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Rod Black

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Posts posted by Rod Black

  1. 1 hour ago, WinnipegGordo said:

    The Bombers have done well at the draft under Walters but it's interesting to note that the team has the second lowest amount of draft picks from the last 6 years still on the team.


    Real cool stat. Maybe someone can explain the correlation between retained draft picks and wins, if any? 

  2. 1 hour ago, Stickem said:

    Pretty good record especially considering the years previous, when we wandering around in the wilderness and didnt know a player with talent, from a rock in the desert.....Which brings me to a couple of days from now, and I know Kyle and Mike O have some talented pics all ready for the future, and maybe one that will start right away...Just think back to the days of sleepy Joe and his ineptness, and you just know we're in superior hands

    Wonder how many seasons tickets were sold when Sleepy Joe announced that he drafted Jade Etienne? 

  3. 25 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    You aren't going to get a great return on any players because the Jets aren't dealing from a position of strength. MAYBE Helle gets you something but when every team knows you have problems, they're gonna bend you over a barrel... 

    Be prepared for underwhelming returns or guys just walking into UFA.... 

    yes. Absolutely. Maybe what little the team gets is all the players are worth. Everything about this team is mediocre, including chevy’s uninspiring presser. I’ll say it was awful. 

    Mark Scheifele 62nd in NHL scoring with 68 points. Christ even Martin Necas has more points than 55. And WHO TF is Martin Necas? 

  4. 8 minutes ago, Piggy 1 said:

    Watched about 10 minutes of his presser ,got so pissed off I shut it off. He's delusional if he thinks this team doesn't need changes.

    No kidding. He was somewhat guarded, like he doesn’t know what to do. Relying on previous years successes way too often, which does give the impression he didnt think change was needed. Remarkably, he was happy they made the playoffs, even if they just slide in as the last team to enter the post season, made no mention they were the first team out of the playoffs. He was definitely proud they participated and I thought, “low bar Chevy”. The presser was NOT encouraging to any degree. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    No player on this club right now should feel comfortable about the future with this team....Rick couldn't say that but I get the feeling that's what Bowness was really saying after we exited the season so badly.....I look for big changes in the offseason....it's inevitable now and long overdue....Sometimes it takes real gumption and balls to really tell it like it is....Time to separate the wheat from the chaffe on this club TrueNorth....long overdue


    It might be a challenge to Chippy or Chevy that it’s “me or them”. Now the fans know that the coach knows there are underachievers. The coach has made it clear to Management that there are players that aren’t performing. The most valued is imo is 37. I’m ok with 80 leaving, but want a great return.  55 has shown he’s not a leader and is selfish. I’d guess some value is there because of point production. No one will take 26 - reputation as a cancer - could have been traded in 2019 but chipper said no.

  6. “I thought we accomplished what we wanted when we started the year…” Yikes! 

    Winnipeg is 25th of 32 teams since 2012 in terms of playoff games won. He’s ok with that.

    Relying on 2018 Went to conference finals, beat Edmonton in 4 straight. Sounds like Dave Ritchies “check my record”.

    Respecting Bones comments on pride and pushback, said there was pushback earlier and that the players are proud. That’s a different assessment than the coach. Minute 40 ish. 

    is there change that is required? “We’re gonna look at all those things”. Yikes. 

    that’s a 12 year GM giving his assessment. Looks like they won’t sell many new season tickets, forcing the team to move to Houston, eventually. Net capital gain by Chippy and company of 600-700 million dollars.


  7. 34 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    well, sheifele recently said , publicly, he didnt agree with the coach on strategy.

    lol, how does that pass for ok?  In the midst of a scramble for post season. 

    Was wheeler complaining about that?





    I wonder if wheeler liked that public comment from his bud. 

    wheeler being roasted on the twitters…


  8. 49 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    There's been rumblings for what 4-5 years about our locker room being toxic and having major issues. Doesn't this reaction just confirm that?

    Lots of fans agree with you. Stastny said it, Kevin Hayes said it. Like the locker room Chipman’s arrogant letter to season tickets holders, the threat, is absurd. That stuff can’t be overlooked. Bowness bringing the players down a peg is a step to improve the team. Chipman should be able to handle it. Failing to recognize the “outing” of the poor play, back from January February, is hiding from the problems. Do fans want the poor effort to continue? Seems some do. Does the organization expect to sell tickets with a less than champion effort? Not addressing the lack of effort is like enabling alcoholics. Bowness did a good thing. A needed intervention. Ripping a band aid is worse than what he revealed. 

  9. Clearly, and it’s quoted, Bowness doesn’t regret what he said other than the disgusted part. Yet he said it and hockey people continue to say he spoke the truth. He also says the message is clear, he’ll never accept that kind of effort in a game like that. Have they even had the exit interviews yet? Is that the “sessions” that you referred to? Sounds like the dissenting players have been caught. That’s the Jet player problem, they can’t handle the truth.

  10. 19 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Bowness wasn't going to speak today, but after virtually every player complained about him during their sessions, the team is making him available to the media so he can answer to it. 

    PLD one of the few who said he didn't mind, but nearly all the rest were quite upset that he didn't keep it in house. 

    Curious what Bowness has to say... 

    Do you have a link you can provide with the complaints from their “sessions”. Upset millionaires aren’t the end of the team.

  11. 20 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Every player they talked to today was upset with Bowness, not just Wheeler. Interesting times... 

    Nope. Ehlers had no problem, he just wants to play hockey, no guilty conscience from him. 37 isnt bitching about the coaches comments. Every player “quoted” is more like it. 55, 44 haven’t been quoted. 

    and from someone who should know what he’s talking about…

    Oh my, another player not bitching at the coach. 


  12. Meanwhile in Fort Lauderdale, Paul Maurice coached Panthers are headed to game 7 against the top performing team in the league. 

    11 minutes ago, bb1 said:

    I have to agree with Wheeler on this one. Just frustration on Bowness part, does it make a difference? Does Chipman can Bowness keep Chevy? History says yes. What a mess. 

    Don’t think for a second that Bowness didn’t know what he was doing. 

    Now, how is it possible for the players to belly ache that they don’t know they are viewed as a problem? The coaches comments make it publicly clear what he thinks and what tons of fans think of them. 

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