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Posts posted by mbrg

  1. 48 minutes ago, Judd said:

    Well since Buff 100% IS at fault for the goal and that's met with nothing but a "total rubbish" comment, no. That response shows a critical lack of understanding. 

    Since my understanding of hockey is critically lacking, feel free to explained how Byfuglien caused those goals.  Demonstrate your understanding by breaking down the events of those shifts.

  2. 9 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

    Yeah on that bold point, Dressler+Adams+new receiver is not better than 2002 because Milt was better than Adams and Dressler put together. 2002 Milt had over 1800 receiving yards and 23 tds. That 2002 team also had Arland Bruce who was over 1000 yards and had 12 tds that season. The third receiver was Robert Gordon. I'll give you 2017 Harris over 2002 Blink but 2002 Blink was fantastic. Oh and Sellers. Plus Khari was a better QB than Nichols.

    And then there was 713.

  3. 9 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    Nice try, Mass did it with up to 21 players down. MOS starting losing when we had 3 starters down. You want to go simply by wins? OK, then it's Dickenson.

    I don't downplay everything positive, I just don't see how anyone but a homer would choose MOS for COTY when there are better choices.

    I do wonder tho.... Why my opinion riles up 3 or 4 people around here so much. :D

    Let me try it out (puts on a TBurg beanie and gives the propeller a spin)


    When you think about it, Montreal managed to win 3 games despite having Kavis Reed as their GM, which is a huge accomplishment, so I'd have Kavis Reed ahead of OShea...


    Yep, pure gold.

  4. 14 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    I don't remember if I commented on this thread before & don't want to search to find out. I'll just say the regime should NOT be on the hot seat with a home playoff game. 

    I do remember that I didn't comment on this thread before, because the premise was idiotic and I was bound to say something rude.


    Also, the bullet on the left side of each thread turns into a star if you've commented in it.  I think they stole that from Mario Brothers.


  5. On 11/8/2017 at 10:43 PM, trueBlue83 said:

    Add 10% to teams in the West, and take away that 30 from the Argos and its more viable,   That chart was made  IN Toronto, no question! 

    Those numbers are a reflection of Toronto's much easier path to the Grey Cup.  That said, Calgary should have a higher percentage for the same reason.

    That said, these statistics aren't the statistics that decide football games.

  6. 3 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

    MOS got us tied for second in wins as did Mass, but Mass did it with a revolving door of players, which is more impressive.

    And Maas did it with Reilly Bowman Zylstra Williams Walker Mitchell Hazelton & Watson.  blah blah blah....Lankford...blah blah blah


    The predictability of Tburging is really amusing to me.  Why it still riles up the masses, I don't know.  I get a chuckle out of it.


    What will be the reasons Tburg gives to totally downplay anything positive from the Bombers?  It takes a remarkable amount of both creativity and stubbornness to pull it off.  Stubbornivity?


    It's like talking with an accountant about the balance sheet, and he will only acknowledge the existence of liabilities.  Good times.

  7. Sunday afternoon they are going to prop his body up behind Goossen and hope for the best (ie, play him until he's stretched off).

    When most guys come back from injury "at 100%", they're really about 80%.  Realistically, my guess is Nichols' body will be 40-50% on Sunday.  He's lining up at practise so at least his head can be 100% when it comes to the playbook.

  8. 35 minutes ago, BomberBall said:

    Zero update from Mike O'Shea on Matt Nichols' health. Very mum on the subject, but says he looks good. Andrew Harris says Nichols Didier today than yesterday, which wasn't much. #Bombers


    I think we can assume that 'Didier' means 'did more'?

    Or maybe we added a new guy to the roster as a secret weapon.  Now the Eskimos have to game plan for Nichols Didier!

    Didier = Did giddier.

    Nichols spent most of the practise doing the same things as yesterday, but today he couldn't stop giggling.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Goalie said:

    Brandon Bridge leads the league in dropped interceptions. Hes another Jennings. 

    While he may be another Jennings, I think leading the league in dropped interceptions makes him another Cato*.



    *My math from last season ((interceptions + dropped interceptions) / pass attempts) was that 1 in every 14 pass attempts by Cato was or should have been intercepted.  No one else considered a starter was anywhere close to being that bad.

  10. 7 hours ago, Floyd said:

    Interesting - I haven't noticed a rocket arm on him either - maybe he's just tentative and it will come but he's no brandon bridge for sure

    Davis was mostly checking down to screens and similar plays in the last game; not a lot of plays where he rifled it.  Tentative is the right word.  He did not want to make a mistake, and he didn't make a mistake.  He also didn't make a lot of plays.  He removed the risk and lost the reward as a result.

