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24 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

Florida’s surgeon general on Wednesday called for a halt to the use of Covid vaccines, citing widely debunked concerns that contaminants in the vaccine can permanently integrate into human DNA.


That guy's medical licenses needs to be revoked... but you know, Florida...


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8 hours ago, bustamente said:

One things is for sure these last couple of years, there are a lot and I mean a lot of stupid ignorant people that have busted the stupid scale and unfortunately many are in government. 

On both sides of the political scale. Now that the pandemic is over, Bonnie Henry in BC their Chief MO refuses to hire back the health care professionals who refused to mask or vaccinate. She still maintains a vaccine mandate for health care professionals. AFAIK, BC is the only province that still does this. BC has a massive shortage of workers in health care. Over a million plus people have no family doctor. To me, she's just as stupid as that Chief MO in Florida. 

Edited by SpeedFlex27
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9 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

On both sides of the political scale. Now that the pandemic is over, Bonnie Henry in BC their Chief MO refuses to hire back the health care professionals who refused to mask or vaccinate. She still maintains a vaccine mandate for health care professionals. AFAIK, BC is the only province that still does this. BC has a massive shortage of workers in health care. Over a million plus people have no family doctor. To me, she's just as stupid as that Chief MO in Florida. 

There's always been a vaccine mandate for healthcare professionals.

Yes, I acknowledge there is a dearth of qualified, compassionate healthcare workers in Canada.  As one of those million people who doesn't have a family doctor, it's concerning to me.  It's equally concerning that I might have someone I care about under the care of a "professional" who is so selfish and self-absorbed that they can't bothered do the bare minimum to keep them safe.  As far as I'm concerned, if you aren't willing to do the smallest of things to keep those under your care free from harm then you have no business being in the business you are in.



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imagine considering yourself a medical professional and refusing to get vaccinated.... you should have your qualifications removed. An incredible number of people sick with respiratory virus infections this fall/winter, and people are like "what pandemic??" No vaccine, no mask..... you get what you deserve. 

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