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Drew Willy to start season finale


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Hajrullahu left some points on the field during Marve's time at the helm too (7 to be exact).

???? Say what?

If I'm not mistaken, in those 53 minutes, the Bombers were in a position to score but failed on three different occasions (2 missed field goals and a missed convert).

Yes, one convert but only one FG.

Hajrullahu kicked 4 of 5 FGs and unofficially, I believe, set a new Bomber and CFL rookie percentage record.

Will wait for the official word on the actual percentages from the CFL news centre.

Congratulations mr. rookie kicker.

Awesome season from lirim. Hope he hit the required percentages..

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Hajrullahu left some points on the field during Marve's time at the helm too (7 to be exact).


???? Say what?



If I'm not mistaken, in those 53 minutes, the Bombers were in a position to score but failed on three different occasions (2 missed field goals and a missed convert).



Yes, one convert but only one FG.

Hajrullahu kicked 4 of 5 FGs and unofficially, I believe, set a new Bomber and CFL rookie percentage record. 

Will wait for the official word on the actual percentages from the CFL news centre.


Congratulations mr. rookie kicker.



Yeah, fantastic season for him.


But he DID technically miss two field goals. Blocked field goals now count as misses.

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

How much thinking did you have time for during the one sentence you wrote between finding it funny and not?


Who cares? 

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others. Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.

Faaaaaaar more people have came and stayed then came, got butthurt then left.. No need to verbally martyr yourself (again) on the "be nice to others" topic... Again.

Overall, I think I'm pretty respectful here to people. However, if someone comes after me I won't shy away as you know. I get into it sure but I'm a lot better than I used to be on other sites I was on in the past. I try not to be combative here like I was elsewhere. Not a martyr SPuDs. Just giving facts. if you were a regular on 13thman back a decade ago you know 2/3 of the mods there were power hungry dickheads led by a bully named Section W from Montreal. It deserved to crash.

You always reference that board but what we have built here is nothing like that.. It won't become a boys club mentality and it won't become a power mad ran dictatorship.. Frankly, for the most part we self regulate better then any forums I've been a part of..


I disagree, SPuDs. This is becoming a wild west board. Shoot first & ask questions later. How can you say it's better regulated than most others as I don't think it is? People are insulted & attacked all the time if their opinion isn't what some others like. As for me, I have a thick skin so it doesn't bother me as much as would others. Not to say that I sometimes don't get angry & say stupid things as I know that I do. Look, I'm just saying what I see. If I didn't like it here I'd leave but I'm not so I'm okay. 

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Hajrullahu left some points on the field during Marve's time at the helm too (7 to be exact).


???? Say what?



If I'm not mistaken, in those 53 minutes, the Bombers were in a position to score but failed on three different occasions (2 missed field goals and a missed convert).



Yes, one convert but only one FG.

Hajrullahu kicked 4 of 5 FGs and unofficially, I believe, set a new Bomber and CFL rookie percentage record. 

Will wait for the official word on the actual percentages from the CFL news centre.


Congratulations mr. rookie kicker.



Yeah, fantastic season for him.


But he DID technically miss two field goals. Blocked field goals now count as misses.



Yeah, the rule that came in after it made Paredes famous for setting a record for a FG streak, even though one was blocked.


This year, all I can find is that Lirim has officially set a rookie Bomber record and apparently has tied the CFL rookie record of 40/46 and the percentage of 86.96%


Now before the BC game Lirim was 33 made out of 37 attempts. In BC he went 3 for 4 and in Calgary…he is credited with 4 of 5 in the FG department…giving him that elusive number of 40/46 FGs.


That is where I get those numbers and why I stated will await 'til it is official, but it looks like he is credited with 40/46 as of now.


Kinda weird, but no mention of blocked attempts.

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others. Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.

Faaaaaaar more people have came and stayed then came, got butthurt then left.. No need to verbally martyr yourself (again) on the "be nice to others" topic... Again.

Overall, I think I'm pretty respectful here to people. However, if someone comes after me I won't shy away as you know. I get into it sure but I'm a lot better than I used to be on other sites I was on in the past. I try not to be combative here like I was elsewhere. Not a martyr SPuDs. Just giving facts. if you were a regular on 13thman back a decade ago you know 2/3 of the mods there were power hungry dickheads led by a bully named Section W from Montreal. It deserved to crash.