    That is why I wish they would have given him a full week of practise as the #1, and the start in Calgary.

    He has the best arm of our three QBs.  I've seen it in camp.

  11. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    I dont get the Westwood hate.  Is it an ironic thing?  He has lots of great insight. 

    Doing things ironically is almost 20 years in the rear-view.  If you need a velour tracksuit to go bowling in, I know people.

    1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

    Its not ironic, Westwood is an uniformed, non entertaining know it all.

    More or less this.  I have no lingering issues from GC2001, and by all accounts Westwood the person is a decent dude, but Westwood the sports personality?  See above.

    The breaking point for me was when Eugenie Bouchard was forced to withdraw from the US Open due to a concussion after a puddle related slip-and-fall in the locker room.  He absolutely went off on her, calling her an idiot for being so irresponsible, kept railing on how this was her fault and she should be blamed.  It was 100% pure *******.

    So the current format for any panel show seems to be two or more people take a stance at the opposite end of the spectrum and yell at each other.  Apparently the loudest is declared the winner?  The audience is clearly the loser.  Picking something controversial to say and refusing to back down from it is informative?  If I'm listening to talk radio, I want to finish feeling smarter, not dumber.  Westwood drags it down to dunce-level, and he does it intentionally.

    So Westwood's choice to be the guy who shouts contrarian positions is his own.  I'm sure he might have some knowledge and insight when it comes to football and locker room culture specific to the CFL, but beyond that, insight is not a word I would associate with his daily work on TSN.  His hockey knowledge consists of "being a Canadian".

    There is no hate for Westwood.  What he's selling, I'm not buying.

  12. Darryl Rogers was also horrible.

    Perception becomes reality, and the perception is the Bombers have been failures for 27 years.  That's not the reality, but it doesn't matter to people who have that perception.  So far it's been 2 seasons with a winning record and a respectable team.  How many will it take to move the needle of perception?  That can't even start to happen until this team makes a Grey Cup appearance.

  13. 12 hours ago, CodyT said:

    It's unfortunate but I certainly agree with what your saying. My uncle by marriage and his dad were season ticket holders for 20 years. The team flat out lost their support after years and years and years of bullshit.

    I am 25 years old and I have not been alive for a grey cup. That's borderline " worst pro franchise" in sports with a streak like that.  I'm not ragging on the team or regime, just stating facts.

    Not even close.  I don't have time to look it up at the moment  (okay I'll look it up), but since 1990, I recall the Bombers have made the playoffs 16 times, won their division four times, had the best record in the league once, and made five trips to the Grey Cup, which is the average rate for the league.  The problem is they are 0-5 in those appearances.

    Since 1990, Toronto has also made five Grey Cup appearances.  They are 5-0.  No one considers the Argos to be an elite franchise, or the flagship of the CFL.  Except Bluto.

    The Bombers have had some absolutely dog seasons and stretches since 1990, but they have also had some elite and dominant teams in that time.

    I understand, to every individual their perception is the facts, and the lows during that time have been so low that it feels like there have never been any highs.  It hasn't all been a valley of despair.  It's been a rollercoaster with far too much valley of despair.

  14. 14 hours ago, USABomberfan said:

    OK OK for the umpteenth time I get it.  Yes it is a privately owned site that I am subject to the rules of, which last I checked allow open criticism of Robert C. Wetenhall, Sr. and sons, the not-so-esteemed owners of the once great Montreal Alouettes of the CFL.

    If I may make the following suggestion, it would be easier to agree with some of your points if you weren't so comically over the top in your criticism.  No one here has suggested the Wetenhall's are currently wrapping themselves in glory, but the bar for bad ownership in the CFL is set a lot higher than hiring Kavis Reed.

    Everyone here has been critical of how Montreal has run their football team this year.  You are not some unique snowflake.

  15. 18 minutes ago, Brandon said:

    Lol what the hell is with those odds?  I'm hoping it's a joke...

    There are a few things peculiar about them, but the idea that Toronto should get out of the East without too much difficulty while the three teams in the West will be part of a brutal dogfight that anyone could win, that seems like a reasonable theory.

  16. 3 hours ago, SPuDS said:

    *face palm*

    Manager at daycare reading job application: "According to the background check we ran, you served prison time for eating four children."

    Cannibal: "Not here, I haven't."

    Manager at daycare: "Well then, I guess it's like it never happened.  Welcome aboard."

    Cannibal: "Thanks, you won't regret this.  So when exactly is my lunch break?"

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