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Pete Catan's Ghost

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Posts posted by Pete Catan's Ghost

  1. 49 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    I suppose it depends who you're sending back the other way...

    OK, I'll play silly bugger.

    Burnham to the 6 game, covers a good portion of BLM's wage. Any combo of Stamps O. Linemen and draft picks would do nicely in a trade with BC,  It's the right time for the Stamps to get something in return since Bo won't be back next year.

    I'm aware that you don't trade to a division rival pre-playoffs, but I think Huff could do this one, knowing that BLM is broken. I also think that it is the one trade that Bo would accept.

    BC needs to make this happen for any chance in the playoffs (Barring a Rourke comeback).

  2. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    Man I’d love to get a bbq pit area going for tailgating. 

    What time do you intend on showing up at the stadium? Could make for a long day.

    HH - The doorknob draped in a BB flag who was kicked out of the park and ride line for assaulting an older rider. Somehow he got on the next bus, but was pulled off that one for causing another disturbance. I ever there was a candidate for IPDA (drunk tank) it was this guy.

  3. Just now, Bubba Zanetti said:

    VAJ is no where close to the type of pocket passer that Rourke was/is. He'll be an upgrade over the junk they trotted out before but IMO they wont be near the dominating scoring machine they were before. VAJ is also prone to brain fart game-altering throws, something Rourke mostly avoided.

    Maybe we will really see what kind of chops their Wunderkind OC has? If he can do the chicken salad out of… with VAJ, then perhaps he is something special. 

  4. 15 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    So its three days later and despite ample discussion, @TBURGESS continues to argue the same points. I have to ask, why man? You keep stating the same things over again and its clear you're not going to convince most people here. Move on.

    Some people are slow learners.

    See: Colin Robinson from "What we do in the Shadows" to get an idea of how TBurg operates.

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