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Posts posted by Goldkobra

  1. 5 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Sounds great @Goldkobra    How accessible were talent around the ship?   Run into Meltzer ( saw no pics of him lol).

    Aubrey looked to be having a great time.

    what was the process for attending the tv taping?  Was it just rush seating first come first serve?  

    did they offer a deal for guests on board to buy for next year?

    did you see talent around the ports?  

    Not too familiar with what meltzer actually looks like, so maybe i saw him??

    The process for the taping was rush seating.  Around the ring was all standing room only. They had barricades set up so they work on the entrance ramp. After that was done they let everyone in to find there spot. We opted for chairs on the 2nd level with a good view. We sat in them from noon till 8pm.


    Haven't heard anything yet from Sixthman, the cruise company.  We went on the first cruise and they offered us first priority to rebook  for this one. So i expect they'll do that again. 

    Most off the talent was very accessible. In the buffet line with you. Dining in the same restaurants. I stood next to scorpio sky at the buffet. DDP was at the next table from us in one of the restaurants.  The upper echelon guys, you'll see less of. There is some vip areas. But even then, they still want to socialize a bit.

  2. 9 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    Watching Dynamite the past few weeks Hangman is about to the most over thing wrestling in the next year. 

    Goldkobra how was Fozzy love all their music interested in seeing them live next through Winnipeg 

    Excellent.  They really found their stride a few years ago. They're a top notch rock band now.

  3. On 2020-01-22 at 12:23 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Jericho Cruise 3 announced for next Feb.  Cody says they will air Dynamite live (rather then taped like this year).   Speaking of which, apparently they flew two master copies of tonight's show on different airplanes just to make sure at least one made it back to HQ for post-production.

    Meltzer reports AEW likely going to introduce Six Man Tag Team Championship, maybe at next year's cruise.  

    Ive avoided spoilers and looking forward to the show tonight.  Looks awesome.  Cant wait to hear @Goldkobra review.

    Just got to my hotel in Orlando. Cruise was excellent.  Lots of fun, lot and lots of alcohol.  I think my liver has onions, now. Cruise set sail from Miami with a Fozzy concert to kick off the festivities.  Followed by un-televised aew matches. Sat front row for Talk is Jericho podcast featuring the nWo. Unfortunately,  nash and xpac both canceled.  Scott hall and Eric bischoff discussed a lot about the formation of the nWo and how it all came together. DDP and booker T were on the panel to talk about what wcw was like for the guys outside the nWo.  And Jericho as well. It should be up on spotify soon. Waters were very for this cruise.  Wives went to bed sea sick. My buddy and i proceeded to get hammered.  Rode the elevator up to the bar with scott hall. Really cool guy.

    Day 2 was the aew taping. The boat docked in the Bahamas.  We didn't get off. Wives were still sick and decided they didn't want to stand for 8hrs to secure our ringside standing spots, so we opted for second level spots with a great view and chairs. Met some great people. There were 2 24/7 titles floating around. I held both for a few minutes before losing to small children.  Gotta get a better ground game. Also went to Talk is Jericho Featuring jake the snake. Really interesting.  The man is very open about past indiscretions and doesn't hold back. He's an excellent storyteller and i recommend listening to that podcast. 

    Day 3 we checked out Light the Torch,  Howard Jones from Killswitch Engage's new project.  Im a metal guy, so i really liked them. Also saw Farewell to fear, a hard rock group from new Orleans,  also very good.  Watched more wrestling on the main deck. Probably saw my favorite match ever. Private Party vs Jurassic Express.  The boys have a lot more freedom on the boat and really flexed some comedic muscle. My sides hurt after the match from laughing so hard.

    Day 4 was pretty chill.  Went to a few signigs and photo sessions.  Got bored of that and went to the hottub. Hung out with ref Aubrey.  Super nice girl. Saw a couple comedy shows too. Bruce jingles sucks. Craig gass is awesome. Missed gabriel Iglesias. Watched the final matches on the boat. Cody gave a nice promo thanking the fans. Drowned our sorrows in alcohol because we knew it was almost over. 

