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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2020-07-18 in Posts

  1. Post pattern
    5 points
  2. Man, this time of year we should be arguing about whether or not it is important for our quarterback to throw for 300 yards... Strange times.
    5 points
  3. bb1

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Wow,i mean what a set up but i will decline the obvious opportunity here..🤣
    4 points
  4. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Here is a quick glimpse on what is going on: And more good news! They are taking the show NATIONALLY!!!! /s
    3 points
  5. bustamente

    US Politics

    Hey Kids, blink twice if you are being held against your will
    3 points
  6. 3 points
  7. 2 points
  8. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Yep. He said it.
    2 points
  9. https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/food/2020/07/18/country-time-bailout-relief-coronavirus-closed-lemonade-stands-stimulus-checks/5464290002/
    2 points
  10. Tracker

    US Politics

    A chiiling thought has occurred to me: what if Trump and his sycophants have decided to let the current pandemic build into a nation-wide acute crisis so that they can "delay" the pending election indefinitely by declaring a national state of emergency. No doubt there is this sort of contingency built into US law and Barr would support this.
    2 points
  11. Fred C Dobbs


    Good to see them getting prepared.
    2 points
  12. Fred C Dobbs

    Canadian Politics

    2 points
  13. bustamente

    US Politics

    If I was American I would be terrified with the new found powers that Custom and Borders Agents have, imagine uniformed agents driving around in unmarked vehicles taking protesters into custody..............this happens in certain countries around the world but to happen in states shows you that the right to protest is not looked on to favorably buy the current federal government
    2 points
  14. 17to85

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Madani is arrogant and thinks very highly of his own opinions.
    2 points
  15. Noeller

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    No word yet on whether or not Iso wrote this rant for Madani or not......... https://3downnation.com/2020/07/17/arash-madani-the-cfls-primary-mission-is-not-to-get-football-off-the-ground-this-year/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Sportsnet’s Arash Madani joined The Rod Pedersen Show on Thursday and, as per usual, didn’t hold back when it came to his takes on the league. In a ferocious rant, he indicated that he feel the CFL has shifted off a legitimate 2020 season and on to strong arming players for years to come. “Because of the tactics they are using by ramming through a new CBA and reducing the salary cap next season, I get the sense that the league is thinking about 2021 and beyond, and their primary mission is not to get football off the ground this year,” he told the Regina based broadcasters. “If they announce tomorrow ‘we want to play in 2020’, how much is needed to make this happen. Its not like you can say lets fly everybody up here and lets go,” Madani continued. “You need to get eight teams relocated into a city. How are you going to run training camps? Where are your meeting rooms? Where are your practice field? Where are you going to feed them? Where are you going to lodge them? Especially with some of your staff still furloughed and not working right now for different teams.” To Madani, the situation is emblematic of a deeper problem in the CFL as an institution. “The owners and leadership folk on CFL teams have long shown they have very little regard for the players, unless they absolutely need them. You saw that with Randy Ambrosie going in front of the house finance committee back in May, with no real dialogue going into it because he didn’t think he needed them,” Madani emphasized “What the CFL is doing right now, is continuing to show their complete disregard for players themselves.” Madani believes it has been a failure on the part of league leaders to protect players. “What has the front office done to help players out, to be committed to try and get them CERB or any other government program? The answer is nothing,” he said angrily. “If you don’t believe it, here we are in July, the pandemic got off the ground in March, four months have transpired and what has Randy Ambrosie done for the players? What has Wade Miller, Scott Mitchell, Rick LeLacheur, and on and on you go with the team presidents, what have they done for the players to ensure they’re taken care of? From my seat, the answer is nothing.” Players have been vocal that the current offer on the table, a 33% pro-rated contract with no monetary guarantees for a six-game season, is woefully insufficient. The latest reports are that the two side are not even in the same ballpark. Madani sees why. “What is an American player coming up here for? I thought Tony Washington’s tweet was bang on, if you come up here you are going to walk away with $9,000 on a non-guaranteed contract,” he said. “I just don’t see it happening” Madani believes a fundamental shift in strategy is needed to ensure the league’s recovery. “I actually believe that the CFL right now, if they pull the plug on 2020, will have given themselves a four-month head start, a larger runway to focus on 2021 and to get their business together,” explains Madani. “To try and ram a CBA down the players’ throats, its dirty business and its wrong business. They now have opportunity to focus on long term stability and really get the health of the league in order. The focus should be on next season, not this.” That would mean no 2020 CFL season, something that Madani doesn’t see happening anyway. “At this stage logistically, I just don’t see how they are going to get it off the ground. There are people who will tell you quietly that this is not the right thing to do from a logistical and safety standpoint.” The league and the players have set a deadline of July 23rd to reach an agreement.
    2 points
  16. And a darned good blocker, too.
    1 point
  17. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Kinda like blackmail.
    1 point
  18. Wanna-B-Fanboy

