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bigg jay

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Posts posted by bigg jay

  1. 1 hour ago, coach17 said:

    I just want to know who JBR is. These modern abbreviations for everything  drive me crazy. I can at least google when terms like OMG or LOL are used but names take much more research. I guess I'm just to old and not with the times.

    Since when are initials considered modern?  JBR are the initials for a user name on this board not an actual person (sort of anyway).  Just scroll back 5-6 pages (before this whole thing took off) and you'll find it.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

    I don't know if this is Steinauer's year end review, but from the sound of it he's not going anywhere and neither is BLM.


    I wouldn't be so sure. He had very similar things to say about Dane Evans before trading him.

    Orlondo after last season:

    Dane’s under contract with us and we’ve had conversations long since we’ve acquired the rights (to Mitchell),” Steinauer said in January. “Right now, Dane’s a Hamilton Tiger-Cat and the next steps will be determined in the near future.”

    Orlondo after this season:

    Bo’s a Ticat right now. He’s under contract. The way things worked out this year, it wasn’t ideal for anybody, including Bo,” said Steinauer. “But we didn’t sign Bo to a one-year deal, right? So, Bo’s a Ticat and that’s what it is right now.”

  3. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    yup....Plus Huff was very well connected and was a big reason for a lot of the talent that rolled thru there. and now he isn't a part of that....and it showed.


    There's been a lot of  talk about the Stamps downturn being blamed on Huff not being involved but is that actually the case?  Yes, he gave up the GM title to Dickie but he added "consultant" to his team president role and he's still in the booth during the games with a headset on.  I can't recall seeing Wade or any other team president doing that so it makes me wonder how much has actually changed in Calgary.

  4. 19 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    Pretty good sign you need to recruit some guys and not just sign guys over 30 cut by other CFL teams.

    Calgary has been dismal of late in finding any players aside from guys coming back from NFL or guys off other teams.

    Isn't this the same salary management system that the Argos use? 

    They've had some high priced guys on the 6 game list alot over the past couple seasons (Harris, Muamba, Gittens currently). I'd be curious to see what their cap savings have been.

  5. 57 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    I don’t think the Stamps will win. 
    McCheese reminds me of Kerwin Bell minus the spike to the junk.

    When the chips are up he plays well enough, and can throw a nice quick hitter.
    I just don’t see him, even playing within his rotund self, doing enough to win a playoff game. 

    I see it looking similar to last week with BC in the place of the Bombers. 

    As long as he's still playing, he can still shoot for that goal!

    Calgary did look like crap against us last week but it was a nothing game.  The week before was a game that mattered for both sided and they whooped the Lions (in BC too).  McCheese only through for 123 yards but the Stamps still came away with a 41-16 win.   

    If they're going to have a shot at the upset, they need to follow that game plan - limit what McCheese is asked to do & run the ball down BC's throat.  The Stamps also didn't have Carey for that game either so having him back in the line-up only strengthens their run game.

  6. 14 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Good for the Lions not appealing... it definitely makes a difference in their line-up, but he earned that suspension. 

    It wasn't because it was the right thing to do, it was simply an attempt to make sure they have their best roster available if they make it past Calgary.  If he appealed and lost (which he would have), he'd be available this weekend but would have to serve the suspension during the West final against us.

    I'd do it this way too but let's not pretend it was anything but a strategic move on their part.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    The wife and I tried it out today for lunch,  the verdict....  It's not bad but not the best.   

    I had a chicken/beef shawarma with fries.   Lots of meat and the spice level of the hot sauce is legit spicy and not "white person spicy".   My mouth was on fire!   The taste is less garlic and creamy and more dry spicey if that even is a word.   What I did not like was the fries are really mediocre and the beef I think they keep under a heat lamp or something because I had multiple pieces that were rock hard that I had to spit out.   The beef is low quality so I'd stick with chicken if I were to go back.  The pickled turnips were also dried out which gave it a weird texture.  

    The wife had the "osbox" with chicken, rice, and salad and only a mild level of spice.   This was much better and the portion was large and the price was very fair.   

    If/when we go back I think getting the rice/salad/chicken combo will be the way to go,  it was fresh and the price and quantity you get was a very fair value.  

    My preference is:

    1 - Ramallah Cafe -  Best meat/flavour and the other items on the menu are also really top notch. 

    2 - OSMows -  Great value for what you pay.