    All in all, it was great. We'll book again.  Any questions,  ask away.

  4. 3 hours ago, Zontar said:

    The "backlash" is actually the realization of how phoney and hypocritical it all is. I used Clinton as an example because by your own woke standard he should have been among the first to be driven out of public life.

    Woke SJW culture is nothing more than a cover for the quest for power and control over people they can't convince with logic. You use words equality and fairness without a hint of irony.

    Stop wondering why people oppose woke culture because I just told you why. If you keep furnishing examples I'll probably keep pointing it 

    Was Clinton not impeached? What else do you want? 

  5. 4 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    That’s fantastic!  I was tempted to go this year. looks like a hell of a good time.  

    the boys love it too. I was talking to Dalton Castle about it and he said they all got together the day before the cruise last year and went out for dinner and they were all not looking forward to it.  Obvious reasons. Being stuck on a boat with crazy fans. But he said they all ended up loving it and really enjoying their time with the fans. 

    this year even better with AEW tv.  I’m jealous!  Will you have wifi? Give us some updates!

    No wifi. We might get off the boat for a bit in the Bahamas but we're not doing an excursion.  Our plan is to stay on the boat and try for ringside seats for the Dynamite taping. So if i get them look for bomber gear

  6. 8 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Real strong episode of aew tonight.  Weak part belonging to Brandi’s segment again but show was entertaining over all.  Sammy is a million bucks. Kid is everything.  

    Kenny is as over as anyone.  Mox too. 

    Next week they’re on the cruise. Should be pretty damn unique 

    I'll be on the boat. I'll post a few pics if i can get internet 

  7. 9 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Make Canadian qbs count against the ratio like other positions. That way another American can start elsewhere. Just like starting a Canadian RB a la Andrew Harris would help. What's it called? Oh yeah, a "ratio breaker". 

    Most anyone would get behind that. I would, but the players need to be able to play. Andrew harris is the best running back in the league. Being Canadian is a bonus.  Counting against the ratio won't magically make Brandon Bridge the best qb in the cfl.

  8. 41 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I think I already answered that question. If a kid has legit skills then give him a legit chance.

    No, you haven't.  Which is why i said "specificly". You made a bunch of generalizations and compliments about whats not being done. What should the cfl do differently? Not sure what "give a kid a legit chance" even means? Gift them a starters role? No thanks.

  9. 3 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Yeah and the amount of people in the US who watch nxt on the network would be pretty negligible compared to USA.   But wwe were lucky to get the rights to air it the next day as USA wasn’t letting them air raw & SD until a month later for that reason (to maximize eyeballs on the live broadcast). 

    But the network is a diminishing return now anyway.  It may even end up being a failed gambit as it killed PPV business.  Wwe will be introducing a tiered pricing plan with a higher premium price to squeeze out more revenue from the diehards.   Supposedly this would include airing of various indie promotions.  

    the real take away from the fact AEW draws more viewers when DVR numbers are counted is it makes their fan base more valuable (younger demo) and shows real options for growth (convert next day viewers into live viewers).  

    I also think it correlates to how well AEW does with merch and PPV attendance.  They seem to have a fan base that is sort of a Wm style fan base - they might not watch every week but they’re there when it matters.   

    they simply have to try to make more live viewers.  And try to grab some of wwe’s core fan (the over 50 crowd).  It’s amazing how valuable rights fees are now.  ECW was cancelled with a million viewers (partially due to wwe but still, a million viewers today would have got them several big money offers).  TNA was averaging 1.5 million or so on spike and look at them now. 

    I've always said, tna just needs more visibility.  Nothing wrong with their product. 

  10. 1 hour ago, johnzo said:

    all these declarations about how Pierce will be a certain kind of coordinator who will have a certain kind of offence and how he'll be able to develop players in a certain way ... are laughable.

    we haven't seen one play of a Pierce-run offence yet and people already know how it's gonna go with him there.

    Right!? Lapo's offence isn't the only one pierce has ever played in or seen before. Yes, they worked together for a few years, but seriously,  it's not like they share a brain.

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