    US Politics

    Ouch... this pretty cringe worthy...
    1 point
  19. And we know someone will get seriously injured. For what?? A four figure salary south of $20,000 Canadian. Total BS. No way Ambrosie is telling the truth about playing this season. I'll believe the players version of things over anything Ambrosie says.
    1 point
  20. Something like this just goes against my goya He could have had a very good year...ED TAIT@EDTAITWFCA receiver lives for these moments, those times when the game slows down, when there is an almost-ESP connection with the quarterback, when the routes are crisp and quick and the defender is in full chase mode.Kenny Lawler had a lot of those moments last year with the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, a season in which he led the club in receiving yards with 637 and had four touchdowns among his 43 receptions.He was also the Bombers’ Most Outstanding Rookie and there was a very real sense all of those numbers – and, as a result, his impact on every game – were going to see a big-time boost in 2020.https://www.bluebombers.com/2020/07/18/first-10/
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. bustamente

    US Politics

    I could be wrong but even a delay cause by an national emergency doesn't keep him or the vp in their positions come the 20th of January.
    1 point
  23. do or die

    US Politics

    ...and outside of it
    1 point
  24. do or die

    US Politics

    What do we expect....when you actually have a President who nods and winks at racists and conspiracy theorists ......which both encourages and emboldens them. At this point the rot is running pretty deep in the Republican party
    1 point
  25. Tracker

    The RIP 2020 Thread

    That says all you need to know about the Cheeto in chief in the White House.
    1 point
  26. 17to85

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Some do, Madan does not. He presents his own opinion as fact far too often. That he's worked in the cfl means very little. Just another self important media type.
    1 point
  27. The problem with Viagra is that if you swallow it too slowly, you get a stiff neck.
    1 point
  28. Tracker

    US Politics

    Police Union Boss Won’t Talk About That QAnon Mug He Keeps Putting On TV The FBI considers the far-right QAnon conspiracy movement to be a potential domestic terrorism threat. Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, appears Thursday on Fox News with a black "QAnon" coffee mug behind him. The head of one of New York City’s largest police unions appeared on Fox News twice this week with a “QAnon” coffee mug but claims to have no knowledge of the extremist cult. Ed Mullins, president of the Sergeants Benevolent Association, was invited on Fox News on Monday and Friday to discuss crime in New York City. During both appearances, Mullins could be seen speaking from the same office where, sitting on what looks like a printer or scanner behind him, is a black coffee mug bearing a giant red-white-and-blue “Q.” The mug is also inscribed with the word “QAnon,” as well as the letters “WWG1WGA,” an acronym for “Where We Go One, We Go All,” the signature slogan of QAnon, a far-right conspiracy movement. https://www.huffingtonpost.ca/entry/ed-mullins-qanon-mug-fox-news-police-union-boss_n_5f1228fbc5b6cec246c2920e?ri18n=true
    1 point
  29. Jacquie

    US Politics

    And now we know why he had such a low opinion of humans.
    1 point
  30. 1 point
  31. So according to Fajardo, Maas is building an offense around him. Not sure you can do as much with his skillset as you can with say MR or Harris.
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. FrostyWinnipeg

    Random News Items

    Mutual of Omaha Insurance Firm Removing Longtime Indian Logo http://4.nbcla.com/fNu87hn
    1 point
  34. Eternal optimist


    Pfft jokes on you guys I'll be dead from morbid obesity well before COVID-19 ever gets to me. Checkmate, pandemic.
    1 point
  35. Can't find any reference to it, but I remember hearing Terry Gilliam (animator for Monty Python) had a similar situation arise, BBC at the time had a policy of reusing old tapes, so they'd frequently just rewrite over older content. When he heard of this, he purchased his own work from them (at cost), which later, when Monty Python really took off, BBC asked for back, since they had no backup copies of it...
    1 point
  36. 17to85


    And I mean if a guy goes to the gym and doesn't touch his face and washes his hands no problem right? But the people who don't do those things are the ones that ruin it for everything. And I believe it is mostly classes causing problems, so likely people in too close contact.
    1 point
  37. Mr Dee


    это весело
    1 point
  38. Brandon


    The discount hot dogs simply outweigh COVID at this point....
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. do or die


    Just got back from Costco. It seems social distancing is a thing of the past...
    1 point
  41. Mr Dee

    US Politics

    Unless, of course, they are Goya beans..🙃
    1 point
  42. iHeart


    Thank god I was at home during those hours
    1 point
  43. do or die

    US Politics

    For the unemployed.....that advice isn't worth a hill of beans...
    1 point
  44. Hope he comes back after qualifying for that NFL pension....
    1 point
  45. Mr Dee

    2019-20 CFL Offseason

    Nowhere near the same circumstances though..
    1 point
  46. People somehow using this to "make fun" of the Black Lives Matter movement...........I want to say it makes me shake my head, but it's a lot worse than that. It's unbelievable to me that people don't get the severity of that, in this day and age.
    1 point
  47. 1 point
  48. 1 point
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