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Posts posted by Goldkobra

  1. 28 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I've never understood the fascination with starting new football leagues. Every one of them has failed. No league since the AFL has been successful & yet so called sane businessmen are more than willing to face financial ruin trying. After the original ABA (not the recent league) no one has tried again. No one has ever tried a third pro baseball league. No other pro hockey league other than the WHA has ever been a success. Yet, when it comes to pro football every few years we seem to go through it.

    I think because of the popularity of football versus the number of decent sized cities without pro football teams. I guess some people refuse to see how college football fills that gap. Likely,  places like Orlando Florida,  Columbus Ohio or Austin Texas could support a 2nd tier football team.  They just don't want to  

  2. 1 hour ago, 17to85 said:

    Well Calgary has been a pretty big ******* hump! It's almost like not winning the west during the esks dynasty days. 

    Me I got no problem keeping the gm and head coach who turned around a tire fire and built a team that is always competitive for a while longer. 

    But some of you with the championship or  just mentality... that's how this mess started in the first place! Ritchie can't get em over the hump fire him! Look at the cycle that took. 

    Exactly this. This 3 year cycle has gone on for so long that it's expected. I swear, some people just want it because it makes for a more interesting off season. 

  3. I don't think we need to clean house just yet. It sucks that we can't seem to get over the hump, but this is as successful and consistent this organization has been in decades.  I don't expect them to through that away. That being said,  changes need to happen.  It seems to me like we are too easy to gameplan against.  Too predictable and locked into certain tendencies in game situations.  Particularly on offence.

  4. 1 hour ago, trueBlue83 said:

    One of the Top Dogs, on a list where only 3 QBs have been the starter for those past 3 seasons.  You'd have to look at individual seasons, and bring Burris, Glenn & Ray into the picture.

    In fact, one could argue that the Bombers might have been better off with Kevin Glenn under centre last season!

    2017 GLENN, Kevin SSK 17 318 468 67.9 4038 25 14 100.0 3.0 8.6


    2018 NICHOLS, Matt WPG 14 254 392 64.8 3146 18 13 91.0 3.3 8.0

    I've always found Nichols and Glenn to be a reasonable comparison.  Both have ability but lack consistency. Both can do enough to win but never quite dominate enough to inspire unwavering confidence. 

  5. 1 hour ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    as that story clearly indicated, it's not all just about the NRA.  The Democrats don't appear very interested in the mental health issue surrounding these shootings, and just want to focus on taking away guns.  The kids in the school got mad when two Democrats showed up and started preaching gun control rather than mental health, and they got up and left the auditorium.  The kids involved in the shooting appear to have some serious mental health issues, and that part seemed to be totally ignored by the politicians who attended the vigil.

    I'm curious to know what the US  is willing to do about any kind of "mental health crisis ". They are resistant to most kinds of publically funded healthcare and won't cover the cost of a bandaid for its poorest citizens. So pointing fingers at the "real issue " is clearly just deflecting. 

  6. 15 minutes ago, pigseye said:

    No link, and nothing in all of that information to show that mass shootings have increased from the 80 & 90 decade highs. You know why, because they haven't. 

    As of today there have been 307 mass shootings in the US. Thats nearly every day. At this level, does it matter what happened in the 80's or 90's? Even if the numbers are a bit lower, does that make them at all acceptable? 


  7. On 2018-11-06 at 7:34 AM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Fill us in!  I think the news coming out of the cruise is that it was a lot more fun then many people expected.  Seems like it was an awesone time. 

    It was an awesome time. Best vacay the wife and i have ever been on. Met some very cool people. Tons of activities on board other than wrestling.  Like podcasts and standup comedians. So i didn't see every match and i was hammered for some that i did. The bullet club vs alpha club match was off the chain!! Kenny went over on one of the bucks. The high point for me was kenny hitting a double Frankensteiner on both bucks at the same time!! Lost my mind a bit on that one.

    The cruise tournament winner was flip gordon. Wasn't too familiar with him beforehand but wow! He's an awesome talent.  Both Briscoe's were in the tourney so we were treated to a brother vs brother match. That was pretty cool. 

    The  finale was the elite vs tna. Cody rhodes, the bucks, hangman page, and marty scurll. The elite came out dressed as super Mario characters. The bucks as Mario and Luigi. Cody as bowser. Hangman as yoshi and marty as wario. Also brandi rhodes as princess peach. Tna had SCU, brian cage and sami Callahan. Wrestling with guys dressed as Mario characters was something I didn't know i needed to see until I saw it.

    Funny part of the match was the teams taking turns carrying off brandi rhodes to their corner. Another high spot was a triangle choke that turned into an 9 man triangle choke chain that went up the ropes and almost out of the ring. With one of the buck trying to turn the chain over into a 9 man Boston crab. He didn't have the power to do it so kenny omega came out dressed like toad with an xbox controller and gave him power ups via the controller.  Marty/wario turned villain in the match and left his team hanging and bolted to the  back. 

    The finish was sami Callahan grabbing a mic and cutting a promo on how roh, tna, his teammates, Chris Jericho, the cruise and everyone on sucked and the only reason it sold out was because sami Callahan was on it. Resulting in a 8 man simultaneous super kick and dog pile pin. The winner of the match was everyone except sami. 

  8. On 2018-11-01 at 11:13 AM, The Unknown Poster said:

    And some interesting news coming out of the Jericho Cruise.  Really, the biggest news in wrestling is where will Kenny Omega go, and that really becomes a "where does the Bullet Club go".