You always reference that board but what we have built here is nothing like that.. It won't become a boys club mentality and it won't become a power mad ran dictatorship.. Frankly, for the most part we self regulate better then any forums I've been a part of..



I'd argue that - been called stupid by a mod.  Everything I've said and been called out for by that mod has pretty much been proven by what's happened on the football field. Swat that gum


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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. Then you say stuff to me about how I post - well how would you like it if you posted something and I called you stupid, then what you said came to pass? And not just one thing. I got on my 'soap box' because of the way I was treated when I first 'dare' posted that Willy is/was as much to blame for the losing streak as anyone else. Wasn't trying to run him out of town, just saying maybe we should try Marve in there as a change in pace. It exploded from there. Nice way to treat a board member who already offered on one thread where - if I had won the contest, would have donate the prize right back to this site. I'm just a bomber fan like you are expressing my opinion, not running anyone down or calling anyone out personally so why do I get treated like that?

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Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. Then you say stuff to me about how I post - well how would you like it if you posted something and I called you stupid, then what you said came to pass? And not just one thing. I got on my 'soap box' because of the way I was treated when I first 'dare' posted that Willy is/was as much to blame for the losing streak as anyone else. Wasn't trying to run him out of town, just saying maybe we should try Marve in there as a change in pace. It exploded from there. Nice way to treat a board member who already offered on one thread where - if I had won the contest, would have donate the prize right back to this site. I'm just a bomber fan like you are expressing my opinion, not running anyone down or calling anyone out personally so why do I get treated like that?


If you want to get on your soap box and gloat when you are right, you're more than welcome to do so. Many of us are guilty of it.


But you have to be prepared for the alternative ... wearing the horns when you're wrong.


The one theme that seems to be constant around here is that the more animated you are, the more animated the responses to you will be.

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Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. Then you say stuff to me about how I post - well how would you like it if you posted something and I called you stupid, then what you said came to pass? And not just one thing. I got on my 'soap box' because of the way I was treated when I first 'dare' posted that Willy is/was as much to blame for the losing streak as anyone else. Wasn't trying to run him out of town, just saying maybe we should try Marve in there as a change in pace. It exploded from there. Nice way to treat a board member who already offered on one thread where - if I had won the contest, would have donate the prize right back to this site. I'm just a bomber fan like you are expressing my opinion, not running anyone down or calling anyone out personally so why do I get treated like that?


If you want to get on your soap box and gloat when you are right, you're more than welcome to do so. Many of us are guilty of it.


But you have to be prepared for the alternative ... wearing the horns when you're wrong.


The one theme that seems to be constant around here is that the more animated you are, the more animated the responses to you will be.

You mean like this?



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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. 

Aww muffin.... :lol:


What I said, for the umpteenth time was that it was a stupid post. I dare you to look through my comments and find specifically where I said you, yourself, personally were stupid. Go for it. I'll be here waiting.

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KptKrunch...you make some good points...it's the way you choose to do it sometimes that gets some people's hackles up. 


I know - but it all started with a comment I made about Crompton in Montreal. I won't re-hash it, but watching him here for a year and seeing how he threw the ball (albeit in pre-game warmups) I opined when he went to Montreal he 'could' be the guy there. Mr.P called me stupid for that comment. I won't bother stating the obvious now about that. To add to that, when I started my tough love on Willy thread because he seemed to be getting off the hook around here, Mr. P picked up from the Crompton comment and attacked me even more. Mr.P is a mod. He can certainly voice his counterpoints to any post I or anyone makes here. But he can do it without insulting or belittling the OP. So yeah, I got my back up and for sure I made a lot of posts with a connotation slant of "I'm right and you're wrong" but if someone attacks me personally, I'll fight back. Mod, or not. I'll take the whole forum on if need be. 


