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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. While it's great to see the Riders lose, I keep just remember the 7-1, 1-7 billboard season.  I'm not going to get excited about anything until after the Banjo Bowl, let alone 3 measly games.

    The Bombers seem to regularly start out well, only to steadily decline all season long. And we also regularly see other teams start out terribly only to completely turn their season around. See the BC Lions when they beat us in the last Grey Cup we were in.

  2. Can't remember who said it on tsn. Miller or Matty D but apparently an Alouettes player was diagnosed with a concussion last week and still played last night. Willy wasn't diagnosed with a concussion and played last night yet all the talk all week was about willy and not the als player who actually did have a concussion. Kind of interesting how things work like that. Is it cuz QB vs non QB? If so that's an odd way of looking at things


    Not to mention the fact that the games were 8 days apart.  I always thought a week off after any concussion symptoms have stopped is kind of standard.

  3. World-renowned concussion expert says Bombers on thin ice with decision to bring Drew Willy back quickly from head injury



    World renowned pessimist manages to criticize and declare doom on the only good news Bomber fans have gotten this week. Read more at winnipegsun.com...




    Frankly I dont think marriage has much to do with religion anymore anyways.

    Well it does for religious people.

    And for those that arent religious, why should they be held to the standard of the religious? Is a marriage between two non-religious people any less of a commitment?

    Someone asked what the big deal was outside of the ceremonial nature of marriage. There are matters of benefits, death benefits, decision-making etc. Things of that nature.

    Franky I think those matters are the big deal. I also don't know why one religion would pretend to have a monopoly on the concept/term since it's been around forever under many different civilizations.


    Although never between two men or two women, to be fair.

  5. Of course coaches make mistakes all the time.  But the point someone made above is valid about them basing their decisions on hours watching tape of games and practices, and actually knowing what the plays were vs. us just watching a few plays in the game.  If anyone here ends up being right about a player and the coaching staff is wrong, I would chalk that up to pure luck more than anything.


    And the Bombers haven't cut Marve - they obviously don't think he's terrible and they do want him on the team. So it's not exactly a cut and dried either/or thing here.

  6. Stanley Bryant looked like he was playing his first CFL game.  Only a couple sacks, but Willy took about 4 full throttle shots.  Lots of miscommunication on the left side of that offensive line.  That's my biggest concern headed into the season.  


    Punt returns look like they are going to be an adventure to start the season.  


    Rule changes having little effect beyond the convert, which is still stupid IMO.  Once a few teams lose games on PAT's, the conversation around that rules committee table will change.  The punt change is meaningless because other than the snapper the rest of the guys on the line have always stayed in until the ball is gone.  Teams are adding extra guys on the outside of the 5 who have to stay to counteract.  The no contact beyond 5 yards on pass plays is not being enforced anywhere near the way it was touted.


    Couldn't agree more. How ridiculous is it going to be when the biggest story of a lot of games is how the kicker did on converts?


    My thoughts on the game: Punt coverage was excellent by the special teams. Kickoff coverage, not so much. Robert Marve sure is exciting to watch. I have no idea if he would be an effective quarterback, but his couple drives in garbage time 2 years in a row have been thrilling.


    Tburgess my new favorite troll


    We should have an honorary Tburg day here, where we all pick something that is completely absolutely 100% totally irrelevant without any bearing on anything and possibly bordering on unicorns in it's imaginary nature, and complain about it.


    I was so happy a game had finally been played, so now he can complain about a real thing, like a hand-off out of shotgun on second and ten, but no.  This.  It's so abstract it's like Picasso and Dali had a baby who grew up claiming to be a Bomber fan.



    Let me try...  I think the fact that they changed the name of Investor's Group Field to just "Winnipeg Stadium" for the duration of the Women's World Cup shows WEAK leadership.  If Wade Miller was any kind of a leader he would have defended his major sponsor and stood up to FIFA.  I think we have a major problem in the management of the team, and this is just the start of a slippery slope where major soccer federations continually marginalize the team until they have to relocate to Moncton.

  8. Where did this "NFL aspirations" thing come from anyways?  What player in the CFL DOESN'T have NFL aspirations? I'd be worried if he didn't.  And the idea that you'd cut your backup or 3rd string QB because you're afraid you'll lose him to the NFL anyways.... that makes no sense to me on multiple levels.


    Who was the last QB to leave the CFL for the NFL? Casey Printers?  I don't think we are anywhere near needing to worry about Marve. If he is in a position to bolt to the NFL after this season that will mean that Willy got injured and Marve led us to a wildly successful season. I'll take that.





    Bob Irving @BobIrvingCJOB

    Sam hurl having another good day in bomber camp after receiving ringing endorsement from coach O'Shea


    I sure hope we're paying him what he's worth.



    If O'shea thought he is good, then I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.


    I just hope he's not looking at it blindly, just like how he saw Ejiro Kuale at last year's TC.


    Has anyone heard the description, "S/he wouldn't say **** if her/his mouth was full of it"? For me, that was the most annoying thing last season- that there were really, really inept players (and at least one coach) on the team, and everyone was pretending that all was sweetness and light. I know about the code of silence and all that, but there ought to have been someone who called bullpoop and at least at the end of the season named names and swung the axe.



    Wellllll, neither Etcheverry or Kuale are on the team anymore. Or did you want someone to literally kill them with an axe? Because then our GM would be in jail.

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