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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Posts posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. 1 hour ago, Noeller said:

    As ridiculous as this sounds, I think the reason Williams got fined and not Davis, is because he at the fan's nachos....... it wasn't the act of jumping into the crowd that was the offense. 

    He was also “all in” which is different from scaling a wall

     I think the CFL is understandably leery about that degree of interaction, after the Ticats/Argos debacle in last yrs playoffs. 

  2. 5 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    This. The CFL isn't responsible for it. It's not a problem for the fans in attendance. It's a TV viewership issue. One that TSN should really try to improve....which of course means they won't.

    I was sitting at field level and it was hardly noticeable…certainly not a distraction. 
    I was more pissed off by the archaic scoreboard, food, seating and overall game experience. 
    The people are top drawer but the stadium sucks. 

  3. 1 hour ago, Potential said:

    I dunno my man, methinks Forde may have been horizontal for about a good 15 minutes in the 4th quarter there. 😂

    Either that or he was in line buying a helmet poutine... Jk Duane we love you!

    I spoke to Smith and Forde after the game and they were soaked in their suits. The temp was in the high 20s but the humidity was through the roof. Forde said it was stifling in the booth. 

  4. 56 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Related to this topic but as an aside. I'll tell you what I miss. Having Don Blanchard from the Free Press & Jack Matheson the Sports Editor of the Winnipeg Tribune covering the Bombers like a blanket. There'd be 3, 4 or 5 stories everyday about the team in each paper. The stories would be different as well in each paper meaning fans could really get the scoop on what was happening with the tean. 

    Hal Sigurdson had a nice touch.

    A bona fide counterpunch to Matheson's acerbic writing/broadcasting style

  5. 2 minutes ago, Nolby said:

    Any bets if Fajardo makes it out of this game not in a boot or on crutches? I feel his knee is a ticking time bomb at this point.

    ...unless his team scores a passing TD. In which case, the limp magically disappears and he runs down the field like Michael Flatley to join the celly.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Booch said:

    this be his last shot...I dont see him sticking there tho with what they have on the roster for QB's...I see a nice pro-rated end of yr and playoff run contract being signed here....as an all purpose guy...running...receiving..short yardage guy and stay in for a few plays...much like 2019...but better 

    You read my mind

  7. 24 minutes ago, bearpants said:

    HH to Duran carter for getting absolutely dummied by Schoen on that long TD… I laughed out loud for quite a while on that one… if Jones had any sense carter would be released already… but thankfully he made pick so for everyone else’s entertainment, that’ll be good enough to keep trotting him out in the defensive backfield 🤣

    Gainey was the hb on that side too. 

    2 former prider defenders that weren’t even in the same time zone as the receiver. 


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