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Rod Black

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Posts posted by Rod Black

  1. 38 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    as the Leafs crash and burn, it seems familiar to me.

    last October:


    "If you ever wondered why the Maple Leafs haven’t advanced past the first round of the playoffs since 2004, the answer may lie in this week’s insanity in Hogtown, where head coach Sheldon Keefe apologized for hurting his players’ feelings. 

    After the Leafs lost to the Canadiens in the season opener, Keefe called the performance “unacceptable” 

    Our best people have not found their rhythm,” Keefe said in his post-game comments. “The difference between us and Arizona is that we have elite players. Our elite players didn’t play like elite players today and couldn’t make a difference.”

    Mitch Marner, said: “We understand, we’re grown men.” 

    But Marner was upset enough that he asked for a sit-down with Keefe. 

    “I talked to him today,” said Marner. “He explained what he meant to say and how it came out, and everything like that. We’ll leave it at that. … We have closed doors here for a reason.”  😂

    And Auston Matthews, another one of the pampered, well-paid elite players, blamed the storm on — who else? — the media."

    "The bottom line is that  Keefe showed who was running the asylum when he offered what seemed to be an apology. 

    “I used some of the wrong words to try and describe what I was trying to,” he said. "

    Need to take these players off their pedestals.

    And it’s not just the leaves. 

  2. 2 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    In the CFL 2 yards in should be a gimme.  You can load up the box or you run you're entire offense with a 20 yard endzone to work with.  If you have 3-4 half decent RPO plays with a QB who can boot for 2 yards you're looking at a huge defensive play needed to stop it.

    Say you score 3 TD's in a game and you convert 2 2PAT's...you've got 22 points.  If you make all single PATs, you've got 21.  Most kickers since they moved the PATs back are between 80-85% so going 2/3 on 2PAT's is more points in many games and for sure over a whole season.

    Especially if it's windy or otherwise tough conditions I'd be going for 2 every time.  I don't really see the odds and variables involved (snap, hold, kick) of making the 1 pointer as any easier than getting to the goal-line from the 2.

    Innerestin theory. Has any team tried that? 

  3. TB4E. The stats you referenced on 80 mark important considerations.

    37 is a big piece, and to keep him is ex-pen-sive and possible. Might have to pay. Has 55 ever had a first line all star year? He’s selfish. and fans maybe tired of this group. 
    26, May have bought groceries for a family, but so have I and I didn’t tweet it. charity runs deep in this town. His decade of leadership is best exemplified by 2018 and sweeping the oilers. It takes more repeated success to be held in as high esteem as he seems to hold in himself. 
    to examine group dynamics, those that provided verbal support of 26 insubordinate comments were followers. They could very well change while thinking about their futures sitting in boat, fishing in a lake over the break. Let’s face it, if they are here, what are the chances they have no trade clauses to some other, surprisingly less desirable location. Listing the  other camps would create a debate I don’t want trigger, but there’s some nasty spots not only economically and geographically but team organizations that are more or just as pathetic as some view this place. After all, Chevy alludes to what he considers as a fact that this place better than 16 other spots. Bottom line -Followers fall in line. 
    chevy could and should have addressed the urgent requirement to resolve large contract issues. Avoiding it clearly didn’t satisfy these fans. So who wants to complain about about transparency now that Chevy said nothing? Wheeler? 
    anywho, kudos for taking the time for comments. I know there were a couple points that struck me as new. 

  4. As much as it might be an appropriate step to replace Cheveldayoff, I don’t think that will happen. He might have only one year left. If it happened, maybe then Bones or even Trotz could be a replacement. 
    On the theory of a rebuild, that might be a bit “extreme”. Possibly just replacing a couple of cancerous elements within the locker room straightens up salvageable players that fell into the “screw the coach” mentality. 
    rather than saying off season activities are “having meetings Monday and more meetings Tuesday” as a means of identifying the direction, it is obvious management will need to address the 37, 55, 80 and 26 contract issues. Reviewing each of their stats during the regular provides a basis and imminent contractual duration for decisions. 
    It’s not clear 80 is itching to get out, but if the rumours have truth, he might provide the most lucrative return, but I’ll place 37 as a value producing asset as well. 55 is a follower, yet highly skilled, mentally- still immature by being above the task of back checking, his ears don’t work when it comes to “get off the ice”, with maybe four years left his career as a producer. He can be a piece for a team that doesn’t rely on him as a leader. His club friendly salary is intriguing. No team wants Wheeler for his fight the coach behaviour, and if NHL coaches talk to one another - the entire league knows it. That ridiculous contract is an albatross for the teams financial line, so they would be required to go cheap for one year. Apparently they could have traded him in 2019 but that was scuttled by chipper, with the result being severe damage to the cap.

    What they can get for the four can be used to plug some of the holes. Next apply special coaching techniques/ itiatives, like has been done in the past by Detroit, with the recently drafted high potential players. That might be only two or three roster spots. Fans love watching young exciting players. Fans love watching them grow, as a team. They sell tickets and are cap friendly. After all, the Jets claim they have some tremendous prospects. No rebuild but definite move to attempt an improvement. Rather, at least give the impression of an attempt to improve, because confidence in management is at an all time low. 

  5. Kyle Connor said in his meet the press that he could have played much better and all the other players could have played better. Yet, he’s mad that the coach, and surprised, when Rick directed his anger at the group. Since he’s smallish, can’t get physical maybe and  as a follower, he should go too.

    oh yeah, “February was just a bit of a slide”. But it’s been reported by the press as a “historic” slide. 

    congrats to Paul Maurice for coaching a team that wants a cup! 

  6. 11 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    I would think every GM’s ultimate  objective is to win it all. At some point every GM has to be held accountable for not achieving that expectation. You would think.  But apparently to some it’s actually an unreasonable expectation for never ending reasons. Maybe the slogan for some NHL teams should be hey you’re lucky you have a NHL team, you’re welcome for the entertainment, make sure you don’t critique the team with your non expert I’ve never played pro hockey analysis and don’t hold any expectation we are going to win it all because we’ve been set up to fail except of course in turning a profit but if we don’t hit our profit margins because it is a business and not really a sport we will make sure we subtly tell you you are not doing your job so we may move the team if you don’t do your job.

    I think this slogan is a bit long.

    ‘Effen ‘ell mate. I think you’re onto something! 

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