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Posts posted by ALuCsRED

  1. 13 hours ago, Thunder and Lightening said:

    Thanks! I signed into that site, but it said that my request couldn't go through at this time, and to try again later, which I've done to no avail. 


    Any other suggestions? Is this game ( and other future ones) online anywhere else?

    I've been trying to sign into online, on-demand television today with limited success through my Shaw Direct account. I checked with Shaw and they said something is going on in the cyberworld which isn't allowing subscription data to get to TSN.  No timeline was given on the repair.

  2. 3 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    You talk to casual fans or the ones who may buy the odd ticket to a game or only watch briefly in a bar. The ones the CFL is trying to reel in as new fans. They'll tell you the CFL is a joke & they don't want to watch because of the Mickey Mouse officiating. It's sad but true. We're hooked so we'll watch regardless & tell everyone how great our game is, but to that % of people they feel differently. Perception is everything. To the football fans who are NFL or nothing all these flags & blown calls just validates that they'll never support the CFL & that real football starts in September. You can't put duct tape on this problem hoping to fix it as it's just too big. You have to tear it out & start all over.

    Hey Speedy,

    Not sure if you know this, but the NFL has been crosstraining their officials in the CFL during the summer season.  This year the system was expanded.


    I wonder if the ref who threw the flag was a CFL official or NFL official...

  3. 13 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Dangerous precedent? How about incompetent people officiating games that blow calls all the time affecting outcomes even with replay to get right. The CFL deserves all the blow back they get. Football fans are calling the CFL a joke as this happens all the time. That's a dangerous precedent. I'm all for getting rid of replays & challenges as well as firing Glenn Johnson. Go back to the way it was before.

    Yes, Dangerous precedent.  The contest is based on the results on the field using real refs.  The line judge called a penalty which he deemed reasonable from his perspective on the field.  Whether or not it is the right call, it was the call on the field.  

    Awarding extra prizes to the entrant is dangerous to the game and to any contests out there:

    1. It undermines the Refs (it was a call, it was a penalty, you can't challange it, get over it)

    2. What happens to the next person that is close to winning?  Do they get pity prizes too?  If not, why not?  They should sue for the same treatment.

    3. Using logic from #2, The next penalty could stop a TD, thus stopping the next kick off.  This could easily snowball.  What if the penalty screws up someone's CFL sponsored Fantasy Football pick?  There are so many scenarios that this opens up.


  4. I don't agree with the blown call hate on the kick return.  The line judge on the Argos' side of the field made the call.  The video is from the Bomber's side of the field in slow motion.  The two perspectives are completely different and without a view from the east, it's tough to prove how it looked to the ref who through the flag.

    As for being robbed, its a contest which relies on the outcome of a game with refs.  Until a scoring play happens and is cleared by the refs and command centre, it never happened.  

    This is a dangerous precedent that the CFL, Bombers and Sobey's are setting.  Are they going to give prizes to the next person who is inline for a 2nd kick return? There are lots of penalty calls (or missed penalty non-calls) that can negate a TD and ultimately a chance at a 2nd kick return TD.



  5. 1 hour ago, SPuDS said:

    and the riders are 1-1-1.. we are the only team to beat them, ain't we?


    Toronto also has had a fearsome D-line and offense..  so again, explain to me how us barely beating them is a bad thing?


    Do you ever tire of being such a pessimistic detrac-a-fan?

    Riders are 1-2. MTL beat them week 1, Bombers week 2

    3 hours ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

     We've beaten SSK and TO. Looking good!

    ^^^ Fixed it for you


  6. So, the former Bombers cut were:

    MTL - Jovon Johnson, Don Unamba

    TOR - QB Drew Willy

    OTT - WR Tori Gurley, DL Adrian Hubbard

    SSK - QB Bryan Bennett, DL Ivan Brown, WR Thomas Mayo, DL Jordan Reaves,


    And put in the practice roster were:

    EDM - PR'd WR Kenny Stafford


  7. To sign off the 46 man roster you have to talk to the player, get the player to agree to move, have the player sign, then the original team can still roster that player to protect them (and drop someone else off their 46 man roster to the PR).

    From https://cfldb.ca/faq/rosters/:

    "Practice roster contracts allow a player to be signed by another club to a regular player contract, meaning the player must take an active (46-man) roster spot (sign a standard player contract). The club that currently holds the practice roster contract has the same option to sign the player to a standard player contract (and place the player on a 46-man roster spot) to avoid losing the player. Players under practice roster contracts are not allowed to sign a practice roster agreement with another team until they are released from the contract or the contract expires.

    There are no league restrictions to how long (how many seasons) a player may stay on a practice roster. It is purely a player's decision to accept a practice roster spot when offered by a team."

  8. 8 hours ago, wbbfan said:


    It seems MBT who went to that spring league thing down south was dealt to the argos. It says neg list, but i dont think that would be right since he had previously signed up here. Dunno though. Kind of an odd situation. Would much rather have apodaca then mbt though so it works out.

    We have to get used to other teams looking at and using our cuts on their teams.  For QBs, it's been a long time since that's happened with success.  If MBT and Bennett stick, that would be a first in a long time (please don't bring up Joey E).  We're seeing it with receivers (Ricky Collins, possibly Mayo). Walters and the WBB are showing to have a good scouting network.   Other teams are realizing it.  The Esks, the Stamps, the Lions all had periods where they led the scouting, now we're starting to do that.

  9. 9 hours ago, Ripper said:

    You kind of blew that argument as the Bombers clearly had a better QUARTERBACK last year. That didn't help Nichols record at all when you guys were a INT machine on defense? I think we both know it did. What Nichols did do well is not lose games for you.

    Fixed it for you.  Other acceptable corrections also are Coach, GM, stadium, weather, or fans.







  10. I don't know any of you personally here or at the other site, so this is a sincere question:

    The pair in the west side upper deck wearing jerseys with OURBOMBERS.COM nameplates on their jerseys, were they part of the ownership group or did they win jerseys from the other site?


  11. 4 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    I disagree ... right now they barely have the "market" to support one team....  but they have the "population" to support 5 teams ... Toronto has to develop a niche clientelle at competitive entertainment value ... we have an exciting product to deliver right now but the prospects have to be educated on how much fun it really is .... that will take wisdom, skill  and time and if so it can become a booming "market" (fanbase)

    By contrast Sask can sustain two teams .... the fans would probably cross buy each other's city .... it would be like having season tickets with twenty games instead of ten .... the entertainment dollar is easily there to do that ... it has no real sports entertainment competition .... and not that much from the music industry either .... in Winnipeg and most cfl cities you have hockey draining entertainment dollars .... not so in Sask and in fact increeased pro football will probably accelerate not diminish ticket sales ... it will be THE  thing to do in that province

    I think Jimmy Pop meant Toronto has the market to support 2 NHL teams...

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