
    3 points
  16. Rich

    World Politics

    It is interesting with the decline of people prescribing to organized religion, there has been an increase in fanatical worship of other entities to replace it. It is weren't so scary to watch unfold, it would be a fascinating case study of human nature.
    3 points
  17. Rich

    World Politics

    Yes, Fox News is absolute trash, but there is no way that CNN is right leaning, and all of the 3rd party sites that try to classify news site basis' would agree. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/left/cnn-bias/ https://www.allsides.com/news-source/cnn-media-bias https://www.allsides.com/news-source/cnn-editorial
    3 points
  18. 3 points
  19. Very cool touch by the Bombers for Season Ticket Holders. Pumped to get my replica ring.
    3 points
  20. Hence the importance of fact-checking and journalistic integrity, more than ever before. There are actual, verifiable, proven facts and those still matter today.
    3 points
  21. Mark F

    World Politics

    Bill clinton.. the great lefty boogie man.... .. Nafta..... which moved american factory jobs to mexico he twisted arms to get that passed. It was very unpopular. welfare "reform" ..... threw millions off of social assitance "three strikes law".......locked people up for stealing a candy bar deregulated media ownership.... local radio bought out and closed. Deregulated wall street leading to 2008 financial meltdown. his chief of staff rahm emanuel called the democratic party progressive wing, "dirty f----ing hippies"... now us ambassador to china. Obama favourite and most respected President... Reagan. deregulated oil and gas. tried to cut Social security. Lol. He tried hard, and really wanted to do this. let the banks ceos walk,after they committex one of histories greatest frauds. the pass this guy gets is comical. He is a complete fraud. The Democrats supported invasion of Iraq. They vote for every single increase in American military budget. They closed none of the 109 american overseas military bases.mthey did not close guantanamo. They ended no foreign wars. They invaded libya. Only western industrialized country without universal healthcare. There is no left wing in American politics.
    2 points
  22. Yup time for some needed playing time for certain players development and/or show us what you got to end this frustrating season.
    2 points
  23. The Jets are already below a 1% chance of making the playoffs, so yeah... I'd say they're done. On to next season - and hopefully some much-needed changes.
    2 points
  24. Tracker


    This will make no difference in the opinions of antivaxxers but.....
    2 points
  25. I’d say they’re already done… Unofficially. Have been for a while, realistically. Heinola sits and Stanley plays. Nothing against Stanley, but I don’t like that decision.
    2 points
  26. JCon

    US Politics

    All the same. Both sides the same. No surprise the GOP wants to marry children.
    2 points
  27. Yea you’re right bad stuff but what about (insert Hunter Biden, Clinton, Biden links). The whole system is bad so for you to suggest others aren’t just as bad you’re just believing what you want to believe. Did I do this right?
    2 points
  28. JCon

    US Politics

    Supreme court has been bought and paid for. You can't even make up how evil they are. Amazing how this court can say "State Rights" in one breath and then deny them in the next. The whole country is so messed up.
    2 points
  29. 2 points
  30. 17to85

    World Politics

    No, stop. You are wrong. Facts are not beholden to perspectives. Like seriously fox News is a right wing propaganda station. CNN is a right leaning News network that people scream abo8t as left wing because it's not right wing propaganda.
    2 points
  31. *Couldn't Yeah, **** the city of Calgary and its populace so very very much....... buncha MMA-loving, "We're Just Like Toronto!" types....
    2 points
  32. the watcher

    World Politics

    I think alot of things changed with Trump. His election gave permission for alot of the right to go very hard right and ignore truth and facts. I use to watch a bit of Fox news because I liked to see the right's perspective in the US. But it became unwatchable. They went from being a news station that supported the Republican point of view to a station that is a far right propaganda machine. Any network that would keep Tucker Carlson employed has lost all credibility. In my mind CNN is still back where Fox was 10 years ago when they still had some credibility left. Cnn is still watchable but have a definate slanted view. But to be honest I don't watch them much anymore either.
    2 points
  33. Yup and whether you like them or not no matter who you are and what you want to be true.
    2 points
  34. Was saying to noeller earlier, Calgary is a city where interest in the Stamps is waning and they've tried nothing and are all out of ideas so they probably figure 4 downs is sure to get people interested!
    2 points
  35. Tracker