I certainly don't mean to come across that way. I like to vent and as a Bomber fan I'll come here to vent. I also like to read other comments and there are lot of knowledgeable posters here who are definitely more in tune to what is happening in Wpg than I am just because they are more connected than me. I've even 'liked' a lot of Mr.P's posts in the past and agreed with many things he has said. But why he thinks knows more about Crompton than I do, for instance, really? Cause he's seen him in action so much more than me?

But whatever, I'm a bomber fan first and always will be. This is an active site and I do enjoy reading a lot of the viewpoints here. I won't go away that easily, and I'll keep posting my thoughts and observations. People definitely don't have to agree, but if I'm attacked, well, maybe I'll just leave it from now on and just keep posting what I think and not worrying about Mr. P's insults. I wonder if I reported him to the 'mods' would he give himself a warning lol? ;) 

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. 

Aww muffin.... :lol:


What I said, for the umpteenth time was that it was a stupid post. I dare you to look through my comments and find specifically where I said you, yourself, were stupid. Go for it. I'll be here waiting.



and you tell me how it was stupid? I just watched the guy here for a year, made a comment to the community about what I observed. I had no idea he'd be so successful but it wasn't a stupid post after all now was it?

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. 

Aww muffin.... :lol:


What I said, for the umpteenth time was that it was a stupid post. I dare you to look through my comments and find specifically where I said you, yourself, were stupid. Go for it. I'll be here waiting.



and you tell me how it was stupid? I just watched the guy here for a year, made a comment to the community about what I observed. I had no idea he'd be so successful but it wasn't a stupid post after all now was it?


I love how you change the subject instead of responding to my post directly. You proved my point. Thank you.


As for Crompton himself, look at Montreal's schedule the latter half of the season. After the game they lost to us in late August, seven of their final ten games have been against East division teams. Do you remember how bad the records were in the east at the end of August? The division was (and still is a joke). On top of that, the three west teams they played in the second half, two of those teams were without their starting quarterbacks (and Calgary was without Cornish as well) and as you know, or as I would hope you know, the more two and outs the opposing offence has, the more chances you yourself will have on offence.


Furthermore, in the second half of the season so far, out of the nine games they've played (game 10 as I referred to earlier comes this weekend), Crompton has been under 60 per cent passing (considered to be the bare minimum when it comes to completion percentage) in five out of those nine contests. With the competition he's had to face, that's the definition of a joke right there. You want to know why Montreal has done so well in the second half of the season - Look at their defensive statistics. Their fourth in total defence, fourth against the pass, and fifth against the run. Pretty much near the middle of the pack in every defensive statistic which is indicative of their record. Montreal is a team that if they had a legitimate quarterback would actually be a pretty decent team. For all the crap they went through in the first half of the year (which Crompton was a part of after Smith was benched) they've turned it around nicely with Jeff Garcia in to help Ryan Dinwiddie with his play calling. They are managing the game offensively to play to Crompton's limited strengths. Crompton on the year has a completion percentage of under 60 per cent, and has only 10 touchdown passes in nine games he's started to far. I'm sorry, but those are not in any way, shape, or form good numbers. Yes Montreal is winning, but you can look to their defence, and a very simplified offensive gameplan as the reason why. If you don't believe Crompton is working with a simplified offensive game plan, look at his first games at quarterback - He had four interceptions in his first two games, then he was finally reeled in by the offensive staff. They are doing the best they can with that they have to work with - Which under centre is not very much. Montreal will be very aggressive in going after a quarterback this offseason, and they'll do it because Crompton is not a starting calibre quarterback.


Lastly, again, I dare you to find where I specifically said you personally were stupid. I stand by post of saying your comments on Crompton was a stupid post. If you're unable to decipher to difference between the two, frankly that's not my problem. I have better things to do with my time than to pat you on the back and say "there, there".

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. 

Aww muffin.... :lol:


What I said, for the umpteenth time was that it was a stupid post. I dare you to look through my comments and find specifically where I said you, yourself, were stupid. Go for it. I'll be here waiting.



and you tell me how it was stupid? I just watched the guy here for a year, made a comment to the community about what I observed. I had no idea he'd be so successful but it wasn't a stupid post after all now was it?


I love how you change the subject instead of responding to my post directly. You proved my point. Thank you.


