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Posts posted by CodyT

  1. I guess I should get off my high horse. Not really though. If the average attendances listed above are accurate we've been somewhat consistent 

    That being said, I really only became a die hard fan in 2005. Jim Dailey on. So as a fan, prior to 2019 I watched a lot of ineptitude as a young fan. Being dramatic on 28 years? Probably. Not winning a grey cup in that span, especially with an 8-9 team league is  quite awful.

    I do agree that if we had lost 19 in a row our attendance would dip significantly. Thanks for the insight and the information all 



  2. You know what I love about die hard bomber fans? Through 29 years of losing, dismal management and coaching. Some real terrible terrible teams. Bomber fans still showed up to the games. I could be wrong but never do I remember a single game under 20 k. Nevermind 12k.

    Everyone gives Saskatchewan the title for best fans because the riders are all they have. The reality is the Bombers have always been relevant in our province. Win or lose. With, or without the Jets 



    On another note though, I hate that I end of cheering for other teams to win games for the sake of the viability of the league. I shouldn't have to root for Edmonton to win a home game so they can start getting attendance up again. Cheering for Chris Jones to have success just seems... wrong

    Nonetheless I feel bad for Elks fans. Good on the ones who stick around

  3. 3 hours ago, Noeller said:

    If anyone around here ever jumped on the Riders wagon for any reason, I'd show you the ******* door from this place. Good riddance to that nonsense. **** that organization and I'd fully expect all real Riders fans to feel the same way. 

    1000%,. Had a few people in my life say the bombers/ or Riders are their "second" favorite team.

    Uh yeah, no. Uncultured swine 

  4. 11 hours ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    I know the Rider hatred is automatic to be able to post here, but some of you are trying way too hard to spin this as sucky behaviour from Fajardo. Literally the first thing he says in the clip is “it’s not going to stop me from supporting the guys, grinding in workouts and watching film”. He backs it up at the 1:25 mark saying he’s there to help Fine any way he can. 

    If he had gone stone-faced like Mitchell (or Troy Westwood’s “sitting bull” act like Speed has referenced in the past when he was benched and spent the game arms folded on the sidelines) many here would just as quickly dump on him for sulking and not being a team guy.

    He stood up to the media, answered THEIR questions completely, professionally, and didn’t offer too many canned cliches while speaking honestly. He may be a lesser QB, but for a guy who just lost a job and then had to go and pretend he’s OK with that in front of the world, I didn’t see a whiner attitude or phony platitudes. Somewhat refreshing in the light of today’s cliche ridden athlete. I give him credit for that much. JMO. 

    Well said

  5. 7 minutes ago, Noeller said:

    Dave and I were taking earlier today about how no team in the league would touch Faj with a 10ft pole...... With the possible exception of Edmonton because McAdoo might be able to recreate some serviceability. Even then, why bother? He was never good at any point, despite what Gappers might tell you. 

    Career 3rd Stringer Cosplaying A Starter 

    Doubt it with Chris Jones past comments

  6. 18 hours ago, CodyT said:

    I don't know where to put this so I'm just going to put it in this thread. After a year or two of having only 2 or 3 major threads, I've decided I hate it.

    I realize I'm probably in the minority but imo it really takes away discussion because the topics are moving so quickly. Anyone share this 

    Based on the reactions here its split down the middle ha ha

  7. So here's my situation right now;

    I took my brother to Niagra falls. We spent the first night in a really nice place but was far away from the "action". So we decided let's stay in the thrift lodge, right on the main street in the heart of the action.


    There's ******* karaokee going on right outside our room till 2 am. Atleast I have the game to watch right? Nope. Don't have the channel.


    Man I never understood karokee. You guys all ******* stink. Shut up

    Ever in Niagra? Avoid thriftlodge at all costs 

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