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Captain Blue

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Posts posted by Captain Blue

  1. At first blush, this looks like a bad idea. A real bad idea. I am not confident that Ambrosie can pull this off successfully without screwing up most of what CFL fans enjoy.

    But, I will also say that it still has potential. The XFL last year tried to do a lot of fan-friendly things.  Some worked, some didn't. You had live mics and a whole bunch of interviews, for example, and there are plenty of folks who would strongly argue those were good or bad. I would like to see the CFL maintain its unique CFL rules, but I am also not against exploring some rule changes that may make the game more exciting.  Mostly XP and kick/punt returns.  

    I will also say that Ambrosie will likely - and perhaps rightfully - painted as the bad guy here, but I'm not sure there's a whole heck of a lot he can do about it. The pandemic has blown up their business model and full season this year remains unlikely in my opinion. The choices are to find a way to survive with potential new revenue sources, or call it quits.

  2. This really sucks, but I think it was the right call. As much as a short season would have been fun, I really just want the league to be okay in the future. They absolutely, positively need to figure out a way to make the 2021 season work - and there's a decent chance they'll still have to pull that off with no or limited fan attendance. 

    Everyone seems ready to blame the government but I can't really get on board with that.  It sounds like there were avenues laid out for them to obtain reasonable loans, but the CFL didn't want to pursue them.  I am not nearly as anti-Ambrosie as many here are, but have to admit he really misplayed his hand. He has struggled to come up with concrete plans through the whole process. In fact, his "plan" just seemed to be to wait things out and hope for a miracle. Perhaps though this isn't all on him either, as it sounds like the private owners were really driving the bus on this one.

  3. 1 hour ago, Colin Unger said:

    Love to be proven wrong but Whitehead seems like the kind of guy who might not show up for camp.  Guys with that kind of NFL pedigree come to the CFL thinking they will dominate immediately. When that doesn't happen and they see a growing competition for their roster spot they have to make a decision to either fully engage in the CFL in the offseason and train harder than they've ever trained and think of new ways to make things happen in training camp. Sometimes these guys decide it's not worth it them.  I hope Whitehead has the right attitude about things and has a breakout season.  I'm just not holding my breath right now.

    I am not a Whitehead fan but feel the need to stick up for him here. This is nothing but hilarious couch analysis. We have no proof that he "seems like the kind of guy who might not show up for camp"  - and in fact he handled getting deactivated for some weeks just fine.

  4. 13 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Dinwiddie seems really rushed as a HC. It could work, but man he is not a guy id want to count on to make the play offs this year or next. The way the argos went about this is really poor, and reflects badly on them. It would have been easy to clean house or even just take time to decide. But every thing out of TO was pro chamblin staying. 

    Milanovich, im kind of surprised he came back. Im kind of surprised hes right back to being a HC too. 

    This off season was shaping up to be really interesting and the front office / coaching decisions alone have been a bit wild. Its nice for once not to have a coach thats bad for the league / makes the league look bad. Once hervey is toast the purge should be complete. 

    Right now Id put the chance that buck becomes our OC at 80%. With a small chance they try for some one like chapdelaine or condell as a OC/ast HC. 

    I wouldnt mind it if they brought back bob dyce as an ast OC to buck. But I think hes trending towards higher jobs. 

    Re: Dinwiddie/Toronto

    One of the things Mike O'Shea spoke of when reflecting on his work here was how they started to turn things around. That they wanted to learn from successful organizations, validate their processes and ours, understand "why" we or they do things certain ways.  Dinwiddie may turn out to be a great hire for Toronto, but the process to landing him seems quite flawed. I think that reflects poorly on the organization and also indicates that they probably aren't doing the things O'Shea referenced.

    Don't get me wrong: I would absolutely take the unknown of Dinwiddie over the known in Chamblin, but they royally screwed Chamblin.  Those are the types of things noticed by other coaches, players and management around the league. It may not matter at all if Dinwiddie becomes the next great head coach, but we'll see...

  5. Rigmaiden staying is fantastic news. I think Montreal is more of a mess than the league is letting on. I get that anyone coming in now won't get to pick their HC, but Khari did a good job last year and would likely be high on most lists for HC openings. I don't think his presence is scaring folks away. Much more likely would be the ownership issue.

    I was initially worried about Osh leaving but after Toronto looked like they were sticking with Chamblin it hasn't been on my radar. Really shocked to see them fire Chamblin for someone not named O'Shea. No idea what to expect with Dinwiddie in Toronto.

  6. 2 hours ago, Goalie said:

    As much as its a feel good story, call me crazy but i think you gotta move on from Collaros and Nichols. 

    I am very much okay with this as long as they bring in someone else to battle Streveler. I'd love to sign Arbuckle but that will likely be a longshot.

    Collaros and Nichols both have significant injury question marks (albeit different ones) and are already on the older side (Collaros will be 32, Nichols 33 next year).

  7. I am really happy for LaPolice. He was one of the top offensive coordinators in the league the past couple years.  Hopefully they get a QB in Ottawa that gives him a decent shot at success. 

    Now we'll get a chance to see what Buck can do as OC. LaPo's offenses are always designed around the run game. I'd like to become more pass-oriented. If we can get the pass game working consistently, we are a completely different team.

  8. 7 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    There is usually a big difference between the first player picked & the 9th. This isn't the NCAA. It's U Sports & maybe there are a half dozen really good CFL ready players in the first round, usually.  The Draft's just a crap shoot. So, losing that first rounder may not be that big a deal.

    It would still be somewhat surprising given that Walters and Osh both have focused on finding and developing Canadian talent.

  9. Reflecting on the win and the journey today, its amazing to see how far we've come.

    The Bombers were 3-15 coming off the Tim Burke era. Organization and roster were a mess.  Lots of media folks reporting that O'Shea might be a good head coach, but probably not in Winnipeg. That he'd succeed in his second chance somewhere else.

    Now he's a Grey Cup champion, for us.

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