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Posts posted by voodoochylde

  1. Offence needs to go out and execute.  

    They haven’t been sharp (outside of the 4th quarter last week when we were running max protect) the last couple of weeks. Whether it’s been protection or play calling, Collaros has been just a little off - throws are a bit behind or a bit beyond receivers - and he’s taking more shots than normal. They haven’t looked “good” .. certainly not playing up to their billing.


  2. 10 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    I’m not saying he is destined to be a legend. I’ve seen him make throws that I doubt  Prokup could make with zero defenders on the field. 

    “He was playing backups”. Right, and he had never played a down of any CFL ball. The throw he made in Edmonton would be Prukop’s lifetime achievement. 

    Do I get the logic? Sure. 

    Doesn’t mean I’m indifferent to seeing Pigrome leave because he had a tough game being a glorified RB. 

    And that may be his problem .. all he might be is a glorified RB. 

    So all things being equal .. do you take the guy who has proven he can move the chains, pick up a first down and score on a goalline plunge or do you put your chips in with the guy who was stuffed .. repeatedly .. then never saw the field again because the coaches didn't have faith in him? 

    I'm not losing sleep over Pigrome not being here because frankly, if we are ever starting our third string quarterback things have gone off the rails in a BIG way and I'd rather give whatever meaningful game reps that are "left over" from Collaros to the next guy in line, Dru Brown.

  3. BC might be a better team (or at least a more balanced / even keeled team) this year WITHOUT Rourke than with him.

    Let me explain - last year they were certainly explosive, were able to put up gaudy numbers and (if I'm being objective) were probably the most potent passing offence in the CFL up until Rourke went down.  With that said, Rourke was still a rookie.  He had his ups and downs.  Confidence (especially against us) was fickle and he was prone to making those rookie mistakes, the ones a seasoned quarterback wouldn't make.  Adams on the other hand has been around the block.  He's seen a lot.  Worked through a lot and while he's not a world beater, he has a very solid team around him.  He won't lose games or make the same mistakes a rookie might.  You won't get the highs but you won't get the lows either.  I genuinely think we are going to be hard pressed to keep pace with the Lions this year.

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