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Posts posted by CodyT

  1. 3 hours ago, Jesse said:

    Keep in mind he's been there before. They know who he is.

    If they look on tape and see the same guy, why bring him back?

    Yeah fair enough but he wouldn't stand out before his time in the CFL. What he accomplished in the CFL was nothing short of amazing. A lot of guys with loads of potential on paper but can't get it done when the lights come on

    He's the complete opposite. I guess that's why I'm no scout lol. The fact that he absolutely dominated pro ball in Canada --- and the talent is here. Is extremely impressive for me. Some guys just know how to contribute. He's one of them 

  2. 1 hour ago, Booch said:

    and not 27 yr old receivers...who was already passed on....our gain, and he can forge a nice career up here and make more than decent money doing so...he barring injury has a good solid 5...6 yrs in him here and being a main fixture

    Mind boggling the politics in the NFL. Can't believe a team won't even give him a contract/ try out. 

    He lit the league on fire, pro football. Can't even get a sniff. I feel for him 

  3. 2 hours ago, bustamente said:

    I'm guessing Brady thought teams were going to line up and throw money at him and he has found out that nobody wants the qb who played and was not very good this past season

    Or maybe he's got a 10 year 375 million dollar deal with fox waiting for him 

  4. On 2022-12-27 at 10:56 AM, Piggy 1 said:

    Thats on my list to watch..........

    Well I didn't make it to the end. I thought it was awful. I went out of my way to watch it because Norton is in it, and he's great 

    But I thought it was bad. Maybe the ending was spectacular? I dunno


    The menu was worth watching 



  5. 3 hours ago, Wideleft said:

    Regarding the dreaded media - you need to ask yourself why every successful dictator crushed the media first in order to maintain control. It is not the media's fault that you can't tell fact from fiction.  Research the principles of journalism and which organizations adhere to them.  Pay attention to which organizations post retractions and corrections - that will help guide you to the reliable ones.  Read.  Avoiding the news is not going to make you any smarter.  Avoid it if it makes you happy, but then stay clear of discussion if you're too sensitive for criticism.

    Finally, know the difference between an opinion column and a news story.  Recognize which editorialists back their information with facts rather than simple assertion.  The truth can be painful and difficult, but it is necessary.

    Lol.  I'm not too sensitive for criticism, it's actually welcomed. I listen to the news every day. I understand journalistic standards but if you don't think there arent extreme slants on certain topics and opinions reported as fact, then we may be far apart.

    Tucker Carlson and fox recently had to call his show "entertainment" in court.

    I'm all ears though, who is a trusted network for you? Where do you get your information from?

  6. 1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:

    The irony dripping from this comment is as palpable as the glaring and utter lack of self-awareness.

    Anecdotes and personal experiences being feebly passed off as evidence of anything is laughable, too.

    The media and many governments fumbled the message(s) many times since the pandemic began, but how does that differ from anything else with regard to news, world events, etc. since the dawn of the 24-hour news cycle, internet, and social media? Being bombarded by information constantly can be exhausting but it's not insurmountably challenging to sift through the garbage and figure out what's factual in order to be informed and use critical thinking. 

    It's disappointing  that this Is the case. My point is that it doesn't differ at all, hence the apprehension. You're right you can find some truth on both fox and cnn, but you really have to read between the lines. The fact that we know that the media outlets are bought and sold to promote any agenda that best suits the buyers needs. This isn't a shocking discovery. You know it, I know it. 

    A cloudy or unclear message does not equate to propaganda. Propaganda is generally defined as information of a misleading, inaccurate, and/or biased nature with the express purpose of influencing or persuading an audience of a particular view, often misrepresenting facts or ignoring them altogether. It also uses loaded language to elicit emotional responses rather than rational or objective ones.
    For example: "vaccination can less the severity of symptoms of a novel virus." vs. "vaccines contain dead babies and will work with 5G towers to exterminate people."
    It's pretty easy to see which one is propaganda.


    And as far as vaccines go, the facts have been quite clear for many years now and the COVID-19 vaccines are no different. The only "agenda" being pushed to get vaccinated during a global health crisis is protect oneself and others. Is trying to save lives really an agenda, though?

    Good point

    "Vaccine hesitant" individuals should've just talked to their physician or any self-respecting doctor or medical professional, as doing so would've allayed their concern and informed them of the facts. Being hesitant of proven scientific facts doesn't make rational sense. It's like saying one is seatbelt hesitant because car accidents injure or kill people.