    Cody Rhodes' contract is now expired so he's a free agent.  The Bucks expire at the end of the year and Kenny's expires end of January.  WWE wants them all.  ROH wants them all.  New Japan wants them all.

    On the Cruise, Cody said he "swore to God he wasnt going to WWE" but later said his wife and the other guys gave him **** for saying that.  They also announced that they were all no longer part of the Bullet Club and that they were "The Elite".  They had previously announced their Bullet Club merch was ending at the end of the year and only their individual merch and Elite merch would be sold moving forward.

    The Elite group (Kenny, Cody, Bucks, Hangman Page) have said they are very serious about wanting to stay together as a group and make a group decision on where they go next.  Hangman Page declined both WWE and ROH recently to remain a free agent while waiting for everyone's contracts to expire.

    There are rumors of a "billionaire" wanting to invest with Jericho and Jim Ross involved.

    Supposedly ROH's parent company Sinclair (which is a huge media company, owns the largest TV station group in the US and is far richer than WWE) was looking to invest more heavily in ROH but it seems that has changed as ROH's offers to guys have not been enough to secure them.

    Conflicting reports on guys being upset with New Japan management.

    And its being reported WWE has made offers to everyone including developed an initial angle for them to debut.  WWE is cognizant of tampering (as they got in trouble when offering ROH guys deals before they were free agents).  But with key guys being free already, those talks can happen (and I know one key guy who has an agent when he never did before so he can receive offers).

    It really cant be over-stated how critical all this is.  If the Elite guys do stay together, they will have an impact on the wrestling landscape in a way Im not sure we've seen since Hall & Nash jumped to WCW.  

    If they all go to WWE, you always risk WWE screwing it up but I strongly suspect that they'd have certain contractual assurances and freedoms.  Plus, its Hunter driving this bus, not Vince.  Vince calls the final shots though but I really think this would be a Hunter thing in a way it hasnt been before. 

    It would give WWE an injection of fresh blood, especially with Kenny who is the best chance to be a major game changer since Cena (and I think if done right, he can be the next cross-over mega star in the vein of Austin or Rock....not saying he'd be THAT big, just that vein of mega star).   It would drastically help House Shows which lost money for the first time in forever and especially with Roman out, Kenny as the new face is something pretty obvious (and Cody could be an upper card star and I like Page a lot too).

    If they all stay with some combination of ROH/New Japan, especially New Japan, it allows them to continue investing in a US/Global expansion that becomes a lot harder without those guys.  It likely allows them to do an All In 2 that Cody really wants to do.  It allows them to keep doing the Being The Elite steaming show (which does very well).  Word is WWE is fine with them continuing the show (and I could see it becoming a Network show actually).

    Anyone want to make predictions on what happens?  I had an interesting conversation with Kenny two weeks ago...I have never asked him point blank what his plans are because I dont want him to either have to lie to me or divulge info to me that he feels uncomfortable divulging.  But when we've discussed his future in the past, he's always been pretty frank (when the first "will he or wont" debate raged a few years ago, he emailed me to say he was staying in New Japan before anyone knew, for example).

    He told me he legitimately doesnt know what they're going to do.  I said, well let me give you my hypothesis...and he said sure.  I told him what I thought and he had a big smile and said I was "very hot" (when asked if I was cold or warm).

    I was on the Jericho cruise. I have to say, the matches were phenomenal. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, JCon said:

    The P&M discussion was done as soon as it went to a plebiscite. This city never votes for something, always against.

    Screw the people that actually use the intersection, it may add 54 secs, at peak times to someone's commute. 

    Or is that 15 minutes? 

    It wouldn't be 54 seconds though. 54 seconds when you reach that light, maybe. But when traffic is bumper to bumper all the way vack to vaughn street, it would be 54 seconds 12 times over. 

    I don't get why people want it opened up. What does it do for you or for anyone? If Winnipeg square doesn't do it for you, is crossing on the next block really so hard?

    I would be on board for a pedestrian overpass.

  10. This is what Trump and Putin are up to:
    Exxon Mobil, under Rex Tillerson, brokered a deal with Russia in 2013 to lease over 60 million acres of Russian land to pump oil out of (which is five times as much land as they lease in the US), but all that Russian oil would go through pipelines in the Ukraine, who heavily tax the proceeds, and Ukraine was applying for admission into NATO at the time.
    Putin subsequently invaded Ukraine in 2014, secured the routes to export the oil tax-free by sea, and took control of the port where their Black Sea Naval Fleet is based, by taking the Crimean peninsula from Ukraine by force. This was Hitler style imperialism that broke every international law in the free world.
    After Obama sanctioned Russia for the invasion, Exxon Mobil could only pump oil from approximately 3 of those 60+ million acres. But now that Rex Tillerson is Secretary of State,  there’s information circulating that Donald Trump will likely unilaterally remove all sanctions against Russia in the coming days or weeks.
    The Russian government’s oil company, Rosneft, will make half a trillion (500 Billion) dollars from that much untapped oil, all pumped tax-free through Crimea, stolen from Ukraine, now owned by Russia. Putin may have subverted the US government just for this deal to go through.
    19.5% or $20 Billion worth of Russian Oil shares was transferred to new owners in December. The identities of the new owners is unknown. The corporate shell is a Cayman islands registered corporate ditch designed for anonymous ownership. In the end its always about money.

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