As for Crompton himself, look at Montreal's schedule the latter half of the season. After the game they lost to us in late August, seven of their final ten games have been against East division teams. Do you remember how bad the records were in the east at the end of August? The division was (and still is a joke). On top of that, the three west teams they played in the second half, two of those teams were without their starting quarterbacks (and Calgary was without Cornish as well) and as you know, or as I would hope you know, the more two and outs the opposing offence has, the more chances you yourself will have on offence.


Furthermore, in the second half of the season so far, out of the nine games they've played (game 10 as I referred to earlier comes this weekend), Crompton has been under 60 per cent passing (considered to be the bare minimum when it comes to completion percentage) in five out of those nine contests. With the competition he's had to face, that's the definition of a joke right there. You want to know why Montreal has done so well in the second half of the season - Look at their defensive statistics. Their fourth in total defence, fourth against the pass, and fifth against the run. Pretty much near the middle of the pack in every defensive statistic which is indicative of their record. Montreal is a team that if they had a legitimate quarterback would actually be a pretty decent team. For all the crap they went through in the first half of the year (which Crompton was a part of after Smith was benched) they've turned it around nicely with Jeff Garcia in to help Ryan Dinwiddie with his play calling. They are managing the game offensively to play to Crompton's limited strengths. Crompton on the year has a completion percentage of under 60 per cent, and has only 10 touchdown passes in nine games he's started to far. I'm sorry, but those are not in any way, shape, or form good numbers. Yes Montreal is winning, but you can look to their defence, and a very simplified offensive gameplan as the reason why. If you don't believe Crompton is working with a simplified offensive game plan, look at his first games at quarterback - He had four interceptions in his first two games, then he was finally reeled in by the offensive staff. They are doing the best they can with that they have to work with - Which under centre is not very much. Montreal will be very aggressive in going after a quarterback this offseason, and they'll do it because Crompton is not a starting calibre quarterback.


Lastly, again, I dare you to find where I specifically said you personally were stupid. I stand by post of saying your comments on Crompton was a stupid post. If you're unable to decipher to difference between the two, frankly that's not my problem. I have better things to do with my time than to pat you on the back and say "there, there".


I wonder if Montreal goes after Brohm this offseason?

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I like the middle finger logo suggestion for here. From mods on down that is how this place rolls. We're lectured to show respect then some of the people in charge don't. ROTFL. Don't ask the members here to behave if the mods or admin won't. Actually it's not funny upon thinking about it. It's hypocritical. If people are going to get constantly insulted, they will leave.

I've seen that very thing happen to some huge CFL  boards over the past 14 years because of bad mod behaviour & disrespect shown to members by others.  Total CFL, 13thman & CFL Zone are just 3 where disrespect, petty fighting, bad mod behaviour & favouritism brought all 3 sites down. 13thman had thousands of  members a decade ago. I remember when posting on a subject(s) there wasn't just posting a comment then & coming back later to see the response. It was instantaneous like our chats here during games. You could have a thread with a couple of hundred responses in an hour. Literally could be on there for hours & posting in real time on a thread carrying on conversations in the discussion threads. It was awesome talking with CFL fans all over the country. Well, 13thman is a ghost town now. No one would ever thought that the place would die off & fast... Like within 6 months. People said **** it & left when a few mods started bullying, insulting, perma banning & intimidating the people they didn't like. The mods thought they had all the power & acted like that but the members had the last say. That site is still around but hardly anyone goes there anymore. As far as the third site I mentioned, CFL Zone doesn't even have discussion anymore.

Take it for what it's worth & don't shoot the messenger but if people don't feel welcome here or there is bad mod behaviour & cliques develop this site then  will be deader than a doornail faster than you believe. I like this place that's why I come here & invest my time. I'd hate to see it go the way of the others.


You think Rich as the site owner disrespects this community? His mantra is a giant middle finger to the community that visits this place? And the rest of the guys who volunteer their time to this place? You should be embarrassed for even suggesting such a thing. Do you know what Rich gets out of fronting the money for this place? How much of the revenue he takes for himself in exchange for the late nights when he has to do site updates or for the money that he puts up to pay for server fees, etc? Not a single dime. It all goes to you guys. The shirts we made, the contests we run, the season tickets we donated to charity on behalf of all of our members here. All of it is for our members, not for the people who own and operate this site.


