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Showing content with the highest reputation on 2023-01-28 in Posts

  1. It's funny because they believe it. Give ODay a multi year extension! Do it!
    5 points
  2. I’m a big fan of all 3, sous vide, BBQ, and my air fryer. They all have their place! I made corned beef last week half a brisket weighed in at 15 lbs, and had some serious waygu-like marbling in it…8 days in a dry brine, sous vide for 10hrs set at 180°, best corned beef I’ve ever had. Wish I could upload pictures here.
    5 points
  3. Tracker

    Manitoba Politics

    The Cons have used this tactic since the Filmon government saw that it was going to lose the pending election: throw money away left and right while cutting tax revenue. That way the incoming NDP had to raise taxes and delay social initiatives while the PCs cried out in anguish that they tried to warn people about the reckless, irresponsible socialists ruining the province.
    4 points
  4. If you go to the end Rasheed said he is working on a new deal hopefully coming in the next few weeks and wants it to be long term. The next few weeks seems to include FA so it is not totally re-assuring other than he said he was working on getting it done now 😂
    4 points
  5. Tried steak in the air fryer for the first time last night and was impressed. While not as good as the sous vide, it was way quicker and easier. It's going to be a great option for short notice meals and for camping.
    3 points
  6. Mark H.

    Canadian Politics

    The only question for her and PP - how big is that base? Hopefully small. Their speeches remind me of the sheep in Animal Farm: "4 legs good, 2 legs bad."
    3 points
  7. Smith attacking Trudeau or the CBC doesn't require merit or even a hint of logical reason to gain her points, the action alone is like throwing red meat to her base who can't be bothered to read beyond a headline. The more aggressive she becomes, the better they like it.
    3 points
  8. WildPath

    Manitoba Politics

    I'm so f-ing sick of this government having such a low expectation of the intelligence of Manitobans to fall for sh** like this! "We'll help you from the evil federal government and their unjust carbon tax". I'm also sick of so many Conservative voters living up to their assessments of their intelligence at the ballot box. Edit - I like this part from Dougald Lamont - Continually cutting revenue sources, selling off profit-making enterprises, and giving away public funds as rebate cheques in lame attempts to buy votes. Poor people making $170,000 that are struggling to survive with an oppressive carbon tax - we're fighting for you. Poor property owners that unjustly have to pay a share towards education - we're fighting for you. Meanwhile the healthcare system is bursting (by design) and non-certified substitutes are being recruited. No plan for the future other than to try to get elected again. Can not wait until they are voted out and we have a government with more fiscal responsibility. Current NDP may not be the greatest, but the PCs just keep setting the bar lower and lower. Honestly don't know how someone can legitimately defend a vote for this party anymore. /rant over (temporarily)
    3 points
  9. No surprise, I beleive that website is run by Rider Stronson.
    2 points
  10. HardCoreBlue

    Manitoba Politics

    For some, good ideas for the benefit of the general masses are not their incentive nor part of their rewards system. So it makes sense because they don't want them. Some are not there to serve the general public, they are there to fulfil their own personal circle agendas by steering, distracting, deluding the knuckle dragging me me me crowd away from good ideas. It's their business model.
    2 points
  11. JCon

    Manitoba Politics

    Because they promise to reduce taxes and keep the same level or better service. Meanwhile, they just gut all the programs and say govt is broken.
    2 points
  12. Tracker

    Canadian Politics

    It has been said that people get the government they deserve. If Albertans are stoopid enough to re-elect her and her government, they will have established themselves as Alabama north- Albertabama.
    2 points
  13. Tracker

    Manitoba Politics

    Sadly, it has worked for them all too often.
    2 points
  14. Just for some context, that quote was taken from a piece suggesting it's a great thing that O'Day isn't re-signing many players from last year, which is probably accurate. That team was **** and almost nobody deserved to be brought back.
    2 points
  15. Moved most of the food posts over to the grilling thread...just we so we can leave Mosaic languishing in obscurity.
    2 points
  16. 2 points
  17. JCon

    Manitoba Politics

    Rinse. Repeat. They have nothing else. No ideas.
    2 points
  18. Probably not - but it doesn’t hurt https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/the-colin-thompson-show/id1355818092?i=1000596143120
    2 points
  19. Mark H.

