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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 57 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    Totally disagree, the top 2 receivers on either team could be interchangeable, and overall top to bottom the Lions have the league's most dangerous receiving corps IMO.  Looking over their roster at this time of the year they have 7 receivers 6'-3" or taller, including a 6'-8" 225 lb. monster.  The Bombers have 2, Alston and BOLO, whos' probably headed out the door.

    The most dangerous receiving core when they play indoors, maybe.  All that size hasn't done squat for that team when it counts (ex: in the cold at IGF, come playoff time).

  2. 1 minute ago, wbbfan said:

    That’s pretty awesome. Looks like 25k off the cap plus however they may have worked that bonus with being against the bonus cap and this year/last year. 

    Yeah good deal for both sides.  His cap hit goes from $310k to $285k but his actual take home pay goes up because he gets a big signing bonus which gets taxed way less.  Win-Win!

  3. 15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    It’s true, the trade makes roster sense for the Argos. Does look like they are losing guys in fa which is expected. I really like the trade for the Argos. 

    The financial savings might also be a real factor for Edmonton too. Mbts pay has to be cleared and ceresna was one of the top dl in terms of pay

    Not sure 2k is all that great of savings.

    Ceresna is making $212,000 vs the $210,000 for KGJ (who also is due a $55k bonus in a couple weeks as part of that).

  4. 18 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    It does not have any direct bearing, other than the fact that there was a post-Christmas lull and now things seem to be picking up again.

    Walters will need time to get other players under contract and/or figure put replacement plans and we still seem to be in a holding pattern. Probably can't let it go on too much longer. 

    I understand the reasoning on wait on Schoen, but he may be the more difficult sign. I can't help but think he's going to have a few teams bidding higher than we can reasonably expect to compete with. 


    They might be in a bit of a holding pattern (at least publicly) but Walters has already stated that they might have move on to other guys so they are aware the clock is ticking.  And it's not like they can't/wouldn't start talking to other guys in the mean time, even if no deal is finalized/announced yet.

  5. 14 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Walters has said at some point  he will have to move on and start allocating the funds to the remaining players on our FA list.

    Right now he's holding off because, if one or both of Brady and Dalton sign, it will mean making different choices. But at some point, he's going to accept that they're not going to sign and he'll move on. This decision will need to be made with enough time left before free agency to negotiate the remaining contracts we want to extend. 

    That was always the case though... what do the other signings around the league have to do with this?  I mean a guy like Purifoy resigning in Edmonton has no bearing on Schoen or Brady's situation.  I haven't seen too many signings (if any) that I'd been wishing the player had made it to FA.


    24 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Its pretty common knowledge that Bailey, Jefferson, and Lawler were offered more elsewhere. Hardrick as well. And im sure there are more guys who could have gotten more but didnt bother going to free agency in order to keep the dynasty alive with their brothers.

    Yup, Bighill (although he's very well paid) is another one who has basically said he took less to stay in Winnipeg in the past. He's never gotten to free agency since being here so we'll never know for sure what offers he could have gotten (I'm sure he does though).  Here's a quote from him about it from a couple years ago.


    "As far as maximizing value, no, I don't think I maximized my value. I think the only way you can do that is by going to free agency. For me, it's not always about maximizing my value on the open market.

    "There's a lot more that goes into it for me ... I do like being in Winnipeg and I love the fanbase, I love the community, I love being a big part of this franchise. I put a lot of value into those, I guess is what I am saying, as opposed to contract dollars in some respects."


  7. 37 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    What other team would 1. Give him the cash he wants and in turn 2. Use him as much as we did. 

    I was a fan of Brady but recently I’m seeing more and more greed and just delusions from him. Ppl blaming the agent, the agent does what his client tells him to do. It’s always hilarious when ppl blame the agents who are paid by their clients to do what their clients want them to do. 200k? I don’t know if I’d go more than 150k. It seems Brady has developed a bit of a fat inflated head and ego. I think he’s gonna quickly realize. 1. No nfl team wants you. If they did, you’d have workouts planned and 2. 200k isn’t gonna happen. No other team will build their O around this guy. Honestly I don’t think any other cfl team signs him. I think he’s gonna quickly realize the only team who will offer him maybe 150k is us but reality is we might be the only team who offers him anything.  I honestly don’t see other cfl teams spending money on this guy when those other teams problems isn’t Canadian running back. Give me a Charles Roberts type of back and that dude hits 2000 yards running last season. 

    If you don't think there will be other teams making offers to him, you might be the delusional one.  Will he get the market reset he's hoping for?  I doubt it but you're dreaming if you think coming back here will be his only option.  I mean the Argos over-paid for an aging Andrew Harris so why wouldn't they for Brady who's entering his prime?  There are other teams desperate to win (hello Regina & Ottawa) that would take him in a heart beat.

  8. 14 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    The oline could have pushed me 20 yards each run also. Just saying. 

    ppl are letting their heart and emotions come into play. He’s a Winnipeg kid so ppl are blinded a bit. I’d take a Charles Roberts who is consistent over a dude who NEEDS 20 touches a game to actually hit 100 yards. 5.8 avg? Augustine at 5.6 average.  It’s the Oline not the back. 

    Splitting hairs but it was 5.9 yards per carry which gave him the 2nd highest average of all starting running backs (only Kevin Brown finished higher with 6.1).


  9. 27 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    was thinking the same thing

    Doesn't sound like it.  Seems like MOS just thought he'd be a good fit.

    Miller didn’t put much thought into coaching until he was offered the job last week. He got a taste of what it might be like last season, as he spent the whole year around the team, working with players in the meeting room, but his focus was solely on getting back on the field.

    “I didn’t expect to be offered this role, at all. It was very shocking when it did come about. He definitely put me at ease saying you know the game, you know where to put guys, you know what they need to do and you see it on film when there’s an issue and you know where we went wrong.”



  10. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    really curious about what the LB salaries are.... I was definitely unaware (if) Bighill is making "top 3" money at his position. 

    3rd highest paid LB and highest paid MLB.

    Only Judge and McManis made more.  Henoc and Chris Ackie could have made more after bonuses but did not.



  11. 31 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    What makes you think Brown would continue to play at a high level on another team? I don't think he's ready to qb a CFL team just yet. Nick Arbuckle should have stayed in Calgary one more season to continue learning under Dave Dickenson. 

    What makes you think he wouldn't? I don't know for sure if he will but the only way to find out is for him to leave.  If he can't cut it as a starting QB, it's better for us that he fails for another team.

    The team around him will definitely make a difference, as it would for any QB (see Zach's record in Sask), which is why he should avoid Ottawa.

    Arbuckle got exposed as a product of the system, one more year in Calgary would have been fine for the Stamps but I don't think his career turns out much different.

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