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29 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

From a serious point of view and not coming from any political stripe, this passive aggressive approach to packaging facts is very very troubling to me. Chuck Todd, in his words, was befuddled. This is exactly the intent of this approach. To befuddle the other.

I agree with others who have said the way to combat this is to immediately shut down the conversation and wish them a good day.

Yes, without political bias, it is quite troubling how this administration is framing lies. There is lot of concerning discussion.

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On 1/22/2017 at 11:45 AM, kelownabomberfan said:

interesting perspective, and definitely supports Johnzo's theory about the cyclical nature of US politics.  I think in Canada we follow similar cycles as well.  One thing seems pretty universal no matter where you go, after awhile, people want change.

It makes sense.  I've bounced back and forth between voting Liberal and voting Conservative basically for this reason.  Neither party represents me 100% so usually I go for change.  IMO a nice balance is 2 terms Left, 1 term Right.  Tax and spend is a decent way to stimulate the economy but it can't go on forever or you end up with what the NDP left Manitoba... high taxes and massive debt.  Similarly, too much time in power for Conservatives can cause problems as well (see Filmon regime).  I think in general it is good to switch out the party in power after 2 terms max.

But I've never in my lifetime seen a party in power that is as... radical as Trump.  So who knows what's going to happen.

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27 minutes ago, Atomic said:

It makes sense.  I've bounced back and forth between voting Liberal and voting Conservative basically for this reason.  Neither party represents me 100% so usually I go for change.  IMO a nice balance is 2 terms Left, 1 term Right.  Tax and spend is a decent way to stimulate the economy but it can't go on forever or you end up with what the NDP left Manitoba... high taxes and massive debt.  Similarly, too much time in power for Conservatives can cause problems as well (see Filmon regime).  I think in general it is good to switch out the party in power after 2 terms max.

But I've never in my lifetime seen a party in power that is as... radical as Trump.  So who knows what's going to happen.

I sort of agree.  Im somewhere between Cons and Libs.  Voted Liberal years ago and got more and more Conservative...more accurate to say the Liberals chased me away.  As I got older and got more concerned with things like taxes and our place in the world, I was attracted to the Cons.  But Im socially Liberal.

Im liking Bernier.  But also, I cant disagree with a lot of O'Leary's positions though he, as a person, Im not sure about.  The Liberals under Trudeau have made me more likely to vote Cons.  Sometimes, the party you didnt vote for gets into office and does a good job and can win you over.  Thats why I expected Trump to knock it off.

There is a sense Trumps demeanor and nonsense was a strategy to win.  But its looking more like winning was simply an accidental by-product of his hyperbole and bombastic nature.  I hate to go *there* in regards to Nazism but his rhetoric is a bit scary.  Thankfully, the American system doesnt allow for a President to cease power....right?

I used the same example of the political cycle being good.  But as a voter, I wont vote for change just because.  I didnt see any reason for Trudeau's "change" after years of Harper.  Give me another ten years of Harper please.

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Crazy people on both sides, lol....


A nasty political exchange aboard a cross-country flight on Saturday ended with an incoherent Donald Trump opponent being led away by cops.

Trump supporter Scott Koteskey says he was minding his own business when he boarded a flight from Baltimore to Seattle.

When he reached his designated window seat, Koteskey claims an elderly woman — with a “stern voice” — identified him as a Trump backer and began to berate him.

In a Facebook posting Koteskey says the passenger, who was with her husband, asked him if he was in town to “cheer or to protest.”

His answer: “I came here to celebrate democracy, ma’am.”

Suffice to say, the overzealous Trump-hater didn’t deem Koteskey’s answer acceptable.

The elderly woman proceeded to embark on an epic rant that Koteskey filmed for two minutes.

“Do you believe in gravity? Did you know gravity is just a theory?” she says sarcastically before a flight attendant asks her to grab her things.

“I paid for this seat, and I’m sitting in it,” she says trough her teeth. “He is in my space.”

The disgruntled Trump opponent then offers up a sob story, claiming she was in town due to a death in the family and needs to return home.

“I’m terribly sorry for that, but that doesn’t give you the right to treat people the way you’ve been treating them,” a flight attendant responds.

Koteskey, who says he told the woman “we’re all entitled to our opinions,” also detailed a portion of the exchange he alleges wasn’t caught on film.

“And I’m entitled to get drunk and puke in your lap! I’m going to throw up right in your lap!” Koteskey recalled the irate passenger saying.

“You make me sick! Don’t talk to me! Don’t look at me! Don’t you dare even put your arm on that rest ... You are a bigot. You should get off this plane!”

