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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. I've been as close to a Grigsby supporter as you'll get, but I was pretty unimpressed that he was tweeting at all DURING the game. Let alone the passive aggressive shots that looked like a teenaged girls' facebook status.

    Are there any football players left that know how to act like a professional?



    I actually am curious if anyone can think of a single example where this has happened in all of professional sports.


    You can't be serious.... this happens all the time.  Just look at last season with the Jets.  3 games to go, they didn't start Montoya or Pavelec did they?  They went with Hutchinson the last 3 starts to see what he had.  Bombers are in the same boat.... evaluate in an actual game situation, not in garbage time in the preseason if you truly want to see what you've got!



    I'm not buying that example at all.  The last 3 games of an 82 game NHL season is like the 4th quarter of the 18th CFL regular season game.  Plus Hutchinson got his first start because of injury and played great, and kept on playing great so they kept him in. Pavelec had been stinking out the joint to end the season as well.  Try again please!


    Willy is still 2nd in the league in passing. If Pavelec is 2nd in the league in save percentage and in the running for some minor awards with 13 games to go and the Jets out of the playoffs, I guarantee you they don't start Hutchinson or Hellebyuck 10 times.

  3. Well if he's injured, yes sit him. We're obviously not fighting for a playoff spot.


    But there's a reason that you never see teams bench their best, young, starting QB just because the team isn't very good.  How do you think that would go over in the lockerroom? How would that go over with Willy??


    I actually am curious if anyone can think of a single example where this has happened in all of professional sports.

  4. I believe Marve didn't play because Brohm is the backup.


    I never understand the clamor to take your starting QBs out of the game as soon as you see the first hint of a blowout.  Even the TSN guys yesterday were talking about taking out Reilly in the 3rd quarter already.

    Seriously, every game of this losing streak my Twitter timeline is just peppered with all the Winnipeg media talking about how O'shea needs to pull Willy (haha) ASAP because "he's the future" and you have to protect him. This is happening in the 2nd quarter already for crying out loud. It's like giving a kid an awesome new toy, and then not letting him take it out of the packaging to play with it because you don't want it to lose it's future value.


    And don't get me started on the idea of giving all three QBs playing time as if it's preseason.  When teams are bad enough to do that usually the "extended preseason" tryouts end up being pointless because most of the players and/or coaches involved are gone in the offseason anyways.

  5. It is sure hard to feel bad for Kuale getting unfair penalties when the most notable thing I've seen him do in a Bomber game is the heinous cheap shot that pretty much killed the old, good Buck Pierce.  And I still remember how he and Barker continued to claim that it wasn't a dirty play.


  6. I had very low expectations for this season so I could enjoy the games even if they lost almost all of them again as long as they were at least trying. Then they went and got my hopes up with the 5-1 start just to disappoint me all over again.

    It's not the hopeless disappointment as last year, but it's still hard to maintain interest as they lose game after game and slowly become decimated with injuries with no decent replacements (wild, stoudemire, Moore).



    There will be no trade for Burris, it's just Madani stirring the pot & being a mouthpiece for Desjardins. And like I stated for the past 2 weeks....

    @robvanstone: The word from Durant and the Roughriders' medical people is that there's an excellent chance of #4 returning at some point in 2014.

    It's funny that you accuse Madani of being a franchises media mouthpiece and then quote Rob Vanstone of all people as your source for Durants health.
    Vanstone provided his source, Durant & the team.


    Didn't you just say Madani is a "mouthpiece" for Desjardins, implying that was his source???



    Buggered his foot... Maybe turf toe or something.

    Crap.... (Shaking my head)...

    Moore has a high ankle sprain. Turf toe was his previous unjury that he already returned from.



    I'm not a doctor, but aren't those both injuries that tend to linger for a whole season?  Too bad, but lots of players have the odd season plagued by a couple injuries. I'm expecting that's what this is, and am not on board with everyone declaring him the "new Buck Pierce".  Seems we do that a lot here.  To me, only Cory Watson has reached that level of fragility on the team so far.


    And I fully expect Willy to play next weekend at this point.


    The hate the media in this city has for the Bombers is bordering on obsessive.

    I agree the media there sure gets after the team. But I will say as a Rider fan I wish our media asked some friggin questions sometimes that the fans really would like to know the answers to.  O'Shea had a tough post game presser after the labor day game, thought he handled it fairly well. Its a fine line sometimes between the media being too tough and being pom pom wavers.





    /lights hair on fire


    But I agree, a nice balance between pompom wavers and team hitmen would be nice. Welcome here.

  10. Do we really need to be attacking the Rider fans in every single thread? Quite honestly that's more annoying than the presence of the few Rider fans we have here.


    a) Yes.  B) If you really feel that way, then maybe YOU are a Rider fan! Burn him at the stake!


    edit: why can't you put a letter 'b' with a ) beside it on message boards? Do people not like to organize their thoughts this way?

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