    Good point

    And let's be honest here: the us vs. them mentality has been around much, much longer than this pandemic. But that's a much broader issue related to wealth disparity and socioeconomic inequality that has hampered humanity for ages.

    This is my biggest problem. The media will divide us on social, economical, political views all for profit. Propaganda for example, would be weapons of mass destruction. Garner support for war causes, for wealth causes, etc etc. Some people critize the media too harshly and some not enough.



    1 hour ago, blue_gold_84 said:



  7. 3 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

    Great, glad you accept all views.

    Most of us here do if it is an actual view with some critical thinking, curiosities, facts, healthy skepticism ext etc added to it. 

    What frustrates me with this 'listen to all views and if you don't you're in an echo chamber and you're mean and defensive' is this legitimate approach it's being abused by some imo.

    For example very simply, when a 'view, perspective, another side' comes in hot (i.e., gaslighting, passive aggressive etc) on this board void of facts, critical thinking and its rightfully called out (yes sometimes it can be called out bluntly by some - that's a whole other issue to chat about) the default response is you all live in an echo chamber, you all are defensive, mean, belittling, can't we just all get along, wow what is wrong with you all'.

    What are we to do with absurdity because simply words forming in one's head that are typed into an post doesn't make it a view, another side, a perspective until other things are added, like thinking it thru, informing yourself, identify your gaps etc etc.

    Maybe you're right. I don't think I'm void of critical thinking but have trouble cementing my opinion only because I think there is crucial validities on both sides. I'm not trying to gas light anybody. Merely trying to get a better scope. 

    Also whether your fact/opinion is right or wrong, how does degrading someone else bring them any closer to your side? I can understand walking away from someone who is so far out in the strasphere, but why bother with the insults? It's petty and beneath you, or anyone else.

    It just creates a further divide. 

    To me the media conversation is less about covid itself but the fallacies I've seen with other subject matter of years and years

  8. After having some time to articulate my thoughts I think it comes out something like this.

    Ultimately I believe the best situation is to protect the elderly and vulnerable by any means necessary. The economics and social mental health aspects are difficult to deal with but if I were the old, or vulnerable I'd appreciate my society looking out for me too.

    I am double vaccinated, after all, though much consideration was put into that choice.

    I also think wearing a mask is the right thing to do. It is no problem to me to wear a mask, whether I think it prevents spread or not. If it makes the person next to me more comfortable than I am all for that

    Where I think a lot of " anti vaxxers " and even myself fall of is because of complete lack of truck in government, and main stream media. I don't trust fox, cnn, msnbc, or any major news network anymore than I trust a poster on here. Right or wrong I just don't buy what they are selling. I know an agenda is being pushed. 

    Again this is just how I see it personally, not based on fact or fiction. If I don't trust the government or the media or any of the propaganda they spew, how am I supposed to trust the experts, scientists and health officials they bring on to tell me to get the vaccine. It is serious to put something into your body, especially when you lack confidence in the information being provided to you.

    I thought the way the media and federal government set out to make vaccine hesitant people to be racists, disillusioned, crazy stupid people to be a major turn off to me. A vaccine passport to identify the "outsiders" was a major turn off to me.

    What we've done here is create an us vs them mentality. The wealthiest people in the world have grown wealthier while the middle and lower class have struggled. We should be looking for solutions as a team through a very very complex issue instead of fighting amongst each other.

    I do see that there are a lot of ignorant stubborn people who refuse to move on their stance or hear others concerns at all. A lot of this comes from the loud anti vaxxers. I see it happening with the vaccinated also. It just creates hostility and gets everyone defensive

  9. On 2023-01-16 at 12:20 PM, Fatty Liver said:

    Always wondered why we accept bribery when it's labeled as "lobbying" when it's a prosecutable crime with a direct paper trail of evidence?  The biggest flaw in government today is that wealthy donors, unions and corporations are allowed to buy influence with payouts and promises in order to maintain their position at the top of the heap, it goes against all democratic principles of fairness and equity. 

    This 1000% times. Should be no private donors allowed. This goes against all things democratic and is widely swept under the rug.

    There must be a way where the tax payers fund an allotted amount to each party to run and that's that. No outside money.

    I am a capitalist but there should be a cap in my opinion. A billionaire has too much power to buy elections, laws, and decisions that positively affect them and **** everyone else. 

  10. 6 hours ago, Noeller said:

    This place is generally so sane and middle-of-the-road that I actually forgot there were crazies on here occasionally. Just wild. 

    Why do you do this? 

    It's hard to respect your point of view when you consistently ( over years of reading your posts ) belittle people. You're kind of an internet bully. If someone disagrees with you at any degree you call people crazies or stupid or whatever.

