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  1. Imagine being so hopelessly gullible and utterly braindead to think Trump's going to be reinstated as POTUS this summer while also comparing his election defeat to what happened in Myanmar. (Or as the MAGAts call it, Mynamar) Buncha knuckle-dragging oxygen thieves. And hands down the sorest losers ever.
  2. As or even worse idiot going unscathed but possibly infecting innocent unbeknownst others who were trying to do the right thing but because of these knuckle draggers here some are in the hospital. Hang in there Manitoba you’ll come out the other side soon.
  3. there's always a good chance of Manitoba winning because we have so many good ******* teams, period. Even if we only have 1 or 2 in the bonspiel, we've got a better than good shot of winning because we're that much better than everyone else on any given day. Virtually every province has benefitted from our curling expertise in some way. One of the things that absolutely makes me sick to my stomach these days is we sent our best male curler over to the ******* GAP of all places, to wear green and help those inbred, knuckle dragging cousin-f***ers win a f***ing Brier......absolutely gross.
  4. As insane as it may seem, most Republicans believe that Trump is their best chance of regaining power in the houses and presidency. With the only sane possible presidency candidate being Mitt Romney, and Trump will do his damnedest to make sure he never gets so much as a whiff of that, there is no real alternative to Trump. Besides, who else would appeal to the Jesus freaks and knuckle-draggers?
  5. I doubt those knuckle-dragger denialists at NTZ will hold up their end of the bet, much less acknowledge reality. Best part of that article:
  6. Oh, look... More projection from the alt-right. ******* knuckle-draggers. The real O'Toole needs to nut up and get his **** together. Letting MAGAt wannabes run his party is a really bad look.
  7. Shocking. Southern States screwing things up. Feel bad for the people who live in these States, get what’s going on, do what’s needed to the best of their ability but are clumped in with the knuckle dragging Neanderthals walking around blustering their liberty or death into megaphones cloaked in their confederate flags.
  8. Yup you're right I just have a hard time seeing how he can do anything that requires thinking and planning even for bad things. He's a knuckle dragging deranged stupid misogynist racist idiot that is running one of the most powerful countries in the world that 38% of eligible voters approve of at last count.
  9. I say this with a totally unbiased, cleansed pallet. Rider fans since the mid 00's have become the most repugnant fans in North American sports. They used to be the lovable losers of the league and were a fun group to get in a rivalry with. They had a small, ever so small taste of success, and they've become insufferable ass clowns for it. It's like someone growing up in poverty winning a scratch lottery ticket for 50k. They develop a weird sense of arrogance. They're still trash to their core, but think something is owed to them. Go to RF.com and look at the typical post about Winnipeg. They **** on Winnipeg, in full view of the city and province they live in. Regina, and Saskatchewan as a whole, is a boring, shitty, cold, ******* wasteland. Everything they make fun of Winnipeg for is 5x worse in Saskatchewan and Regina. If it wasn't so ******* desperately pathetic and troubling to see people so stupid and lacking self awareness, it'd be comical. But these ******* knuckle dragging potatoes get to vote in federal elections and show up to civilized cities outside that thunderdome of a province and shower us with their hillbilly antics. I despise all things Riders, and not because of their on field success. No, they don't really have any to speak of. I despise them because of their inbred, hillbilly, dueling banjo, red neck, racist, ignorant, manure dumping, clueless fans. I wish a pox on their house and hope the Grey Cup doesn't get stained with that taint a province for decades to come.
  10. wbbfan


    If the reports are true, his lobbed dolly caused chiesas wounds and a broken knuckle on some one else. dude is in trouble.
  11. I would prefer Sasse over Cena TBH. The inevitable Shazam vs Black Adam showdown will happen, and having 2 wrestlers (current or former) I think will take away froom the characters and have fans expecting a people's elbow or a 5 knuckle shuffle. If these 2 characters are to be included in the DCU down the road I think it would have been better to get someone similar to Cavill's size. Shazam and Black Adam both are about the size of Superman. If I had done the casting and it was a priority to find a role for Cena and the Rock, I probably would have made Cena Darkseid and the Rock as Bane
  12. Pretty much. The amount of talent we have gone through in the front 7 is crazy. If this group fails its 100% on the system. And the coaching staff / management for sticking soo long with that bend but dont break junk. (the football equivalent of a knuckle ball/eephus pitcher.)