    Manitoba Politics

    This has been the norm in rural divisions for years - it's just getting media coverage now, because it's creeping closer to metro. Divisions like Borderland, Southwest Horizon, Parkwest - were already doing it. It's mainly due to retired teachers no longer wanting to sub. (But your rant is still legit)
    2 points
  20. https://www.cbc.ca/news/editorsblog/cbc-stands-by-coutts-story-1.6728100 Danielle Smith's gov't and its braindead supporters are a stain on this country.
    2 points
  21. Mark H.

    Today I Learned

    Yes and no. Jim Beam too - to help us all come clean.
    1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. I like nuts as a snack, but not at the sexual level.
    1 point
  24. Its a good thing, your punctuation was spot-on or that would have been a sexual advance.
    1 point
  25. Suitor talking about the coaching/gm situation not being a problem going into FA...a few days after BLM said the coaching/gm situation made it difficult to sign there was my favorite! Lol.
    1 point
  26. Well based on how his foot and lower leg got rolled up over...I'd say no...as that would have took down anyone...and I was surprised he wasn't hurt worse...and the shoulder was hurt laying out for a crazy catch...much like how Lawler was hurt this yr...so I'd say no and more just bad luck
    1 point
  27. Some good stuff from Our Man Tait:
    1 point
  28. CFL News is posting some prime Rider quotes today...it's really something...
    1 point
  29. Even a blind squirrel will find the occasional acorn.
    1 point
    1 point
  31. JCon

    Today I Learned

    Finally the inflation relief we need.
    1 point
  32. Mark H.

    Manitoba Politics

    Work on the next budget - or run for the safest Conservative seat in Canada? I guess he chose the low hanging fruit
    1 point
  33. JCon

    Manitoba Politics

    During budget consultations the Minister of Finance quits? This gov't is truly the worst we've seen and we saw the corruption of the Filmon gov't.
    1 point
  34. Wideleft

    Manitoba Politics

    Or they could spend their tax revenue on programs that they're responsible for. How exactly can a Manitoba government not spend all their budgeted highways funds?
    1 point
  35. Wideleft

    Manitoba Politics

    The PC Government mandated hydro layoffs (and were later found violating the collective agreement) and dissolved Manitoba Hydro International - a subsidiary that was profitable so I wouldn't put the blame entirely on the NDP. Based on Hydro's reduced rate hike, I also don't think the situation is as bad as the Cons say. The Wall report was a travesty.
    1 point
  36. Noeller

    Manitoba Politics

    with most of us getting more back on those rebates than we spend in carbon pricing each year.......it's just so ******* ridiculous when the morons complain about it.
    1 point
  37. blue_gold_84

    Manitoba Politics

    Despite the fact we get rebates from the federal gov't a few times throughout the year. What a cancerous clown show at the legislature.
    1 point
  38. Wideleft

    Manitoba Politics

    And the height of cynicism to name it the carbon relief program - a not so subtle finger of blame pointing to the feds.
    1 point
  39. targets are misleading when they not catcheable balls...or hugly contested like most were...wasnt a case of droppsies
    1 point
  40. blue_gold_84

    Manitoba Politics

    This move by the PC gov't is just pandering to their fervent base. Both lack any ability to see beyond the short-term. You don't improve your financial situation by lowering tax revenue and handing out cheques. This is a short-sighted and feeble attempt to distract us from issues plaguing the province.
    1 point
  41. rebusrankin

    Manitoba Politics

    I mean the extra $ is nice but I'd rather see heathcare funded better, more $ for schools, programing to increase affordable housing etc.
    1 point
  42. GCJenks

    Manitoba Politics

    In addition to expressing outrage at the way Shared Health and WRHA spend there money there are things we can personally do to help. If I can suggest a great organization supporting the victims or sexual assault, especially during childhood, please support Heartwood Healing Centre. https://heartwoodcentre.ca/support-our-mission/
    1 point
  43. JCon

    Manitoba Politics

    And, next week, the Premier is meeting with the Prime Minister to complain that they are too poor. The gall of the PCs/Right across the country is astounding and criminal. No leadership, no ideas, nothing but corruption.
    1 point
  44. blue_gold_84

    Manitoba Politics

    https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/manitoba-financial-assistance-cheques-affordability-1.6726754 Clown ****.
    1 point
  45. FrostyWinnipeg

    Today I Learned

    I'm looking for the negative in that.
    1 point
  46. Tracker

    Today I Learned

    A Mother's Day Thought:
    1 point
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