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Political violence "must always be an option," says far-right Catholic outlet

On Tuesday morning, the far-right Catholic media outlet Church Militant published a video editorial suggesting that violence may be necessary, and justified, if the country's divisions can't be addressed through political means. 

Describing Election Day as a "day of reckoning for the communists who have seized so much control of the country and wreaked so much havoc on America," Church Militant founder Michael Voris warned that, in the "all-out war going on between the forces of darkness who have complete control of one political party and partial control over the other," conservatives might have "no choice but to fight back violently if needs be." That shouldn't be the first resort, Voris went on to say, but it "must always be an option." 

"Now we are in a pitched battle in the political arena — the last remaining line before all-out civil war. If you love peace and you don't want to see violence, then you better get involved on the political front. And let's be clear about this, for all the phony or delusional pacifists out there: violence in and of itself is not immoral. It depends on the circumstances and sometimes even, it's necessary: self defense, the subduing of an aggressor threatening the life of your family, the Son of God in the temple violently whipping the money changers."

The idea that violence must always, at all times, always be avoided is not Catholic. Remember the Crusades? Sometimes violence must be unleashed to protect the innocent. But lethal violence — because of its drastic, you-can-never-come-back-from-it consequences — must never be the first resort. In fact it must always be the last resort, and then not be allowed to turn into an orgy of dominance over the foe. Nonetheless, violence does — must always be an option. Welcome to a fallen world.

Church Militant has castigated the Catholic hierarchy as an "international crime syndicate" or the "lavender mafia," and billed itself as the home of the "red-pilled laity."

For years, Church Militant has served as a bombastic firehose of criticism directed at the Catholic church hierarchy and its fellow conservative Catholics, whom the outlet often castigates as milquetoast wimps too cowardly to fight a corrupt church leadership it has described as an "international crime syndicate" or a "lavender mafia." Amid the bitter 2020 election campaign, Church Militant began to describe itself as the home of "the red-pilled laity" and warned that Catholics who failed to vote for Donald Trump because he was too vulgar couldn't complain when they were "herded onto the trains headed for the camps" or "gun[ned] down in the streets."



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Ohio man fatally shoots neighbor ‘because he thought he was a Democrat’

A southwest Ohio man shot and killed his neighbor because he believed he was a Democrat, according to the victim's family.

Austin Gene Gibbs was taken into custody by Butler County sheriff's deputies just before noon Monday after the shooting was reported in Okeana, and investigators found Anthony Lee King dead from multiple gunshot wounds, reported the Journal-News.

“My neighbor just shot my dad,” the victim's son told dispatchers. "[He] has come over multiple times making statements. He’s insane.”

The caller's mother sobbed in the background and told dispatchers the 43-year-old King had been cutting grass and doing yardwork when she inside to let their dog out, and that's when she heard gunshots.

-MSN news

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oh no the Republicans have to put up with AOC for another two years, it's the end of the world....TOO BAD REPUBLICANS IF YOU ARE GOING TO FORCE MTG ON US FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS YOU GET ANOTHER TWO YEARS OF AOC SO THERE!

god I wish Florida wasn't stupid

oh wait Florida just proved me wrong (but not quite enough)

*laughs maniacally*


Edited by iHeart
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17 minutes ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

Thank God- maybe the citizens of the USA might actually believe in preserving their democracy. 


Yet... Walker is ahead of Warnock... seriously- WTAF?

Looks like that one is going to go to a run off, Republicans held their noses and voted for an idiot

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Looks like Warnock and Walker are going to go to a run off and Warnock should win that one, and the Dems should win Arizona , Nevada is up in the air. One thing for certain Florida is dull on Republican country and as bad as Abbott is in Texas Beto can't beat him. Trump had a bad night but he ain't going anywhere, grifting is his main source of income now. Well not a Red Wave but the Republicans look like they have the House within their grasp

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This guy lost fortunately 


"Pennsylvania GOP gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano touted an endorsement from Joseph Kolakowski, an ultra-orthodox rabbi who expressed sympathy for Capitol rioters and believes Hitler was part lizard.

In one video about the Nazi dictator, the rabbi said there's "a reason why he never took off his boots."

"[It] was to hide the fact that his feet were reptilian in nature because he came from this nonhuman race, demonic race. He was a hybrid."


Of course, the Holy man is a Republican. 

facking crazy place.

Edited by Mark F
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