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Rod Black

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Posts posted by Rod Black

  1. 34 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    It's not small,  it was the central point of your questioning. You wondered why he got suspended because suspension are discipline issues. 

    I'm suggesting you slink away to avoid further embarrassment. You want to keep trying to pretend you didn't speak incorrectly go ahead, but until you can wrap your head around why your premise is wrong  I'll keep trying to enlighten you.

    Grant was placed on the suspended list, aka suspended, yes everyone agrees with that... coach said it was a personal matter, which could be anything. You come in acting like he's done something to get suspended. That's what the issue is. 

    You’re the one characterizing my statement as “not small”. I’ve said it’s Small and therefore makes makes it not central to questioning. I’ve mentioned it’s a small issue repeatedly to ensure those that I’m responding to posters and don’t want them to think I’m attacking them. His suspension list inclusion is minimal on what I think of Grant. Great player. No way am I attacking a favourite. You’re the one elevating the issue, inflating what I’ve said as the problem.
    don’t worry about my embarrassment. No need for that. You don’t need to enlighten me, I don’t think of you in that way. 
    I have, not even once, suggested he did something to warrant suspension, but I did ask if he did something, once at the the first posting, because I didn’t know.  You can follow the posts, rather than make things up.
    I do assert, not in grants case, and what I have been subsequently discussing, that suspension in a contract implies a disciplinary response. Others say no. Which in my opinion, with reasons and citing, varies. I’m not evil or misguided. 
    I take it you’re not a moderator or admin guy. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    so.. what does linking to a UK union website definition have to do with the CFL exactly?

    You time to just slink away and accept that your definition is wrong.

    never mind the link itself even goes so far as to back up what everyone else is saying...

    A suspension is when you remain employed but are asked to not attend your place of work, or engage in any work at all (such as working from home).

    There are two main types of suspension:

    suspension for medical or health and safety reasons;

    suspension as part of a disciplinary procedure (investigation).



    Now that you’ve added comments, that is my point, even if you don’t understand the citing. Read what I initially wrote.
    You think noncompliance with medical or safety issues especially as a player will allow you to stay employed? 

  3. Just now, 17to85 said:

    so.. what does linking to a UK union website definition have to do with the CFL exactly?

    You time to just slink away and accept that your definition is wrong.

    Since your inquiring, It’s used in the context of language interpretation. Glad you read it by the way. 

    It’s clear you don’t like what I said, in the context of discussion, and now provide orders to disappear. Are you an admin or moderator?

    The magnitude of the discipline suspension issue is small, yet folks keep bringing it forward. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, Mike said:

    You can keep saying this all you want but at the end of the day, you’re wrong. Being placed on the suspended list does not automatically imply suspension i.e. discipline. ESPECIALLY in training camp.

    It’s a way to move a player to non-counting roster status without placing them on the 1 or 6 game injured list. That is it, and no amount of you babbling about “standard labour procedure” is going to change that.

    Grant was on the Suspended list, most people agree to that. We can’t disagree that the employer has an obligation to report as per the Collective agreement. Most people are glad Grant returns, no argument. 
    The problem you see is that I refered to appearing on the suspension list as being in a disciplinary process. It’s not a big deal nor game changing in this particular case. 
    Because the term “suspension list” is within the collective agreement it falls under the common use of the word used and is defined using generally accepted interpretive rules used in a labour agreement. With no specific redefinition displayed, which is possible, but not provided, it should be interpreted as a suspension in a disciplinary process. That is my justification for placing suspension with discipline. 

    it doesn’t break my heart if you don’t agree with me, because discipline is such a small and inconsequential part of the discussion. 

    https://www.unison.org.uk/get-help/knowledge/terminating-suspending-job/suspension/#:~:text=A suspension is when you,a disciplinary procedure (investigation).



  5. 38 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Suspensions happen all the time for non-disciplinary reasons. We've had numerous players over the past few years be added to the suspended list for the purposes of attending the birth of their child for instance. A suspension just means the team doesn't have to pay you for the time missed, and opens up a roster spot to replace you while not having to hide you on the IR and pay you. 

    I get he may want and the club agrees to his privacy. And suspensions, I agree, mean the player doesn’t get paid. You identified circumstances which enables the Club to report to the cflpa where they may not get paid, but need to be reported. 
    These are the categories of information reporting, active roster, injured players, retired players, suspension list, terminated and deleted from roster, six game injury, negotiation lists, travel schedules. We don’t get to see those lists. 
    in the case birth of child, it excuses the player, and I suspect is clarified to a greater extent in either the standard player agreement or individual contract. 
    “suspension” is a traditional and constant expression of use in labour agreements for a disciplinary process. Most often given as a right to the employer. 

    34 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    It could be literally anything, family related...maybe he was getting auditted by the IRS....who knows. All we know is the club felt it was a good enough reason, or may even have requested themselves for roster purposes and JG agreed.

    True. It could be a number of things that the club could agree to. yet it’s Grant, they recognize his value, and they protect themselves to discipline other players that would absent themselves for similar reasons. 

  6. 25 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Nobody ever said he got suspended. He was added to the suspended list, which basically just means “doesn’t count on the roster because he’s not here”

    Not sure where the implication he did something wrong ever came in 

    Why wouldn’t he appear on the “doesn’t count on the roster because he’s not here” list? 
    Being on a suspended list is being suspended, by definition. 
    Obviously if you’re on a suspended list, you’ve been suspended, as suspension refers to disciplinary process. It’s pretty clear in the real world.
    I get it if if management is being sophisticated in numbers or salary management, and I don’t know if they have to share anything related to the suspension.
    I was wondering if there is common knowledge to a “suspension” for performance or a contract violation, in Grants case. With no apparent performance issue, that’s fine too and it remains private. It is what it is. 

  7. 11 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    A great performance by barreling Big Blue backs. I don’t see that as being a poor rush defence, necessarily. It’s a case of the Bombers being prepared, and being superior to to the low life lions. Read And Bernard were just fabulous, tremendous, remarkable,  outstanding, phenomenal, impressive, overwhelming, enormous AND huge! When the bombers rush well its skill. When the Lumsden trounced McKinley, it was all McKinley's fault. In my opinion mind you.

  8. 37 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    I actually remember going on a roadtrip to Alberta in August of 2007 with a buddy and listening to the Ti-Cat/Bomber game on the way where Lumsden fed McKinley his lunch. Check out Lumsden's stats lol:

    2007-08-03 Game Tracker - Winnipeg Blue Bombers vs. Hamilton Tiger-Cats (1417) - CFL.ca

    If im not mistake both of his TD runs were over 50 yards lol. Oh, and check out Hamilton's leading receiver.....

    If I recall correctly, that might have been the most disgusting, repulsive, rotten, awful, detestable, ghastly, repugnant, horrific, revolting, stinky, foul, and nauseating, run stop defence of any team, any where, any time, any place.


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