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Our new jersey

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Photo shopped with effects, they don't look bad.







But those actual shots with Willy and Vega, I don't like the jerseys at all.   


Too much of a single colour all the way through.   Just look too bland.  The digital camo isn't actually as bad as I thought it would be.  Throw is some gold on the pants, and they might not of been that bad.


I liked this tweet


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Replace the W on the front with an A and it's perfect for the Argos.  Is Reebok punking us?  Not one speck of Gold?  I think this is the worst of the new jerseys up to this point.  At least the other jerseys stayed somewhat true to their respective teams.  Thank god I got my Royal Blue jersey last year.  Won't be buying this one.

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I'm not sure they are terrible, it's just not bomber colours at all. You put some gold in there instead of going all blue and they look pretty decent, I don't think they are the worst in the league and they are certainly not the best, minus the lack of gold and the fact they look more like argo jerseys than bomber jerseys, they aren't that bad.


I'd love to hear an explanation why they completely ignored the gold though. 


They are apparently wearing them just once this year and maybe once next year, for a jersey that will be worn maybe twice, whatever really. 



The royal blues are apparently being worn for a game this year too.


I'd understand the "uproar" more so if they were changing to this jersey all the time but they aren't. They will wear them once for sure and maybe once next season. 

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Funny that the Bombers themselves haven't tweeted out a pic. Just answered a couple questions about them. One of which the answer to was "we will be wearing them one time".

bombers obviously aren't too impressed with the jerseys, wonder how much say they had? NONE? 


Going on what a few people on here have said regarding the more camo look, gotta wonder if reebok put the kaibosh on what the bombers actually preferred to have. 


Probably not impressed that it doesn't include the gold colour, they are blue n gold, not argo blue. 

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Ten pages of complaints already?


Just save time, cut and paste the complaints about the last jersey release (not the right shade of blue).  Or the one before that (gold away jerseys?).  Or the one before that (the piping on the blue jersey looks ridiculous).  Or the one before that (what is the point of this all white retro jersey?).  Or the one before that (these numbers are ticat yellow, not gold).  Or the one before that (what's with the liberace gold jersey).  Or the one before that (they just stole the St Louis Rams jerseys).  Or the one before ... wait, I wasn't checking in on the amount of jersey-related complaining on the internet back then.


Dear Reebok, it doesn't matter what you do.  We won't like it.

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Dear Reebok, i actually don't mind them but i'm wondering why there is no gold at all.


I think what it appears is most people on here don't exactly hate them, they are just wondering why there is no gold in them.


That's a valid "complaint". We are blue n gold, not just blue. 


I don't see anyone really complaining about the camo stuff, seems most actually don't mind the camo look, hell some people aren't even complaining about the jersey too much, they are just wondering why they didn't include any gold in them. Valid question and complaint really.


The twitter world don't seem to mind them but it sounds like most would like to know why they completely ignored our colour scheme. 

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I'm sorry to say but that jersey is just shameful... It's horrible all the way through. We have asked for the retros soooo many times... They not only deny us that but instead produce these piece of **** jerseys. Not impressed. Where's the gold...

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