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Saw Joker. No spoilers.  But...it was brilliant.  Easily a best film of the year contender.  

cant compare Phoenix and Heath Ledger as the roles are so different but Phoenix also deserves an Oscar. Incredible performance. 

I went in thinking it would be a tough one but brilliantly written and directed (and acted).   I wondered if they’d fit it into the Batman mythology somehow without it being either too connected or totally unconnected.  Again, brilliant. 

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9 minutes ago, Logan007 said:

I think I read somewhere that they actually wanted him to play the Riddler.

In any case, good riddance.  I don't think he's a good fit for a comic book movie.

I'd heard Riddler, too, but he woulda been the PERFECT Penguin. I mean the guy is built perfectly for it, strictly from a physical sense. He's a top notch actor and could pull off anything, but physically, he's the perfect Penguin.

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9 minutes ago, JCon said:

I got my tickets for December 19th! I'm looking forward to this, even if it's just closure. 

Yeah I just bought mine for the Saturday.  It's JJ so you know it's going to be at least half decent.  Not like that TLJ trash that Rian put out.

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1 minute ago, Logan007 said:

Yeah I just bought mine for the Saturday.  It's JJ so you know it's going to be at least half decent.  Not like that TLJ trash that Rian put out.

I've got tickets for Saturday too. I've always gone to opening night with my friends, even in Australia for opening night of The Attack of the Clones. But, I have a nine year old son who I'll take on Saturday. 

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6 hours ago, JCon said:

Yes, I was twenty something and it's as much about the event as the movie. Attack was much better and Sith was better than that. 

Not as big a Star Wars geek as many, but can respect the influence of the series on pop culture. But I would disagree about Attack being better than Sith. Curious how you would rank the entire series (include the spinoffs like Rogue or Solo if you wish).

For me:

1) Empire Strikes Back - beyond the "spoiler" that defined the whole series, the whole Hoth sequence and asteroid chase was really cool.

2) Return of the Jedi - Ewoks never bothered me much, the Jabba palace and space barge was the cantina re-done much better (before the CGI re-do messed it up a bit), the bike race through the trees was the trench fight done better with obstacles, and the 3 simultaneous battles at the climax are great.

3) New Hope - actually a pretty thin story, but it created the universe, so high marks there. But just not as visually dazzling as the two above it.

*I would place Rogue One here I think, only saw it once in theatres but had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised by the tight story. My son hated it because all the characters were disposable in the end.

4A) Revenge of the Sith - hate to give any credit to the middle trilogy as it cheapens the whole franchise, but this was far superior to the other two installments, so maybe I unfairly grade it higher by comparsion.

4B) Force Awakens - felt like a re-tread of the original film, so I grade it lower for no originality, but nostalgia and cool effects rank it in the middle. On any given day might put it above Sith depending on my contempt for the whole middle trilogy.

6) (and dropping) Phantom Menace - thought it was OK when I first saw it, but it has not aged well with me on repeated viewings. Like the movie Scream said, "the best movie villains, like Hannibal Lecter and  Darth Vader, are the ones that don't explain why they are villains". This movie destroyed that, and my God is George Lucas bad at casting child actors.

*Would place Solo here because it was so unnecessary in the grand scheme of things.

7) Attack of the Clones - if you can't fake chemistry with Natalie Portman of all people in a love story, then you and your entire movie suck. This is awful.

8) Last Jedi - Maybe because each movie since the original trilogy seems to have tarnished its legacy more and more each time, I put this below Clones. But this movie tried to do too much and could have had 4 different stopping points (again was expecting a re-tread of Empire, which it started out as, then morphed into a re-do of Return/Jedi, then tacked on another hour of, what exactly?) Maybe the final installment will give meaning to the middle story and make it better in overall context.

Edited by TrueBlue4ever
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14 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

Not as big a Star Wars geek as many, but can respect the influence of the series on pop culture. But I would disagree about Attack being better than Sith. Curious how you would rank the entire series (include the spinoffs like Rogue or Solo if you wish).

For me:

1) Empire Strikes Back - beyond the "spoiler" that defined the whole series, the whole Hoth sequence and asteroid chase was really cool.

