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max power

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Posts posted by max power

  1. "was a stand up teammate and always did what I was asked."


    Funny, that's basically what Grigsby said.  But I think they're missing a key part - as soon as things didn't go 100% their way (in Banks' case, this happened very early) they totally quit and did not do what was asked.


    Anyone can be a great teammate and do what's asked of them as long as they're only asking you to do exactly what you want. You don't get any credit for that. These guys are clueless. Even if Etcheverry is a total prick, Banks made himself look even worse.





    It's just my opinion based on his actions and the things that he says.



    can you mention some of his actions, and some of the things he said that you base your opinion on?



    Don't you think we've gone off-topic enough, that we don't need to go down this route?  :)  If you're really interested you can google it and easily see where I'm coming from, whether you agree or not. I'm not interested in getting into this here, but I also didn't want to let a big post touting a report from his office stand as factual and unbiased without pointing out that there's plenty of people that don't see it that way.

  3. I feel like I missed something. Wasn't the Grey Cup only 5 days ago? There's a long offseason ahead of us.


    I assume it would be a bad move for the team to announce what (if any) coaches they were going after before they'd even fired the old guys. What if they don't hire anyone new?


    I can't help but notice the announcements of contract extensions to players that we've been getting quite regulary. And there was a press conference today about the Grey Cup festival.

  4. hmm, that's kind of homophobic...

    And this is why politically correctedness is out of control..

    It really wasn't homophobic in anyway shape or form.. But if someone can misconstrue it to be homophobic then darn tootin' it will be labelled as such..

    It was supposed to be a joke. Unless I'm misunderstanding them, there are certain "pro-gay" posters who like to not-so-subtly just flat out call others ignorant and other insults. It was directed to them.

  5. Sorry, watched that video -- Sam did not say anything out of line. He WAS the SEC d-player of the year. Facts a fact. 


    Those TMZ guys were just on him too. Total no-win situation for him there. 


    Head north Sam!


    Sam was a middling NFL prospect long before he publicly came out. Even with the great season he had in the SEC.  There's lots of undersized players with prestigious NCAA awards in the CFL too. And lots that even fail up here.






    Black people, or Natives for that matter, can't really be "racist" -- racism requires a system where the oppressive group is in a position of greater power or privilege.

    No this is flat out 100% wrong. Racism has nothing to do with oppression. Any kind of ism has nothing to do with oppression. 



    Your opinion, and you're welcome to it, but its wrong.


    You'e confusing racism with being ignorant.



    Racism is about power. Its about controlling who access resources, and deciding who's restricted from it. 


    No I think you are confusing racism with something else. Racism has nothing to do with power, racism has to do with holding ignorant opinions about specific races.  There's another post in this thread that defines it, you should read the definition and adjust your thinking on the matter because you have an incorrect opinion on what racism is. 



    And there are dozens of books written by experts and scholars on the field who completely disagree with you. 


    Rather than tell me that I "should" read a post on a football forum and "adjust my thinking", perhaps you "should" go to a book store or library.





    You're both right OK? This is getting painful. There's normal definition there, and then also one for bleeding heart liberals with white guilt that has probably been added in the last decade or so.

  7. I don't actually understand the extreme reaction from Ticats fans (and Arash Madani).  You could clearly see the flag flying right at the beginning of the play. Anyone who watched any CFL games ever surely knew there was a 95% chance at least that run was coming back before he even came close to breaking free.



    A part of me dies every time I see a young, smart, black or native dude whine about affirmative action. Are you that much of a fricken loser that you need EVERYTHING equal before you step to the plate?




    Doesn't that make just as much sense as what you said?



    Yes, because for the last 200-400 years it's been the blacks and natives in positions of social, economic, and political power. *


    *And yes, that was dripping in sarcasm. 


    OK, but it's not 200 years ago now. How equal is equal enough before you will start calling minorities "fricken losers" like you just did towards white people?


    Also, why are we talking about this here?

  9. Kind of surprised to see so many people say they felt bad for the guy.  I remember people absolutely hated him. Obviously not here, as this website did not exist.  But I felt like I was shouting into the wind when I would point out that he had actually looked good at the beginning of the season before his shoulder injury that he'd tried to play through.  After that it didn't look like he could hardly throw at all.

  10. Yes, Grigsby is a real heartwarming story like I've said before.  Always nice to see a guy throw his teammates under the bus, then quit on them, lie about it on his way out of town, and then land on his feet with a starting job and a trip to the Grey Cup (and the $$ that goes with it).


    I hope once we're good and can get away with it we wait the extra day to cut him so he can't play anywhere else. Like Montreal did with Troy Smith.

  11. I feel like i used to see lots of Westwood and Cameron jerseys at games back in the day. Maybe it's my imagination.


    I think I would only ever get a retired players jersey, or someone who has been with the team long enough that if he quit the next day I'd still be able to wear it with pride.  I got a Stegall jersey in his last year or two. A Doug Brown jersey would have been a safe pick for his last few seasons, Charles Roberts, etc.


    I can't really think of anyone on the team now that has that sort of potential other than Willy. And that name will always be timeless even if he did flame out next year.

  12. If there were ever going to be a CFL Pro Bowl, this would be one way to actually have it be interesting.  And of course the biggest problem would be the Canadians wouldn't have a QB.  And if we ever get a decent Canadian QB in the CFL he would have to play in the game every year.


    Also, the Americans wouldn't have a big selection of kickers to pick from, but I doubt anyone would care much about that.

  13. Hey, I thought he was a decent player, and quite good as a receiving running back. I defended him on here plenty.


    Then he gets demoted, quits on the team, and insults all our intelligence with his ridiculous twitter comments about how he never quits - as he is literally quitting. Then he turns around and can sign with a team that will be hosting a playoff game. Pretty hard to be supportive of the guy after that.

  14. I know everyone loves to hate Jay Cutler, but how in the world is it on him that they've allowed over 50 points in two straight games??


    Cutler is an average to slightly above average quarterback, and if you look at other salaries in the league he actually makes about what he should, believe it or not.  Their defense has been historically bad for two years now.

  15. Jury still out on Grigsby here but , in his defense, he played great on Sat. and was a difference maker.


    Great to hear. Always nice when a loser who quits on his team comes out ahead while the Bombers miss the playoffs yet again. And hey, the other teams even get a head start on our free agents too!


    Can someone explain why the Bombers wouldn't just wait an extra day before releasing him like the Als did to Troy Smith? So tired of us getting trampled on every single year. At least Korey Banks is still out of the year. Although now we'll probably see him sign somewhere just in time to win a Grey Cup and get a nice playoff check.

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