    It's an old shtick.

    For the record, I'm a left wing Bernie Sanders supporter. I came here to ask a question about the vaccine for clarity from some on here who seem to be quite knowledgeable and it's just like, **** what's the use, if you bring up the slightest resistance your **** on.

    I'm not pro Vax or anti vax, my views have swayed both ways at times, but they say the anti vaxxers are the antaganizers, but on this site I mostly see the opposite.

    My question was in reference to when the vaccine first came out were governments pushing this as a solution to stopping the virus from spreading? Is that true?

    And if it is, is it actually? I know that it lessens the symptoms but I haven't seen anything that provides proof that it stops the virus from passing over to others.

    Not spewing mis information, just curious.

    Looking back is their anyone on this site that originally viewed all of the governments steps and actions acceptable, but now feel maybe things were pushed too far?

    Ie: vaccine passports, job loss, total stop in economy.

    I don't know how dangerous the virus is and I don't clame to. The amount of deaths recorded says it is quite deadly. The other flip of the coin is that a lot of covid deaths are from very old people and people with pre existing conditions. Is their truth to this?

    NOT that it makes it okay to lose people senselessly, I'm just asking. 

    It's a shame that I feel I have to tip tow around questions because if you don't you're a "crazy"

    I welcome Brandon's views, your views, whoevers.  Chances are the best answer is somewhere in the middle 

  11. 17 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    Others have better pizza and better wings. BP does have a good atmosphere, though.

    One thing we can agree on ;) ha ha


    Gondola is my favorite pizza. Although the quality has slipped a little bit and it's ******* ridiculously priced.

    Wings, I'm trying to think. I used to like Montanas wings a lot. Tavern is okay too. I always liked the oven roasted wings from bp

  12. 41 minutes ago, Tracker said:

    The anti-vaxxers were tolerated reasonably well until they became militant and verbally and physically attacking those who chose to be vaccinated. Many of these same covidiots   made it very clear that they didn't give a damn about the welfare of the immuno-compromised or anyone else for that matter. These attacks on science-based measures in the name of "God" and/or "liberty" caused the hostility, not vice-versa.

    Well I promised myself I wouldn't let myself rejoin this conversation here I am. Although I'll keep it brief 

    I'm twice vaccinated but expressed much concern about how everything was handled. Never once did I physically or verbally attack anyone, although I could say the latter happened to me several times ( even though being x2 vaccinated )

    Can't paint the whole camp ( on either side ) with the same brush

    Ugh this whole conversation brings up shifty feelings and I wish I hadn't mentioned it at all.

    Whatevers happened happened, both view points have shown validity, both in overstepping and needing to care for our weak and vulnerable. If only people could have a reasonable conversation without stepping to personal insults and attacks. It seems our country and North America in general can't have a healthy debate anymore.

    One thing I've learned about dialog with others is that my view point moves when a good point is made. Disagreements are good to give each other a larger scope

  13. 8 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

    Some people (myself included) were just fed up with all the nonsense surrounding the vaccine/Covid/politics/idiots at that time.
    I for one, kind of took it out on pretty well everyone who didn’t want to get it.
    Still think getting it was the right thing to do, but I’ve adjusted my judgement towards those who don’t. 

    Appreciate the update in stance. A person of quality will reflect and update their views accordingly.


    It was a strange time, and I hope it's past us now

    3 minutes ago, Jesse said:

    Yes, well, it was seen as quitting on the team when they were headed for the Grey Cup. 

    Valid point

  14. 7 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

    Qft. If any one looks back at the posts from 2022 that involved him you see a ton of vitriol, dismissal of his talent, ethic etc. 

    Not to make this political, but my personal belief ( and I won't carry this on any further ) is that a lot of people were **** on and called cooks for not getting vaccinated. A lot of silence with that same crowd, with no vaccine passports necessary

    Sorry to derail. Eli was cast off for this reason though 

  15. 52 minutes ago, Colin Unger said:

    Im hoping he does enough in the next couple of games if he gets a chance to be considered a backup next season to White. I think Zach Wilson will be traded and they will get rid of Flacco. Might actually be a potential landing spot for Nathan Rourke. Wouldn't it be interesting if Rourke ended up competing with Streveler for a backup job in the NFL?

    I doubt that he comes back to Winnipeg when he's done in the NFL.  With the progress he's made in the passing department I think there will be a team in the CFL or XFL that offers him starting money. 

    Feel bad he missed on that sure td pass. Completed it but it was ugly. Probably. Nervous

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