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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2022-03-12 in Posts

  1. the watcher

    World Politics

    If the world can get over the " eww factor " of the word nuclear and invest heavily into thorium salt reactors most of the issues of powering our society can be overcome. They need to be a part of a more green society.
    8 points
  2. 7 points
  3. Noeller

    World Politics

    Chrystia leading the Grits and Charest (I think...I need more time to read up on his platform) leading the Tories would have me feeling a lot better about Canada as a whole.
    6 points
  4. 17to85

    World Politics

    Sorry for your tough upbringing.
    5 points
  5. JCon

    World Politics

    I'm not down with the misogyny.
    4 points
  6. bustamente

    World Politics

    You think Kim Jung Un only kill people close to him, wait till you hear stories about what Putin is about to do to save face
    3 points
  7. Noeller

    World Politics

    ehhhh... I'm not so against Trudeau. I don't necessarily think he's the smartest guy in any room he's in, but I definitely don't have the strong dislike that so many others do. I was raised that his dad is the greatest PM in Canadian history, so I went into his "reign" with a positive mindset. I think he's a good guy that wants to do the right thing, but isn't necessarily smart enough....but that's just my take.
    3 points
  8. Noeller

    World Politics

    Pinawa guy here...raised with the idea that nuclear is great. There's issues with the disposal of waste, but for the most part it's a really safe alternative. It's unfortunate that Atomic Energy Canada mostly pulled out of Manitoba in the late 90s, but "SMR's" (Small Modular Reactors) are becoming a thing now, and Pinawa has been courting a company pretty heavily over the last several years to hopefully come there and set up shop.
    2 points
  9. Mark F

    World Politics

    Biden is building a charging network. the gas powered car industry would not have thrived without the road and highway systems built and paid for by governments everywhere. Canadian governments are definitely bringing up the rear on this. also February 17, 2022 by Charles Morris "A two-year-old Michigan startup, Our Next Energy (ONE), has built a custom battery pack that recently propelled a modified Tesla Model S for 752 miles. John Voelcker, writing in Car and Driver, reports that ONE retrofitted the car with a pack that stores twice the energy of Tesla’s original, and fits in exactly the same space." https://evannex.com/blogs/news/startup-retrofits-a-tesla-model-s-with-a-750-mile-battery-pack cleantechnica has a lot of info about ev https://cleantechnica.com/2022/03/10/do-electric-cars-have-enough-range-should-tesla-increase-range-to-gas-car-levels/
    2 points
  10. Brandon

    The Environment Thread

    If anyone ever gets a chance to visit Snow Lake , I dare say it's the most scenic place in the province. It has some of the most beautiful views and some awesome trails that goes around rapids and waterfalls.
    2 points
  11. I missed this . That's awesome.
    2 points
  12. Mark H.

    World Politics

    This. The stuff that Sun media and Rebel news put up on their social media channels, is enough to numb anyone's brain. They literally have clips of JT at international events, where they video edit and narrate to make it look like no one interacts with him.
    2 points
  13. JCon

    World Politics

    I wish I was as strong as a *****. That's a pretty resilient body part attached to some of the strongest people I know. If only testicles were as strong.
    2 points
  14. I have a good memory- just not very long. My wife would say that description fits me in other ways as well.
    2 points
  15. JCon

    World Politics

    I was just being facetious to lighten things. He's quite a bit smarter than given credit. But, his time has come. Give me more Freeland!
    2 points
  16. 17to85

    World Politics

    Sadly they don't any more. They stand for social conservatism, corporate welfare and fiscal irresponsibility. Slashing taxes to starve the beast is bad policy. The closest thing we have to progressive conservatives in this country right now are the Liberals. They are pro business without the ideologically driven aspects of the current batch of conservatives. It's just too bad Trudeau is such a dope.
    2 points
  17. 1 point
  18. bustamente

    World Politics

    Okay this is to idiotic to be true would be great but it gave me a chuckle
    1 point
  19. the watcher

    World Politics

    Friggen awesome
    1 point
  20. the watcher

    World Politics

    I think the world is certainly ready for evs for passenger vehicles. Charging stations will eventually come . In my mind the biggest issue in weaning off fossil fuels Is food production and long distance transportation. That issue will eventually be hammered home to all consumers. 99% of what you buy has been in a truck. Everyone is in a panic when they fill their car ( it should be a car not unneeded SUVs and oversized pickups) but it will cost far more when transportation and food prices rocket. Canada because of our size and weather will be particularly hard hit. I believe we will rue the day our rail system was dismantled.
    1 point
  21. Noeller

    World Politics

    Is that actually a thing, or is that a Sun Media line that's been trotted out until people started believing it as fact...
    1 point
  22. 4 goals against again. I don't know why I consistently put myself thru this torture
    1 point
  23. 40 secs of futility... And not even 10 shots on goal.
    1 point
  24. iHeart

    The TV Thread

    aww boo! I don't know what's worse, the fact that we won't see Abby or that Mallory never got an episode https://tvline.com/2022/03/11/the-baby-sitters-club-cancelled-season-3-netflix/
    1 point
  25. JCon

    World Politics

    Whoa, whoa, whoa, no need for name calling. No one is a Trudeau supporter. I think we all agree he's just a tool.
    1 point
  26. WildPath


