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IC Khari

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Posts posted by IC Khari

  1. Not good for the league (even though right now it helps the Bombers) to have all of these QB injuries …

    10 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Yeah...Kelly doesn't compare....ZC if stays upright all yr and that offence we saw last week is the norm...not the exception..he's a show in...if we did that against the supposed donut boys...this hyped worldly defence that was just all that and a box of what amounted to timbits...then I can't see us rolling over every one and everything 

    Our receivers talent is ridiculous right now. Pair that with the best QB in the league and I tend to agree (I assume you meant you can see us rolling over everyone?)

  2. 5 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:

    Tony won a Cup with the Montreal Canadiens in 1969.

    I forgot he played 13 games in total (no playoffs so it’s easy not to remember his being on that Cup winner) for the Habs. With Vachon and a young Ken Dryden they chose to move on from him. Interesting how you can go from the wrong place, wrong time to the perfect situation. I think he signed with Chicago a few months after that Cup …

  3. Lawler will open up the run game for Zach and the RB's, and the passing game for the rest of the receiving core. It's too bad that legal stuff hadn't have been cleared up before this season started. I honestly believe our team would have had a stronger, more consistent offence, which could have helped the defence to stay off the field more. Who knows, maybe we don't lose one or two of the games we have? 



  4. 42 minutes ago, Booch said:

    who they trying to kid??...thats a 12 month recovery to get to hopefully 100 percent...and in a younger athlete....with it usually you get Cartlidge damage, and can actually get some serious nerve and cell damage issues...to the point where a lot of times yo9u can incur cell death in the tissues of the leg...I'd be surprised if this isnt career ending....or when he tries to come back he just gonna be a lame sitting duck out there

    I also know from seeing that injury before....from a teamate, that since he requires surgery then he had shifting of the bones so needs hardware to put things back in place and heal and takes a good half yr if not more to just walk like u did before....and thats before any football rehab....and that was on younger athlete...not s soon to be 40 yr old


    As I said at Riderfans last night and got banned (😇) ... "this speeds up the firings" ...

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