There's ONE guy on our moderation team that pushes the envelope. Me. You want to suggest I'm a bad site administrator? Go right ahead. While you're at it, maybe find me some examples of how I've used my admin privileges in an abusive fashion because there's a difference between "mod abuse" and you just not liking my attitude sometimes. But it has nothing to do with the entire team that works on this place and I find it quite unbelievable that you would even suggest it does.



Wrong - Mr. P. Just look at my tough love thread and how he treated me. Look at my post about Jonathon Crompton and how he called me 'stupid' for saying what I said because he won one game. 

Aww muffin.... :lol:


What I said, for the umpteenth time was that it was a stupid post. I dare you to look through my comments and find specifically where I said you, yourself, were stupid. Go for it. I'll be here waiting.



and you tell me how it was stupid? I just watched the guy here for a year, made a comment to the community about what I observed. I had no idea he'd be so successful but it wasn't a stupid post after all now was it?


I love how you change the subject instead of responding to my post directly. You proved my point. Thank you.


As for Crompton himself, look at Montreal's schedule the latter half of the season. After the game they lost to us in late August, seven of their final ten games have been against East division teams. Do you remember how bad the records were in the east at the end of August? The division was (and still is a joke). On top of that, the three west teams they played in the second half, two of those teams were without their starting quarterbacks (and Calgary was without Cornish as well) and as you know, or as I would hope you know, the more two and outs the opposing offence has, the more chances you yourself will have on offence.


Furthermore, in the second half of the season so far, out of the nine games they've played (game 10 as I referred to earlier comes this weekend), Crompton has been under 60 per cent passing (considered to be the bare minimum when it comes to completion percentage) in five out of those nine contests. With the competition he's had to face, that's the definition of a joke right there. You want to know why Montreal has done so well in the second half of the season - Look at their defensive statistics. Their fourth in total defence, fourth against the pass, and fifth against the run. Pretty much near the middle of the pack in every defensive statistic which is indicative of their record. Montreal is a team that if they had a legitimate quarterback would actually be a pretty decent team. For all the crap they went through in the first half of the year (which Crompton was a part of after Smith was benched) they've turned it around nicely with Jeff Garcia in to help Ryan Dinwiddie with his play calling. They are managing the game offensively to play to Crompton's limited strengths. Crompton on the year has a completion percentage of under 60 per cent, and has only 10 touchdown passes in nine games he's started to far. I'm sorry, but those are not in any way, shape, or form good numbers. Yes Montreal is winning, but you can look to their defence, and a very simplified offensive gameplan as the reason why. If you don't believe Crompton is working with a simplified offensive game plan, look at his first games at quarterback - He had four interceptions in his first two games, then he was finally reeled in by the offensive staff. They are doing the best they can with that they have to work with - Which under centre is not very much. Montreal will be very aggressive in going after a quarterback this offseason, and they'll do it because Crompton is not a starting calibre quarterback.


Lastly, again, I dare you to find where I specifically said you personally were stupid. I stand by post of saying your comments on Crompton was a stupid post. If you're unable to decipher to difference between the two, frankly that's not my problem. I have better things to do with my time than to pat you on the back and say "there, there".


I wonder if Montreal goes after Brohm this offseason?


I wouldn't be surprised if they kick the tires. Other QB's know what the deal is around the league - Montreal will be in the market for a QB, Ottawa will likely be as well considering Burris' age. They have DeMarco but he's still a relative unknown. Drew Tate will be in demand as well. I think Tate would be a fantastic fit in Montreal.

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If I'm Montreal I'm feeling a lot less confident about my QB situation this offseason than I was in the last.  And part of that is just lessons learned from the last one.  But Crompton gets to be the guy slotted at number 1 in the first week of training camp and not much more.  At best.  He is "the future" in Montreal about as much as Quinton Porter was in Hamilton.  Maybe he can become something, but I'm not putting all of the Allouette's eggs in that basket if I have a choice.

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