2) Return of the Jedi - Ewoks never bothered me much, the Jabba palace and space barge was the cantina re-done much better (before the CGI re-do messed it up a bit), the bike race through the trees was the trench fight done better with obstacles, and the 3 simultaneous battles at the climax are great.

3) New Hope - actually a pretty thin story, but it created the universe, so high marks there. But just not as visually dazzling as the two above it.

*I would place Rogue One here I think, only saw it once in theatres but had low expectations and was pleasantly surprised by the tight story. My son hated it because all the characters were disposable in the end.

4A) Revenge of the Sith - hate to give any credit to the middle trilogy as it cheapens the whole franchise, but this was far superior to the other two installments, so maybe I unfairly grade it higher by comparsion.

4B) Force Awakens - felt like a re-tread of the original film, so I grade it lower for no originality, but nostalgia and cool effects rank it in the middle. On any given day might put it above Sith depending on my contempt for the whole middle trilogy.

6) (and dropping) Phantom Menace - thought it was OK when I first saw it, but it has not aged well with me on repeated viewings. Like the movie Scream said, "the best movie villains, like Hannibal Lecter and  Darth Vader, are the ones that don't explain why they are villains". This movie destroyed that, and my God is George Lucas bad at casting child actors.

*Would place Solo here because it was so unnecessary in the grand scheme of things.

7) Attack of the Clones - if you can't fake chemistry with Natalie Portman of all people in a love story, then you and your entire movie suck. This is awful.

😎 Last Jedi - Maybe because each movie since the original trilogy seems to have tarnished its legacy more and more each time, I put this below Clones. But this movie tried to do too much and could have had 4 different stopping points (again was expecting a re-tread of Empire, which it started out as, then morphed into a re-do of Return/Jedi, then tacked on another hour of, what exactly?) Maybe the final installment will give meaning to the middle story and make it better in overall context.

Jcon wasn't saying Attack was better than Sith.  He said Attack was better than TPM and Sith was even better than that.


ESB will always be number one for me.  Return and Hope are tied for second.  The Force Awakens is next.  Rogue One I didn't like at first but the more I watched it, the higher it got and I think it places just after TFA.  I actually really liked Solo and would put it after RO.  Then comes ROTS, TPM and Attack.  TLJ...I don't even know where to place this.  The acting was really good, but the story and direction were absolutely the worst of all the Star Wars movies.  I hate watching the prequels because of the wooden acting, bad direction, crappy script...but the ideas were really on point.  Where as with TLJ, the acting was the only good part.  The story, ideas and direction were just the worst.  And it makes me mad any time I watch it because of how they handled Luke, and that stupid useless casino scene...and the idiotic chase through space.  OMG that movie makes me so mad!


Anyway...that's what I like.

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1 hour ago, Logan007 said:

Jcon wasn't saying Attack was better than Sith.  He said Attack was better than TPM and Sith was even better than that.


ESB will always be number one for me.  Return and Hope are tied for second.  The Force Awakens is next.  Rogue One I didn't like at first but the more I watched it, the higher it got and I think it places just after TFA.  I actually really liked Solo and would put it after RO.  Then comes ROTS, TPM and Attack.  TLJ...I don't even know where to place this.  The acting was really good, but the story and direction were absolutely the worst of all the Star Wars movies.  I hate watching the prequels because of the wooden acting, bad direction, crappy script...but the ideas were really on point.  Where as with TLJ, the acting was the only good part.  The story, ideas and direction were just the worst.  And it makes me mad any time I watch it because of how they handled Luke, and that stupid useless casino scene...and the idiotic chase through space.  OMG that movie makes me so mad!


Anyway...that's what I like.

Oops...misread the original post. My bad. Apologies.

how I feel seeing all these shame gifs

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50 minutes ago, iHeart said:

sigh great I don't even know what streaming service I really want anymore, would I want Netflix for Stranger Things and Carmen or do I want Disney+ for, well take your pick



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47 minutes ago, iHeart said:

sigh great I don't even know what streaming service I really want anymore, would I want Netflix for Stranger Things and Carmen or do I want Disney+ for, well take your pick



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