    Off topic and not what you are getting at, but this out of context bit caught my attention. Fun fact (and anyone who is more educated in science/medicine can correct me if I'm wrong) - our immune systems vary widely and have different strengths/weaknesses even if we do have "healthy" immune systems. I believe a key factor is MHC molecules (class 1 & 2) that vary in ability to recognize/spotlight various intruders. Some people have immune systems that are better at facing bacterial foes, while others are better with viruses. Even more interesting, is that we can sense the immune systems of others (through smell) and we are attracted to mates who have different immune strengths/weaknesses than ourselves, in this way our children get some hybrid advantages. Again, if anyone has a better medical/science background to either compliment/contradict this, I would love to know, but this is my reading and I have found it incredibly interesting and would point towards why some individuals are hit hard by Covid despite being otherwise completely healthy and some who are elderly and have significant risk factors can find it to be a mild cold. I will again recommend the book Immune by Phillip Dettmer for anyone interested in how the immune system functions, but does not have a thorough medical/scientific background. I probably try to slip in information from that book into conversations way more than I should. Like now.
    1 point
  27. Noeller


    This pandemic has never been about us as individuals but about society as a collective. It'll never cease to amaze me how many selfish assholes are out there thinking this is about them. This is about everyone else around us, and has been since the beginning. Nothing is over until the virus says it's over.
    1 point
  28. WildPath


    My point is to criticize what you are saying for only worrying about yourself and how the situation works out for you. Fortunately most people have some empathy to others and realize that some people are more vulnerable and do not live under the same reality. Portraying it as scared/not scared is completely missing the point.
    1 point
  29. WildPath


    As a Canadian with a good job and financial security, I care little for the suffering going on in 3rd world countries. I have clean running water and access to abundant food and health care. I'm not sure why developing countries need any financial support. I'm over it.
    1 point
  30. Wideleft


    As a person with some empathy for others, it has much less to do with personal concern than concern about people on waiting lists for health care, the immunocompromised, those with long COVID, kids under 5, teachers, nurses, doctors, home care workers etc. Being "over it" isn't going to make it go away. Being over it is just going to extend the significant challenges the world is facing.
    1 point
  31. WildPath


    Do not worry, our Health Minister is an optimist: Manitoba Health Minister Audrey Gordon said she did not envision more cases at all. "I tend to have a very positive outlook. I wake up every day that way and I walk through the day that way," she told reporters. "I'm going to continue with that optimism, not just for myself, but for all Manitobans, that we will continue to see the trend decreasing once the mask mandate is removed on the 15th."
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. HardCoreBlue

    World Politics

    This is bang on. Only thing missing is the useless democrat donkey not doing what it needs to be doing.
    1 point
  34. WildPath


    We are finally realizing Trump was the visionary and shining light that he claimed he was all along.
    1 point
  35. I wish they'd bring him back to re honor him in the season opener since the riders interrupted his induction.
    1 point
  36. Seems accurate.
    1 point
  37. Wanna-B-Fanboy


    C'mon man! If you don't do testing- the number of covid cases goes down. Get. With. The. Program.
    1 point
  38. 1 point
  39. Bud Korchak. Winnipeg born, played with St. John’s and Elmwood before joining the Bombers as a flying wing, 3 time all-star. Wanted to go with Bob McNamara, but the only picture I could find of him in a 96 jersey would not load. But he deserves a mention if for nothing else than for holding one of the more unbreakable records in football with a 6 touchdown game against BC. Alex Hall also a consideration, now best known for the trade which started our o-line re-build with Pat Neufeld.
    1 point
  40. Mark F

    Canadian Politics

    If you are thinking of voting for a Conservative, in Canada, realize that they are coming for your healthcare. they will never give up this goal. "In many ways, the long-running battle to save Medicare from privatization is a battle for the soul of Canada. And it’s a battle that’s about to heat up. On one side are a large number of Canadians, for whom Medicare stands out like a sparkling jewel — a nationwide system dedicated to the proposition that access to health care be based on need, not money. On the other side are some highly organized, right-wing groups that object in principle to collective, egalitarian solutions like Medicare. Among these well-funded groups are the Fraser Institute and the Canadian Constitutional Foundation, a fiercely anti-government organization that raises funds for court challenges to Medicare." https://rabble.ca/columnists/long-banned-in-ontario-private-hospitals-could-soon-reappear/ There are people in power, and people with money and influence, who loath our healthcare system.
    0 points
  41. Mark F

    World Politics

    Another reason to get off oil "The government of Saudi Arabia has executed 81 people—including seven Yemenis and a Syrian national—over the past 24 hours in what is believed to be the largest mass execution in the kingdom's history. Citing the country's interior ministry, the Wall Street Journalreported Saturday that most of those executed were Saudis. "We cannot show our revulsion for Putin's atrocities by rewarding those of the Crown Prince." "More than half were from the minority Shiite Muslim population," the Journal added. "The interior ministry didn't disclose how the men were killed. Executions in the past have involved beheading by sword in the kingdom, which remains among the world's top executioners despite recent efforts to curb the use of the death penalty. There are prisoners of conscience on Saudi death row, and others arrested as children or charged with non-violent crimes. We fear for every one of them following this brutal display of impunity." common dreams
    0 points
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