Oh, the irony.

The airline eventually summoned a pair of Baltimore cops to escort the elderly couple from the flight as chants of U-S-A! U-S-A! echoed through the fuselage.

A separate video posted online later showed Koteskey enjoying three seats to himself on the long-haul flight.


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Did what he said he was going to do.

"Trump signs order withdrawing U.S. from Trans-Pacific trade deal"

Thanks Donald!
When he wasn't busy picking drone targets, this was Obama's main project for the last year and half of his second term. arm twisting, and the like to ram this through.
This is a kick in Obama's nuts with a frozen boot by Trump. and a win for all of us.
should be funny seeing his opponents twist into knots figuring out how this is somehow the wrong thing to do. (Hillary was all in for the TPP.)
Edited by Mark F
reason for edit, added several sentences. by way of additional words.
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2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:


rather than ridiculing him for how stupid this is... media should humour him (in a way)... sincerely ask where this happened, who was involved and promise a follow up investigation... since he obviously has no proof, he'll probably (one would think, but we're dealing with a different character here) back off from making these allegations in the future... if his response is "I don't have proof, I just know it happened" then ignore it and move on...

the more attention these stupid little stunts get... the more frequent they will be b/c Trump loves getting the reaction/attention...

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I think its that the media is as angry at Trump as Trump is at them.  Its a game they're playing.  Media is trying to ridicule him and hurt his support.  Trump is trying to margenlize the media or control them.  I dont think Trump can win that battle.  The media is always going to be biased to a degree but I think most mainstream media wants to be responsible and cover the news well.  Trump just gives them every excuse to ridicule him.  And really, its not CNN ridiculing him, it's Trump doing it.  Trump screwed Trump (thats not a hot Ivanka joke either).

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19 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

Good article on how the Internet has increased divisiveness and tribalism.


Yes this is an excellent article.

It reminds me of the initial shock when Trump was elected.  The liberals/democrats all asking: "Where are all the Trump supporters hiding?  How did he win?".... they aren't hiding anywhere.  You blocked them a long time ago.

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Trump is expected to sign an executive order tomorrow banning most refugees and suspending visas for people from a number of Middle Eastern and African countries:


He's also expected to sign an order to begin preparations for building "the wall".


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So despite evidence of widespread voter fraud, Trump now wants an investigation.  Because he just cant handle that he didnt win the popular vote.

And unless I am remembering incorrectly, didnt the White House say Trump won the popular vote when voter fraud was calculated but when pressed as to if that was true, would there be an investigation, they said no...?  So Im guessing Trump also got his **** up about the media calling him out about it. 

This guy has the potential to be an utter disaster with an ego like that.  Its entertaining though.  Also, I saw Trump hotels has plans to double its locations.  hmmmm

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2 hours ago, Mark F said:


Bomb the daylights of of the middle east from 1990 up to and including today, then wonder why there are refugees and people seeking revenge.

America the clueless dolt country.



Clueless would imply that they don't know what they're doing, which would be far from the truth.  Just watched a documentary on the Marshall Islands where the US military used native islanders as guinea pigs to test the results of exposure to radiation after dropping 54 atomic bombs on Bikini Atoll, the biggest being 1,000 times the force of the Hiroshima explosion.  Not surprisingly the results were predictable as the US government had been testing the effects of radiation on animals for many years prior and knew precisely the fate of these people. 

This article summarizes well.


Edited by Throw Long Bannatyne
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4 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

US military used native islanders as guinea pigs to test the results of exposure to radiation

To be fair, they also exposed thousands of people in Utah, Nevada, and so on to nuclear testing radiation. The "downwinders"

And probably some of us here in Manitoba.

Although (strangely enough) the maps showing the winds and currents, and trajectories of the radiation carried through the atmosphere from the atomic tests, stop at the Canadian US border.

But yeah, you're right. I was referring to the clueless American populace, who seem to have gotten used to and accepting of a state of permanent warfare.


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4 hours ago, Mark F said:

To be fair, they also exposed thousands of people in Utah, Nevada, and so on to nuclear testing radiation. The "downwinders"

And probably some of us here in Manitoba.

Although (strangely enough) the maps showing the winds and currents, and trajectories of the radiation carried through the atmosphere from the atomic tests, stop at the Canadian US border.

But yeah, you're right. I was referring to the clueless American populace, who seem to have gotten used to and accepting of a state of permanent warfare.


In that case you're certainly right, the American people are clueless and devour their government's propaganda with a big red, white and blue spoon.

Edited by Throw Long Bannatyne
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