  13. I guess you could say the knuckle ball has served him well, 42 years old still pulling in big coin.
  14. Shortly after practice yesterday the following appeared on Cole's Instagram account When your team shows fake love so you gotta reminisce about the good old days. Winnipeg is fake bruh lame as s***! It was removed from the account on the same day...but was up for about 2 hours. I and others speculated that perhaps he was being moved from Active Roster to Practice Roster...losing out on a game cheque...and that this was possibly the reason why he reacted the way he did...it now appears...based on Knuckle's tweet...that his outburst was because he's being benched...publicly disparaging your employer because they're resting you...really indefensible... Bob Irving@BobIrvingCJOB Defensive end Justin cole trashes bombers over benching. That wont go over well with Mike Oshea?. Might be "thanks for coming out Justin". (tweeted at about 10:12 am Nov 3)
  15. Oh yeah, I heard & felt a pop in my knee & I knew. Sounded like cracking a knuckle.
  16. Well ****- looks like Morris knows how to usE a VPN, To be confirmed in the near future with: -God Awful nick names that only knuckle scrapers and people of low character find amusing. -Pining about this useless person, that useless person here. (Hobos to be sure) -Using weird-assed parallels where there are none. - Using wholly inappropriate metaphors, though usually low brow similes. -Lyle Bauer Rant that comes from outta the blue! All we need now is for Morris to unleash the weird. I am dying for it- I have missed it soooo much!
  17. Well here is an interesting parallel..... One upon a time, there was a Republican convention, where folks like Jerry Fallwell and Pat Buchannan were allowed to run their mouths non-stop , and spew out an unhealthy mix of war-mongering, bigotry, ignorance and intolerance..... From that point on, people of color, gays, Jews, and anyone from the middle 10-15 per-centers (who decide most US elections), with an IQ of say, over 65.....ran in droves to Clinton. Bill Clinton, that is. A knuckle sandwich slug-fest at a open convention between Trump and Cruz, would have the potential to be loud, shrill, classless......and a total and outright disgrace. Hillary's arms await...... As far as center establishment Republicans.....and the anti-Trump barrage......be interesting to see how many walk the talk, and do anything to stop the Donald. Need to keep in mind, that if anything, most Republicans hate Hillary, even more that Bill....
  18. I think this issue has proven more than that, namely that Trudeau is a giant hypocrite. Which should be a surprise to no one.I think that you are the last person on these board to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite. .. due to you calling everyone out for disrespecting harper and making a huge stink about respecting the PM and his office, yet all I see in your post is shiny-pony this sunny family that, entitled brat this. Your **** is old, get new material and try to contribute in a respectful and meaningful way. You have good, legit arguments- but your delivery is dreadful- like a poorman's brian lily. I disagree with you that I am the last person on these boards to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite, being that Justin Trudeau just proved he is a giant hypocrite. Who cares who calls him out on it, he is one. You just don't have the balls to do it, because your **** is old too. This "material" is brand new. You are just mad that your boy is getting called out, finally And he should be called out, as he made a terrible decision. And you better get used to it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can crap on me with stupid comments like this, or you can knuckle down, and accept that you are now on the other side of the fence now. Attack me all you want, but its how it is now. You are playing defense, trying to defend a guy who obviously has no political acumen whatsoever. Embrace it, or shut the hell up. Funny how everyone who seems offended by the criticism Trudeau is receiving after it was learned he was paying his TWO nannies after he said he doesn't need the money to do so are singling out KBF calling him a hypocrite. He's no more of a hypocrite than all of you who are defending Trudeau as it's okay for him to say one thing & do another. What Trudeau does is okay. Whatever Harper did was evil. You go KBF, keep it up!!
  19. I think this issue has proven more than that, namely that Trudeau is a giant hypocrite. Which should be a surprise to no one.I think that you are the last person on these board to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite. .. due to you calling everyone out for disrespecting harper and making a huge stink about respecting the PM and his office, yet all I see in your post is shiny-pony this sunny family that, entitled brat this. Your **** is old, get new material and try to contribute in a respectful and meaningful way. You have good, legit arguments- but your delivery is dreadful- like a poorman's brian lily. I disagree with you that I am the last person on these boards to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite, being that Justin Trudeau just proved he is a giant hypocrite. Who cares who calls him out on it, he is one. You just don't have the balls to do it, because your **** is old too. This "material" is brand new. You are just mad that your boy is getting called out, finally And he should be called out, as he made a terrible decision. And you better get used to it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can crap on me with stupid comments like this, or you can knuckle down, and accept that you are now on the other side of the fence now. Attack me all you want, but its how it is now. You are playing defense, trying to defend a guy who obviously has no political acumen whatsoever. Embrace it, or shut the hell up. Somebody's cranky. I intend to fully embrace watching you & TUP get bent out of shape over every minor issue that pops up for the new government. I hope their kids get a puppy so they can hire a 3rd nanny to watch it too. Sort of proving the point. If you actually get some sort of pleasure at watching people discuss negative issues pertaining to someone you support and perceive that as being "bent out of shape", then its more a commentary on you and the people KBF was referring to. I suppose this could be considered a non-issue. But you'd have to stop telling us message board people and start telling pretty much ALL the media in the nation who have been covering it. Are they bent out of shape too?