    3 - Les Saj -  They really scaled back the quantity of what you get,  the flavours are still really good but you get half the meat as the other places mentioned above.

    4 - Baraka -  Online people rant and rave about the place... I've gone three times and each time the shawarma is very empty and the flavours are super muted and bland.  None of my middle eastern friends ever recommend this place.  

    I agree with your rankings.  Ramallah is the best I've had in Winnipeg.

    Also agree about the spice level at Osmows.  Made the mistake of ordering too spicy the first time and won't do that again. 😂

  8. 12 minutes ago, ddanger said:

    Okay somebody enlighten me....it's my understanding that when the regular season ends, all players on the PR become free agents. Or do we still have a PR because we're in the playoffs?

    I believe it's after the team's final game, not when the season ends.  For players on the Riders or L's, it would have been Oct 22nd because they had a bye the final week while Redblacks would have been the 29th because they played this past weekend.  All the other playoff-bound teams would still have a PR to pull players from if needed (ex: injury replacements).

  9. Just now, Booch said:

    I was gonna post the same, based on offensive output....not over all points scored lil Kelly paled in comparison....They were hardly an offensive juggernaut despite having a starting position at mid field many games....They also had what?...5 return TD's?....

    Same can be said in opposite of our best defence for points against....with what?? 4 pick sixes going against us

    4 TD's from punt returns & 6 from interceptions.  The Bombers only had 3 that didn't come from the offence (1 punt return, 1 interception & one fumble recovery).

  10. 2 minutes ago, BomberBall said:

    Seriously?  That’s beyond ridiculous.



    Though I didn’t receive one of four media votes, I went on the record last week stating that I would have voted for Collaros. I also would have voted for Chris Kolankowski over Jermarcus Hardrick as the team’s Most Outstanding Offensive Lineman, though Hardrick was still a worthy selection. The Nebraska product has been in the CFL for a decade but has been forced to live in Stanley Bryant’s shadow during his entire tenure in Bomberland.

    I won’t publicly speculate regarding the next round of awards since I have a vote, though I’ll be happy to share my ballot after the results are announced.


  11. 15 minutes ago, bluto said:

    Today I learned that doing the bare minimum gets you 3 points off of the league's top scorers when you've played a third of a season with the brakes on.

    You're including defensive & special teams points in that 3 point spread when the topic was the offence. 

    Comparing strictly the offence, it's a bit bigger than 3 points as we scored 12 more TD's.  Argo's had 26 TD's passing & 30 rushing while the Bombers had 42 passing & 26 rushing.

  12. 47 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Again, just my opinion & this thread is going nowhere but does every celebrity that dies make you feel sad? I'd say only about half may affect everyone enough to comment here, if that. Besides, most people are on social media & when a celebrity dies we know about it & can comment.

    I agree that a ton of the posts in this thread won't affect everyone but that can be said for any other thread/topic on here.  It obviously affected someone enough that they felt it needed to be posted so who are we to say what's worth posting to somebody else?  The simple solution to either ignore the thread/certain posters or only comment if/when it appeals to you (which you admit you already do).

    The fact that social media exists and can serve the same function is irrelevant. Should the whole board be shut down because we can already comment on Bomber news on social media?  We get most of our Bomber news & updates from social media and bring it here to discuss so why should this thread be any different?

  13. The idea that because a public figure doesn't know each person that respects/enjoys their work so we shouldn't talk about them, is ridiculous.  I mean Bob Irving has no idea who most people on the board are but I guarantee that when his time comes, it will be a sad day here (and throughout the Canadian football community) and there will be tons of discussion about his life and career.  

    People can impact your life without ever having met you and there's nothing wrong with that all.  As mentioned earlier, if this thread isn't your thing, maybe you should just ignore it and not comment on it?

  14. 38 minutes ago, GCJenks said:

    I don't think I have seen this one mentioned before, apologies to iHeart if it has. 

    In the previous Za Pizza location on Regent is a new Shawarma place called Osmow's. Saw on Saturday but the rest of the family was not feeling adventurous.


    They opened about two months ago I believe.  I've been a couple times as I love shawarma.  

    You can get more of a North American meal if the family isn't wanting to try something completely new.   Their signature creations page has some different options like getting your shawarma on top of fries, rice or salad rather than in a wrap.  I've tried the chicken "on the rocks" (chicken on a bed of rice) and it's really good.


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