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Posts posted by Booch

  1. 53 minutes ago, Mike said:

    I have to say I’m honestly surprised at the “keep Heath” camp ... I thought he was pretty bad last year. Lots of interceptions, but I’d love to see how many explosion plays he gave up because it seemed like he got torched regularly. Could be wrong though.

    Yeah I would also like a more physical guy in that position....I don't think losing him is a big deal..we can do better and more cap friendly.

  2. Yeah having a national there could be the option..we have the bodies to try it and depth behind them.

    Jones I am sure could handle it and not hurt us..and Branning is going to be good..alreDy has the talent..just needs the experience and the dark horse is Conteh..once he gets his bearings he may be a long term answer there.. .he could be one of those intimidating hitters...a milder version of Bovell/Bennie Thompson....2 of my fav former d-backs outside of Stick

  3. Fogg is probably looked at as the DI..handle punt returns...come in as the nickle...in game depth...as he can fill in for half back and Sam..until someone else takes any of those roles away from him. 

    He is familiar with the team..systems..culture and who's to say he won't improve in a re-jigged defensive scheme..these are the types of signings a deep team needs and you can't discount continuity and familiarity.

    If it turns out someone beats him out...well then we are a better squad but until then we could have way worse options 

  4. interesting that Jones in Riderland has come out and said that they are right at the cap now....and free agency hasn't even started.

    Plus they have 2 starters on their o-line unsigned...not Canadian depth on defence..especially on the d-line...and some other key pieces to their team that would hurt them to lose....so not sure how or if they can sign any big names..let alone some of their own guys from last year...there gonna have to be some purging there...or a very weak depth issue there and marginal Canadians...will be interesting for sure


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