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Posts posted by coach17

  1. 22 minutes ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

    Odd, I remember reading n ed tait article and it was expressed that jake thomas wasn't signed and wasn't going to in training camp... then there was an injury and he was brought in. 

    I recall that the article underlined how much the other players were super happy he was coming back

    Cool, thanks for the clarification. 


    I wish I still had a link to that article.

    • bigg jayGrand Master
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      On 2024-05-23 at 9:09 AM, wbbfan said:

    I believe it was mos 2nd tc. They cut him in the off season and only brought him back a few weeks into the season. 

    Not cut per se, his contract was up and wasn't brough back (at least initially).  They re-signed him in late May 2018 so we hadn't even had our first pre-season game yet.


    Heres the link to the article posted a few days ago by @big jay

  2. 2 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said:


    As I will be out today getting stuff done, is there a way to rewind the game or do you have to watch in real time.  Anyone know?

    According to the cfl.ca website all games streamed on cfl.ca+ will be available for viewing for 48 hours.                                                    Where to watch 2024 CFL preseason games - CFL.ca

  3. 14 hours ago, WinnipegGordo said:

    Check this clip out. They thought a direct hit to a QBs head was a perfectly clean hit.

    Side note: I miss running onto the field after a Bombers win.


    I remember that game and those real disheartening years very well. Even recognize some of the yahoos in the background when Ernie is interviewing Reinbold

  4. 17 hours ago, Noeller said:

    Again, he was supposed to be running the Nanaimo junior program this year. President and HC..... Did that just go away??

    There is not a lot of money to be made running a Junior team in Canada, in fact most are losing propositions. While some junior coaches do get paid an honorarium this is not the main occupation for them and they require another job or career just to make ends meet. I would guess that even an assistant CFL coaches position would earn significantly more pay. I could see Harris pursuing that if there indeed was an opportunity.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wheeler said:

    Mean's nothing now, there is only one winner in 2023.   

    Will be interesting to see how the Bombers build their roster for next season with guys like Schoen, Nichols, Hardrick, Cole, and Oliveira, etc due big raises.

    God forbid there is a different point of view on a discussion forum.  

    Difference between winner and loser is very marginal. However being an entity that is always in the chase and has indeed stood atop of the hill as little as three years ago opposed to an entity which has been a total tire fire for the last dozen years or so. which do you think most would choose, hence the abandoning of ship for our near western colleagues and the strongest fan support in the nation at here in the Center of Canada.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Booch said:

    And has zero presence in pocket now...had minimal before...but at least before he knew when to run..and when not to for most part...now it's totally opposite...he looks lost

    He has gotten happy feet now, when that happens shows whatever  confidence he had has gone. He did come back early in the second half as the coaches used some schemes that allowed  him to get the ball away early to slow down the rush, once TO adjusted in the fourth quarter he was done.

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