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the watcher

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Posts posted by the watcher

  1. 9 minutes ago, JCon said:

    Because the Liberals are pro big business and Bay Street. They'll spend like crazy but won't hold Bay Street accountable for anything. They are maddening. Sometimes, when you're trying to be balanced to both sides, you end up screwing both sides. 

    It's one of the reasons I quit paying attention to the name of the party I vote for. I try to vote based on their current  form and the leaders ability to balance economic and social issues. I guess I would add environmental issues to that now.

  2. 10 hours ago, JCon said:

    It's pretty darn close. But, I would say that's more of the Liberal platform turning left than the NDP heading to the middle. That must be frustrating because the Grits have no intention of ruling from the left. They talk about it but they're stuck near the middle. 

    I would like to see Singh leading the Grits!


    Edit: I said centre above but meant left.  The Libs intend to govern from the centre, not the left. 

    You are right. Perhaps better put the it's more the Liberals TALKING left and having no I mention of governing that way.  And that's what frustrates me about the current Libs and Trudeau. They talk left and spend money on that talk without real movement to the left. Often some of the movement left requires full commitment to work and even make economic sense. An example ? If you are moving away from oil wouldn't  it make sense to take the massive subsidies paid to the oil industry and put it into green infrastructure ?

  3. 45 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    TP still around 3% where it's been the last while. As long as you keep masks and the current mitigation measures in place, it'll be much much much better than other jurisdictions........

    The trouble with TPR is the Southern Health bunch won't test till they are violently ill. I'd love to know the real numbers.

  4. 34 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

    Only listened to a snip of it but there's got to be a better way to tell someone they out of time other then yelling at them.

    If the set up is done right, cut off the Mic at exactly the aloted time. Then they are a tiny annoying voice in the background which won't be appealing to voters. 

  5. 24 minutes ago, WildPath said:

    I don't know if it was the moderating or just the format overall. I legitimately got a headache from it that has lasted until this morning. Didn't hear anything substantive from anyone really. Just launch a quick attack and then try to get a quick defense. I can't imagine that debate was useful for undecided Canadians that care about policy.

    Exactly. I really don't think a single vote moved anywhere. Possibly  a few more will stay home .One of the reasons maybe is because there is no real reason for this election at this time. No burning issue that took the standing government down . Lots of things to vote on , economy,  environment, records,...... but all of that was in the last election and will be in the next election. It's hard for people to focus on when most are wrapped up in the 4th wave, kids going back to school, just getting by day to day......

  6. My take on the debate

    Trudeau -  " No really, this time we will ACTUALLY  live up to our promises. "

    O'Toole - I'll bet he was an awesome Dodge Ball player as a kid cause he's still doing it on multiple important subjects.

    NDP  - Still struggling to be seen as a real alternative to the major 2 parties.

    Block - Why does everything always revolve around Quebec for them..............Oh yea, right. It was interesting to hear him actually voice that he didn't care about the rest of Canada or what happens there.

    Green - I really didn't hear anything concrete. Or any reason to vote green other than the ideal of a Green party.

    On the whole a pointless debate just like the election.

    2 minutes ago, the watcher said:



  7. 20 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Ivermectin causes 'sterility' in 85% of males who take it: study

    Far-right extremists and conspiracy theorists, many of them anti-vaxxers, have been falsely claiming that Ivermectin — an antiparasitic drug typically given to animals — can be used to prevent or treat COVID-19. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, in response, has been warning Americans that taking animal-grade Ivermectin can be "highly dangerous." And the effects of Ivermectin on people have been studied in Nigeria, where researchers found that taking it is likely to cause sterility in men.

    Erin Coulehan, a reporter for WFLA-TV (an NBC affiliate in Tampa, Florida), explains, "The effects of Ivermectin therapy on human males can have an effect on men's reproductive health. Researchers at three universities in Nigeria studied the effects of Ivermectin, which is used to treat river blindness and other medical conditions in humans, on men's sperm counts. According to their study, 85% of men who take Ivermectin become sterilized."

    Coulehan adds, "Ivermectin is often used as an anthelmintic to combat parasites in animals, and some people have been using it to fight COVID-19 despite health experts' recommendations against it. The study conducted by researchers in Nigeria screened 385 patients with river blindness to investigate the effects of Ivermectin on sperm function; the researchers found that 85% of all male patients treated in a particular center with Ivermectin in the recent past who went to the laboratory for routine tests were discovered to have developed various forms, grades and degrees of sperm dysfunction."


    This would be funny as all heck, Darwin strikes again, but I highly doubt this one.  I suppose it's possible but I've seen a  awful lot of it put on extremely expensive breeding  stock and have never heard of it.


    ......adopted a "disparaging and accusatory tone" toward the unvaccinated.

    "People refusing COVID-19 shots were painted as culpable for creating challenges to the health-care system," he wrote in a letter to constituents posted to his social media. 

    And in other news people who run Stop signs may be culpable for creating accidents. Lol , these anti everything's are such  bunch of entitled, whining wimps. Buck up, get the shot and shut up. It's a pandemic, do your part.

  9. 15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Imo demski could return kicks. 

    Our best current roster return guy would probably be nick taylor. Hes ran low 4.3 and high 4.2 times, scored 2 defensive tds. Hes returned 2 kicks for us and a couple in the AFL. Iirc he did some returning in college too. In order to keep him fresh we'd need to DI another DB to give him more breaks. 

    I was just going to ask hasn't SOMEONE  on this team returned kicks before, at least in college ? It's the biggest issue on this team right now in my opinion. Every time Collaros takes the field he's looking at acres of turf between him and the goal line. 

  10. 15 hours ago, Tracker said:

    Arkansas Inmates Say They Were Given Ivermectin For COVID-19 Without Their Consent

    People incarcerated in an Arkansas jail say the facility’s physician prescribed them ivermectin to treat COVID-19 and that they weren’t aware they were taking the drug.

    The anti-parasite drug, typically used to deworm horses and cattle, has developed an unlikely ― and baseless ― reputation as a COVID treatment in humans, despite stern warnings from the Food and Drug Administration.

    Washington County jail physician Dr. Rob Karas acknowledged in an interview with CBS affiliate KFSM that he prescribed ivermectin to incarcerated people with COVID symptoms, but said they were “not forced” to take the drug.

    But accounts given by people in the facility call that claim into question.

    “I asked what are they, and they’d just tell me vitamins,” one inmate, Edrick Floreal-Wooten, told the Associated Press. “With me being sick and all of us being sick, we thought that they were there to help us. I never thought they would do something shady.”

    “They were pretty much testing us in here is all they were doing, seeing if it would work,” said William Evans, another inmate who said he was given the drug for two weeks after he tested positive for COVID.

    Arkansas Inmates Say They Were Given Ivermectin For COVID-19 Without Their Consent | HuffPost

    If that doesn't echo the Nazi experiments in WW2 I don't know what does. 

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