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Captain Blue

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Posts posted by Captain Blue

  1. I think we are being way too hard on Streveler.

    I don't think it was a very good game but I think a lot of factors went into it: heavy rain, a few WR drops, and up against one of the best teams in the league with a DL that took advantage of the weak spots on our OL.

    The completion percentage looks worse because of a few throwaways too, whereas Nichols is much more likely to take sacks.

    I thought when Streveler took off from the pocket, the reads were either covered or the protection broke down (this happened a lot).  On several plays you could see his head swivel, progressing through his options.  Thought his deep ball was really poor tonight, but the mid-game was solid. 

  2. Good team win. Pretty much the same formula as the past few wins. Good defense and/or special teams, with just enough offense.

    Streveler was a roller coaster. Effective runner with limited passing tonight, but most of that was by design - particularly with the weather. LaPo called a ton of designed runs (too many in my opinion). Hopefully we can get the pass game on track next week. Can certainly build your run and pass game off all the play action and zone reads. Hoping to see that develop further.

    Jefferson was amazing.

  3. 2 hours ago, AKAChip said:

    QB “wins” is the worst stat in football. There’s no such thing as “all a guys does in win.”  There’s a way to play QB well AND win, rather than play poorly and hope the rest of the team bails you out. So far, that’s what has happened with Nichols. The strength of the rest of the team is vastly underrated. 

    Agreed. Also, the Bombers are about to hit a more difficult stretch in their schedule, so it is reasonable to expect a couple more losses along the way here.

    You have to evaluate HOW the QB is playing, not just the result after 60 minutes. Streveler's first three games are at Edm, at Sask for the LDC, and then home for the Banjo Bowl. A much more difficult task than some of the early matchups Nichols had this season.

  4. That Glenn news likely means Nichols is out long term.

    Sucks for both him and the team. Nobody wants to see someone's career change like that.

    I prefer to look on the bright side that at least now the Bombers know you have to do everything possible to see Streveler succeed. This isn't a one or two game thing - give him the keys to the kingdom and see if he can thrive. 

    One way or the other the Bombers are going to know what their QB situation will look like in the future. 

  5. Nichols' averages 215 yards/game currently, and a lot of that is based off short throwing. If Streveler can't replace that, then he isn't the QB we hoped for.  I think we should still be cautiously optimistic. We have all had complaints about a Nichols-led offense.

    What changes things for me was losing Nichols to injury eliminates him as a back up. Streveler getting a shot at starter may turn out to be a good thing, but it would have been nice to have Nichols as the security blanket. Now we're one hit away from McGuire. Hopefully we can stop designed runs for Streveler up the middle of the field.

  6. My biggest fear with LaPo now crafting an offense for Streveler is that he doesn't seem to know the difference between a mobile QB and a running QB. There is a big difference between a QB that can run, compared to one that needs to. LaPo has really seemed to go all in on Streveler as a running QB gimmick this season. 

    You can give him a bunch of zone reads and option plays, but give him a good chance to throw too in this offense. I do think he should be able to provide more production in the current system than Nichols. We just may have to live with some more variance in his game - more highs and lows. 

  7. I love the CFL but I was pretty embarrassed to hear the game was called. 

    If your team is playing with a potential of a storm nearby, do you now change your strategy to try to constantly be aggressive and in the lead? Montreal had a lot of time left on the clock to work their way back and never saw that chance. What a ripoff. The league should be ashamed. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Jpan85 said:

    This is the line that won the West Final last year.

    17/31 54.8% 214 3 0 29

    This won the Grey Cup

    24/36 66.7% 253 2 2 38


    So the winning QB was 41/67 61.2% 467 5 2 

    Did not exactly blow people away.

    I get your point, but respectfully think its misguided.

    You want to put yourself in the best position to win continually. You can do that without great QB performances, but I think everyone here realizes that its more difficult that way. We won a game yesterday with two special teams touchdowns - I highly doubt teams are suddenly going to bank on that becoming a key to success. 

    We know QB play and pass game success is strongly linked to winning. We want to excel at things that are strongly linked to winning, not attempt to be the exception.

  9. 34 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

    The difference between Streveler and Nichols is that Streveler throws more ints and I stead of hitting the check downs runs with the ball. 

    Our passing game is limited by the coordinator not the quarterbacks. God willing some team gets stupid and hires lapo as a head coach next season.

    LaPo builds his offenses with a lot of check downs, but it is Nichols that shows a willingness to hit them so frequently and so quickly. Every coach and player worries about turnovers. The goal should be to strike the right balance between aggressive and careless. 

  10. Until Nichols either starts pushing the ball downfield or is replaced, this team is always going to be good but not great. He sure looks content hitting his short throws and check downs. 

    Plenty of other teams are using backup quarterbacks and/or have less offensive weapons than Winnipeg, but are still able to find more passing success than the Bombers. LaPolice should be getting blamed too, because the offense seems to be more conservative every game. 

  11. Nichols was great against inferior competition the past few weeks. This game should show us how hard it is when he's facing a good defense. Certainly not all on him - down two receivers at least - but he continually limited us. 

    You've got to solve the Nichols riddle to determine how far this team goes. If you can trust him, then this team is great. If not, you end up like tonight. Evans had less than 100 yards passing and the Bombers still couldn't win.

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