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Westy Sucks

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  1. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to shadybob in Team Releases Cotton and Peach   
    I know this is totally unrelated to the discussion but that last part perfectly describes Mark Stuart with the Jets. Sorry, continue on.
  2. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Bigblue204 in Anonymous player speaks out   
    Yup, anonymous player speaks out about stuff that has been an issue in the league going on decades. And discussed for hours on end every year on and on and on.

    He’s right, it’s not the most Ideal set up. Not sure why there isn’t league revenue sharing. I feel like that would probably help the league in general (though I don’t know the details of why or why not). But saying that, it’s hard to stomach giving up that cash when you see the revenues of teams like TO. The league could probably afford to give out more money for player salary. But this is the first time in a while that they’ve been in a position where they are making money on a regular basis. Yes it’s nice right now, but that after a long time of uncertainty and even some instances where the future didn’t even look like it would happen.
     But like he said, this is a game. If you really want change, then CHANGE. Do something else with your time. You’re in a position of privilege and bitching about it like this doesn’t lend you an ounce of creditability. It’s a joke. And a slap in the face to the people who have jobs that don’t include games. The fact he decided to remain anonymous, for me, takes away even more creditability. You want to be taken seriously but you don’t have the guts to speak out and stand behind what you’re saying? And you want more of money? Lol he must be joking! You want to be treated like a pro? Act like one. Yup it might end your career. But if he really cared that much, if he really wanted to change things. He’d take that risk. He’d be willing to give up his career to make the future brighter for others. To show others they can speak out too. But no, remain behind a curtain and keep trying to cash in.

    I love this game. I love the CFL. But if push comes to shove. It’s nowhere near the top of my priorities. It is near the top of first things to stop if I were to hit hard times. We all have to make hard choices in life. My dream job, one that I personally found more fulfilling and quite frankly more important than the job I’m doing now paid me horribly. Like living near the poverty line horrible. But my passion for it and love for it allowed me to make the changes in my life needed to live off of that, it wasn’t easy. And at times it was really frustrating and extremely stressful. And when it just wasn’t feasible anymore. I made a tough choice and changed industries.

    Welcome to ADULTHOOD you “professional”.
  3. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to JuranBoldenRules in Anonymous player speaks out   
    Supply and demand is a cruel reality, especially for imports.
    If you don't like the way your contract is structured, blame your agent.
  4. Like
    Westy Sucks got a reaction from SPuDS in Anonymous player speaks out   
    I don't feel sorry for Mr. Annoymous one bit.  If he doesn't like getting paid to play a sport, go home and work a normal job. 
  5. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to rebusrankin in Schedule Out   
    I wish we didn't have two pre-season games in one week. That happened two years ago too. Its somebody elses turn for that. Would have been nice to have Ottawa split up. As for the days, Saturday afternoons in the fall beat the evenings.
  6. Like
    Westy Sucks got a reaction from wbbfan in Team Releases Cotton and Peach   
    Marshall won't be back.  He signed in Seattle. 
  7. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to iso_55 in BMO Stadium render   
    Pinball's a positive guy. He once flew to Calgary for the funeral of my son's friend almost ten years ago. He had met the boy a couple of years earlier but I don't remember the circumstances as to why. Unfortunately, the teen committed suicide. My son met him at the funeral. Pinabll didn't have to come & it wasn't expected but he did. Clemons even got up & said a few words. That's just the kind of guy he is. So really, why diss Pinball who is one of the nicest guys around?
  8. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to IC Khari in Uniform changes with Adidas may not be dramatic   
    Not a SINGLE complaint against these if they are indeed the design they go with! 
  9. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to iso_55 in Uniform changes with Adidas may not be dramatic   
    I BELIEVE. Quit with the personal attacks, dude. Have I ever said anything negative about you? Ever?
  10. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to iso_55 in Uniform changes with Adidas may not be dramatic   
    I think it's been shown the majority of fans want the classic look back. I don't know how you can come to any other conclusion. 
  11. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to HardCoreBlue in For fun......what's our 18 game record now?   
    I thought for sure you would have said last second 'no attempt to recover' fumble by Cam Newton in the endzone for a touchdown? Too early?
  12. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Jacquie in Free Agency 2016...   
    Lego. I made it myself. It's really nice.
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    Westy Sucks reacted to Noeller in Free Agency 2016...   
    Why do you assume this?
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    Westy Sucks reacted to Goalie in Free Agency 2016...   
    Good for Marshall. 
  15. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Fatty Liver in Free Agency 2016...   
    Wowser, he's a Canuck!
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    Westy Sucks reacted to voodoochylde in Free Agency 2016...   
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    Westy Sucks reacted to kelownabomberfan in Free Agency 2016...   
    Key is keeping Willy healthy, and giving him a decent scheme to play in.  Do that and everything else including wins will fall into place.
  18. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Blueandgold in Free Agency 2016...   
    175K for medlock?! Wow I like him but that seems like an overpay.
  19. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Mr Dee in Free Agency 2016...   
    So far from true..
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    Westy Sucks reacted to The Unknown Poster in Free Agency 2016...   
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    Westy Sucks reacted to MOBomberFan in Free Agency 2016...   
    I think that play says more about Arcenaux than it does about Washington. The guy is a powerful receiver and could do that to a lot of DBs in this league.
  22. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to iso_55 in Free Agency 2016...   
    How about the coaches don't want Lirim back & the running back position is going Canadian.
  23. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Taynted_Fayth in Top 30 FA's (CFL.ca list)   
    Team might like him but we need to get better there, sherritt is better, laurent not only boosts the dline but covers the NI spot left behind. No more he did ok players, we need upgrades
  24. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to 17to85 in Bombers "close to" deal with Dressler   
    You know what I feel better about the talent on the OL than receivers especially with Moore not being back. Receiver just might be the spot we are most lacking. I like Denmark but he can't be our best guy and I don't have a terribly high opinion of Adams. Canadians are OK but not game breakers so they need to be surrounded by guys who can be that. 
  25. Like
    Westy Sucks reacted to Noeller in If you could only break the bank on one player....   
    Well, this is news to me......
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