    US Politics

    And Gaetz should stay away from hookers, particularly underage ones.
    2 points
  36. It's interesting that no one commented on his football accomplishments until the brigade showed up to **** on him.... The rest of us were just impressed with the athleticism.
    2 points
  37. MOBomberFan

    World Politics

    Get the unfiltered truth at REBEL MEDIA Sorry, Rebel NEWS if I'm gonna **** on them I should at least get the name right
    2 points
  38. JCon


    Are you my father in law?
    2 points
  39. Wideleft

    US Politics

    This is exactly what the authoritarian-leaning (Regressives) politicians and their backers want you to think, so congratulations - you've done it! Distrust in government keeps people from voting, participating in - and valuing democracy itself. People who don't know who to trust end up relying on people to tell them who to trust and that makes them ripe for authoritarian leadership. I'll take this time to remind you that Progressives are the ones trying to get more people to vote, while the Regressives work hard to prevent as many people as possible from doing the same thing. There is a connection that most people capable of critical thought can recognize.
    1 point
  40. HardCoreBlue


    I think you're being very kind. Anti-science is probably a more appropriate term for a significant portion (but not all) of the people highlighted in the red above who were extremely loud about how we are all being duped by science, by so called experts, by so called evidence when it came to this so called pandemic. All of this was not to not help us but to control our movements, roll over our individual rights, impinge on our freedoms to choose. One of the many go to slogans of theirs is they love to holler to the world MY INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS DON'T STOP AT YOUR FEARS, NO MORE MANDATES, FREEDOM. It would be interesting if these same people needed emergency surgery and the surgeon refused to appropriately prepare for their surgery because (see ALL CAPS above).
    1 point
  41. GCn20

    US Politics

    Depends....were you trying to be a ******? If so then yes you did it right. You sure like to attack people that don't share your political ideologies but scream murder when they say anything that offends your sensibilities. Grow up man. I believe that both sides of the political system in the US is full of corruption. I think the majority of people probably do. I couldn't give a rats fig if their president is named Trump or Biden, I have no horse in the race. I just think it's comical to the point of being absurd how those who are invested in it will twist the facts to their belief systems and it DEFINITELY goes both ways. Every Republican is a liar and every Democrat tells the truth and vice versa is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard.
    1 point
  42. Bigblue204

    World Politics

    I firmly believe it's a them vs us, type of situation. The rich and powerful vs the rest. Not Left vs Right certainly not Justice vs Criminals. Expecting a corrupted system to call out it's own corruption doesn't make sense. This is why trump will never see a jail cell, why Epstein never got to trial etc etc. They don't want dirty laundry to be aired out. In front of the screen, they're combative/argumentative etc but behind closed doors they're comrades....that includes in their corruption. I don't expect any real revelations about how horrible they are to come out until well after they've died. Like you said, we will know about minor stuff...like taking 100's of thousands of dollars for speaking engagements....or being on a known pedophiles private island. But anything concrete, anything that would undoubtedly lead people to see just how broken the system is won't see the light of day while they're breathing.
    1 point
  43. Wideleft

    US Politics

    I'm just trying to be accurate. Althought states are indeed introducing more and more abortion restrictions, SCOTUS has not yet ruled on the Mississippi Abortion ban, so it has not been officially overturned. "Sometime this spring, probably in late June, the US Supreme Court will hand down its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, an appeal testing the constitutionality of Mississippi’s 2018 law banning elective abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Upholding that ban would dramatically change America’s abortion rules. In Roe v. Wade and subsequent cases, the high court established an unfettered right to abortion until a fetus is “potentially able to live outside the mother’s womb,” which doesn’t occur until around weeks 22 or 23 of gestation. If Mississippi’s law is upheld, viability would lose the constitutional significance with which Roe invested it. States would no longer have to wait until a pregnancy is past the halfway mark before they could disallow abortion on demand." https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/mississippi-e2-80-99s-mainstream-abortion-law/ar-AAVTBzN Am I optimistic? No.
    1 point
  44. blue_gold_84

    World Politics

    1 point
  45. JCon


    1 point
  46. JCon

    US Politics

    They overturned Roe V Wade via shadow docket too, I believe. Nothing nefarious going on at all.
    1 point
  47. I will never forget that the Stamps tried to **** everything up. I unfortunately have to give them money any time the Bombers play in YYC, but I will never a penny on anything else that goes to the Stamps.
    1 point
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