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Posts posted by Sard

  1. 12 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    The constant rule changes have increased under Ambrosie and I don't give him a pass because it happened before he took the job.

    More foreign players isn't a fix for any of the big CFL problems. Certainly won't fix Toronto, Montreal or get them closer to signing a deal with the CFLPA. CFL 2.0 has the POSSIBILITY of increasing audiences and revenue, but that's a ways off in the future, if ever. If Ambroise wants to work on it as his 4th priority, then I've got no problems with it, but he's put it as his top priority and I'm against that.

    I would wonder if getting international players into the league actually would help in TO.  There is a rather large immigrant population there, so if the CFL becomes more popular internationally and with international players, it may catch the interest of some immigrants who could become fans that attend games.

    Probably a bit of a stretch, and would definitely take a while to get legs, but could be part of the thought process.

  2. 1 minute ago, JCon said:

    I'm no Manziel fan, although I liked watching him play at T A&M, but he seemed to keep his nose clean since he arrived in the CFL a year ago. I'm surprised he missed these meetings and, I guess, the CFL does have a reason to permanently suspend him. 


    I wonder if Montreal wanted him gone and got the league to do the dirty work? That seems like a bit of a stretch. 

    I will echo what others have implied... Manziel wants to play in the AAF and took the easiest out available to him.  I'm not surprised he missed the meetings at all, he likely did it on purpose so that he could have his way and be able to go play in the other league.  I guess time will tell weather he actually signs down there, but it seems awfully convenient for him that things went down the way they did.

  3. 4 minutes ago, Booch said:

    well for sure  that connection would easily had a hand in getting him the outside of football gig...but by no means is any of the Altus job salary being part of his CFL salary to cheat the cap..it is above and beyond that....but it is an excellent negotiating angle to use/have in allowing a player to know he has a guaranteed job/income once the season is over if he signs here...same thing with CGY for years having some guys playing on cheap contracts..BLM for one comes to mind...there is no law or rule saying a person can't hold down 2 paying gigs at the same time unrelated to each other...more power to your organization in the CFL if you can achieve that luxury...

    Wellington-Altus also has a history of having professional athletes on staff requiring flexibility (Jennifer Jones), so it's definitely not just because the owner happens to be married to a member of the board.

  4. As a season ticket holder, I pay my money to be entertained.  I can count maybe 3 or 4 games in the past 3 seasons when I wasn't entertained, so I feel like I've been getting my money's worth.  Would it have been better if they had won a championship?  Sure, but at the end of the day, it is an entertainment business, and for my money have been very entertaining the last 4-5 years.

  5. I seem to remember when they announced that this cap was coming back early in the season that all of the teams were consulted, and the number they came to was based on an average of what all teams were spending.  We're seeing a few teams drop coaches who were likely the above average spend teams, while the rest of the league is quiet because they are at or below the average.

  6. 7 hours ago, Colin Unger said:

    The league should really start a Punjabi language broadcast like the nhl has done...  would probably be more effective than the diversity campaign was.  

    The difference there is that the NHL didn't start that.  It was a Punjabi fan who also happened to be an aspiring broadcaster who got that going.  I do think it's a good idea, but I don't think it's something that can be forced.  You need someone from the Punjabi (or any other) community to be passionate about the sport and want to give that a try.

  7. 32 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    not quite the same thing... but a few years ago in a playoff game between Mtl and Hamilton... there was a FG that went up and looked like it had more than enough distance... only to get caught in the wind, stop and move backwards to fall short of the goal line... I think that might have actually been the potential game winning kick too...

    Can't remember the exact situation, but I definitely remember the kick.  I thought Toronto was involved in that game, but it was a few years ago so I could be mistaken.  Looked hilarious from the side view anyway.

  8. 12 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    What doesn't correlate with me regardless of either interpretation is expects player to be fined but defends it.

    He would defend it from the perspective that Jeffcoat didn't do it on purpose, and tried to lay in a good legal hit.  Believes it will be fined because it turned into a hit to the head which can't be denied.

  9. 6 hours ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

    Are you sure? I swear I PVR'ed TSN 3 and got the whole game. HD or standard def?

    TSN 1 and 4 definitely had the whole game.   Not sure why, but TSN3 doesn't seem to have the finals games either, must ha e something to do with they're NFL broadcast rights. 


    Anyway, the game next week is on TSN 1 per the guide. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Blueandgold said:

    HH to Streveler for running well and making good decisions with the ball. 

    The only knock on Streveller (or possibly Lapo) for me was later in the game when he stayed in after a 1st down, he should have handed off to Harris.  He had been keeping it all day and going nowhere, so ha. Ding it off probably would have left Harris with room to run. 


    Overall, great win... GO BLUE!!! 

  11. 31 minutes ago, TBURGESS said:

    62 Grey Cups. 2 teams in each. 124 chances to make it to a Grey Cup. 5 wins in those 62 Grey Cups.

    Stats were to get some conversation going. How you interpret them is up to you. Some may even say it means we're due.

    So of the 9 times a 3rd place team has made it to the final, they have won 5 times... I like those odds :)

  12. 3 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    3rd place teams making it to the Grey Cup - 9 times out of 124 chances or 7.26%

    3rd place teams winning the Grey Cup - 5 out of 62 games or 8.06%

    Last time a 3rd place team won the Grey Cup -2005 Edmonton

    Last time the Bomber beat the Riders in a playoff game - 1965

    I'm confused... If the 3rd place team only makes it to the Grey Cup 9 times out of 124 chances, how do they win 5 out of 62 chances???

    The first stat says they only make it there 9 times, so where does the 62 chances come from?

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