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Posts posted by mbrg

  1. We get it.

    If things that didn't happen happened, then different things would have happened.

    Rather than looking at the game played, create a new imaginary game where all the good things the Bombers did and all the bad things Calgary did never happened, and bad things the Bombers never did and all the good things Calgary never did do happen.

    And once we cherry pick only bad things imaginary things happening, then the Bombers had an imaginary loss.

    Your happy place.

  2. 7 minutes ago, USABomberfan said:

    When tough times come usually this happens.  I seen the same thing from privately-owned teams fanbases clamoring for community ownership, and would not be surprised if people on the Als forum or in various Montreal bars are calling for it right now.  Well if they're not too busy with Habs hockey right now.

    This.  I may have made a slight mistake in targetting Bob Sr. as opposed to maybe stopping the Buck at Andrew or Bob Jr's plate.  But yes, in a what have you done for me lately football era, the people you hire as an owner can make or break your franchise, and as of right now it's been proven they are hiring incompetent people to run it.  And before I get another lecture on capitalism and economics (which I am well versed in) allowing this, maybe I'd better give people a lecture on freedom of the press and that an owner's right to stupidity doesn't = a censorship of the media criticizing him since some here seem to think it does.

    Just a reminder, this isn't the press.  It's a privately owned website we are allowed to post on at the owner's discretion.

    Also, you aren't the media.

    Also, this is Canada, so rather than unintentionally referencing the Constitution of the United States, you would be better served intentionally referencing The Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

  3. While I'm sure being critical of Connor isn't a popular position, it was really noticeable last night that two guys on that line were winning puck battles and one was losing them.  He's doing good things offensively when he has the puck, but if we're going to continue to give him first line minutes there will be consequences.

    It's a coin toss for me.  On one hand, I feel like he's getting exposed playing all those minutes on the first line, often against other team's first lines, and on the other hand, there's an argument that he's being protected by playing on a line with Scheifele and Wheeler.

    He's a few years away from having NHL beef on his frame, so he's going to have to win battles with smarts and tenacity.  Last night, no luck.

  4. 1 hour ago, bluto said:

    You have a head coach whos' mentality is that every season that doesn't end in a Grey Cup win is a failure. When that mindset infects the rest of the coaches and players it can produce amazing results.

    Thank you for coming back and editing for syntax.  Grammar matters.

    Even in this "thred".


    Also, if we're voting, my vote is for winning the Grey Cup over firing a coordinator.  At the risk of also being branded a **** disturber.

  5. 10 minutes ago, JCon said:

    I want Loffler watching Zylstra first but, overall, I don't think we can cheat on any of them. We can't afford to let them burn us on those "explosion" plays.

    We're going to have to rely on our LBs and DBs making plays and Loffler to keep them honest.

    So many weapons.  If I was making odds today I'd be putting Esks as the Grey Cup favourites.

    Which suits me fine as a Bomber fan, since I've always preferred cheering for underdogs.

  6. 7 hours ago, tracker said:

    Flanders was/is a good versatile back, but he certainly is not irreplaceable.  Bauman's highlight reel seems to show some darned good skills. He would have to have learned how to pick up a blitz, pick holes and catch, otherwise what would have made the Bombers bring him in?

    Sorry for just barging in here, but...While the Bombers could stick another guy in and run a 2-back set, that's still a long ways from replacing Flanders.  The Bombers weren't having success because Flanders gave them the ability to run the ball up the gut, they were having success because teams couldn't defend against 2 players with that variety of skills.  Which one is running the ball and which one is receiver on this play?  Is one lead blocking for the other?  Are they both leaking out to catch the ball?  Not only are both fantastic running backs, both are deadly as receivers.

    And then, even taking the talent of Flanders out of the equation, he's been on this team for almost 2 full seasons now.  He knows the playbook front to back.  They have plays and packages designed for him.   He's able to play as a receiver because he knows most of the calls and routes for that position.

    The expectation that putting another RB on the field is all we have to do to recreate the Flanders/Harris experience is unfair to any poor kid who gets that placed on his shoulders, and to Flanders for ignoring all the time he will have spent with his nose in the playbook over the last 16 months to be able to replace a slot receiver.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Engelwood said:

    For bringing him home, I would say let the contract happen in the off season when they can get a better feel for what is happening. This will also allow for his agent to go get his CFL licensing taken care of or maybe he will get an agent who knows how the CFL works. In the end it is not the player trashtalking the CFL it is his agent who does not know how things work and is trying to play hardball before reading the rule book.


    Hmm, he might want to give Johnny Manziel a call for strategic negotiation pointers.

  8. So I'll just pretend talking about Mulamba is still a thing...


    For Mulamba to really help us we need him here now.  There seems to be a 4 game transition period for DE's coming from the NFL (see Westerman, Okpaluago), so if we want him to be an impact player for us in the playoffs, that transition period needs to start soon.

  9. 34 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    For god's sake why are we still talkingabout Thorpe?  Dude decided that "paying one's dues" didn't apply to him.  He thought that he was a starter and should be on the roster.  I guess he never talked to Flanders, who seems to have every bit as much talent, but recognized that roster management is a little more involved.  Guy walked away and yes, the fact that he was not picked up by anyone does matter.  It suggests that there are 9 GM's in the league that don't see him as starter or primary backup material yet.  Turns out that his best chance at being one was only a week away.   Sucks for him, but life is choice.

    In Thorpe's defence ...



    **to read the rest of these thoughts and more, they can be found in the "Thorpe Released" thread, where they were posted two months ago...

  10. 8 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    apparently this is a thing:



    Duron Carter will play both defensive back & receiver on Friday. He will play a lot of football but won't see every snap. #Riders #CFL

    Also, I'm sad to see that she's fallen on such hard times.  I had been wondering what happened to Talia Shire after the Godfather and Rocky movies.  Covering the Riders is quite the indignity to suffer.  A kickstarter campaign may be necessary.  I'll keep you all posted.

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