  20. I think this issue has proven more than that, namely that Trudeau is a giant hypocrite. Which should be a surprise to no one.I think that you are the last person on these board to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite. .. due to you calling everyone out for disrespecting harper and making a huge stink about respecting the PM and his office, yet all I see in your post is shiny-pony this sunny family that, entitled brat this. Your **** is old, get new material and try to contribute in a respectful and meaningful way. You have good, legit arguments- but your delivery is dreadful- like a poorman's brian lily. I disagree with you that I am the last person on these boards to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite, being that Justin Trudeau just proved he is a giant hypocrite. Who cares who calls him out on it, he is one. You just don't have the balls to do it, because your **** is old too. This "material" is brand new. You are just mad that your boy is getting called out, finally And he should be called out, as he made a terrible decision. And you better get used to it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can crap on me with stupid comments like this, or you can knuckle down, and accept that you are now on the other side of the fence now. Attack me all you want, but its how it is now. You are playing defense, trying to defend a guy who obviously has no political acumen whatsoever. Embrace it, or shut the hell up. Somebody's cranky. I intend to fully embrace watching you & TUP get bent out of shape over every minor issue that pops up for the new government. I hope their kids get a puppy so they can hire a 3rd nanny to watch it too.
  21. I think this issue has proven more than that, namely that Trudeau is a giant hypocrite. Which should be a surprise to no one.I think that you are the last person on these board to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite. .. due to you calling everyone out for disrespecting harper and making a huge stink about respecting the PM and his office, yet all I see in your post is shiny-pony this sunny family that, entitled brat this. Your **** is old, get new material and try to contribute in a respectful and meaningful way. You have good, legit arguments- but your delivery is dreadful- like a poorman's brian lily. I disagree with you that I am the last person on these boards to be calling anyone out for being a hypocrite, being that Justin Trudeau just proved he is a giant hypocrite. Who cares who calls him out on it, he is one. You just don't have the balls to do it, because your **** is old too. This "material" is brand new. You are just mad that your boy is getting called out, finally And he should be called out, as he made a terrible decision. And you better get used to it. This is just the tip of the iceberg. You can crap on me with stupid comments like this, or you can knuckle down, and accept that you are now on the other side of the fence now. Attack me all you want, but its how it is now. You are playing defense, trying to defend a guy who obviously has no political acumen whatsoever. Embrace it, or shut the hell up.
  22. Funny excerpt from the interview. ” At a home game I got the tip of my finger cut off. I’m looking down at my hand thinking, “Son of a gun, blood blister,” and I see a piece of white bone sticking out here (Walby motions to the third knuckle of his left index finger). And every time my heart pumps, the blood’s shooting out. I head to the sideline and you gotta love (former Bomber head coach) Cal (Murphy), he didn’t like anyone leaving games. He looks at me and says, “Oh, I guess you can’t play now.” And I go, “Well, uh, I don’t think so. I got a bone sticking out of my hand.” Cal goes, “Well, take your shoulder pads off and go wait outside,” and I think, “Oh, good, there’s probably an ambulance coming.” No word of a lie, they called a cab. A damn taxi. The driver comes out and says, “You’re not going in my cab like that. You’re bleeding all over the place.” So the cab driver runs into the stadium and the next thing I know I’m sitting on a stack of newspapers on my way to the hospital. A surgeon comes to see me says, “We’re going to chop it off at the knuckle and you’ll be back in a week.” And for once in my life I stood up for myself. I said, “No. You’re not cutting that knuckle off.” I had just a little bit of cuticle left. They ended up calling a surgeon out of a theatre to fix my finger. And that took me two weeks. That’s how long I got off for that one: two weeks. They put a cast on my hand and I played.
  23. Awful play by Kane but the fact that Stoner can bare knuckle pummel Kane while Vatanen holds him down and only get two minutes is bullshit
  24. McKinnon and Thompson for sure. I'm not 100% sold on the other two though. "What's up with that" was good stuff. This year is Thompson's last. I disagree. Keenan's still living off his knuckle puck role in the Mighty Ducks movies
  25. Man what a waste of 5 mins.. I might email them and demand that time back.. Marvel solidified himself as.#2? Ripping the city and province under the guise of "angry bomber fans" This is why I hate the interwebs.. Any moron with a computer can write such piles of manure and post it.. Then some dimwit reads it and shares it with some other knuckle draggers.. #stopinternetstupidity
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