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Posts posted by Mike

  1. 8 hours ago, DTonOB said:

    Sure. There's a good 30-45 minutes a day on the 680 CJOB Sports Show with Christian. Plus training camp hits in sports at 625, 725, 825, 925am and 325, 425 and 525 pm. And we'll have two hours pre-game Monday starting at 1:00pm. We've hit all those topics over the first 10 days.

    Since I've got some time sitting in Regina:

    1) We've seen Shayne Gauthier + Kyrie Wilson / Kyrie + Brian Cole as the LB combos post-Bighill. John Petrishen + Tre Thomas has been another duo from the start. Anyone else isn't getting a ton of work.

    2) Liam Dobson at left guard and Eric Lofton at right tackle every day so far. I think Ted Wyman was the first to touch on it on May 12. The only time it wasn't Dobson a LG was the last day because of injuries to Eli and injury/day off for Kolankowski. Dobson shifted to center for that one.

    3) Michael Chris-Ike is slowly getting more action in a FB/TE roll after his late arrival. Gabe Wallace was getting first-team reps with the injuries to Neufeld and Eli. They are by far the closest to making an impact early in the season. Clercius is down around the 3rd group of receivers. Kalra is much closer than Vlahogiannis. And Leroux is 100% going back to school, so apart from 1 day where we talked about him, we'll catch up with him next year. Gassama and Hubert appear far down the pecking order.

    4) 1st team has been Haba and Fox since day 1.

    5) KJ Hill never seemed to get above the third group. And when he got hurt and wasn't going to recover in time, they released him. Had he appeared with the first team like a Ravi Alston, Ontaria Wilson or Myron Mitchell there would have been more talk about Hill.

    There were roughly 8 guys vying for return spots. They *might* be down to 4, but there are virtually no returns in camp. Without full-speed contact, they aren't worth much. Pre-season games are where we'll see who's who.



    Bless your heart

  2. 17 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    It’s not a stupid point LOL anyone who posts here is obviously a big fan, but a big fan who can’t even support their team during training camp like what? You said you were interested in camp battles? Okay then go check them out tor yourself? Why is it a foreign concept to actually go support your team in person if you cared enough too instead of bitching and complaining about the media. 

    It is one of the stupidest points I’ve seen anyone try and make on this forum.

    I support the team with season tickets, I save my time off all year to be able to make as many games as possible, I buy merchandise, I travel to watch away games. I’m working non-stop at the moment because I’ve got my first kid on the way and my work is busy as hell right now, so forgive me for not prioritizing something that we have paid reporters for. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    You get Holliday time? You get time off? No one to blame but yourself. If you wanted to do it bad enough you would. But you spend your time complaining about it on here instead. 

    Yeah, you’re right. If I wanted to do it bad enough, I would. I don’t want to do it bad enough. I want the media to do their job.


    Are we even having this discussion? Like what stupid point are you even trying to make here?

  4. 46 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    The media coverage is pathetic I didn’t deny that but you said you were curious about training camp battles? Get your butt out there on a day when you’re not working and see for yourself. It’s not a difficult concept, you’re a fan, you don’t work seven days a week, go see for yourself. 

    I actually do work seven days a week but thank you

  5. 35 minutes ago, Arnold_Palmer said:

    I know it’s frustrating but to those who are complaining, no one is stoping you from going down to training camp yourself, especially if it’s on a Saturday or Sunday, you can see all the position battles you want, and god forbid even bring that info back to MBB. I get it we live in a era where we want our information spoon fed to us and I get frustrated with the fact that it’s hard to get info but then I remember if I wanted to know bad enough I’d be there myself..

    Ok cool can you pay me my lost wages for the day so I can go do the media’s job for them?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    Gets worse every year for sure.....Grant has departed and not a word on how his replacement is coming along.....AND oh yeah, do we even have a replacement...The CFL sure knows how to shoot itself in the foot...Maybe we'll get a glimpse of a returner in the pre-seasoner tomorrow...A lot of positions need critiquing as well and it sure is sloooow in coming

    Forgot about the KR spot, but yeah … I don’t even know who’s been fielding kicks in camp so far 

  7. The lack of coverage in training camp is truly so frustrating. The human interest stories are great fluff and I can’t blame Ed Tait because that’s what the club wants but come on …

    Bighill out to start the year and not a peep about any of the new linebackers.

    Two offensive line spots open and no clue who is out in front of the competiton.

    A full draft class and no idea how they’re slotting in yet.

    Is Haba/Fox starting just a closed case already? Does anyone want to talk about it?

    KJ Hill cut and as per the reporters, he was “a hyped rookie” but absolutely no mention of who may lock that spot down now.


    It gets worse every year. @DTonOB explain yourself 

  8. 29 minutes ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

    Gauthier will start until Bighill is back. Its been done in the past, they'll do it again. The way Bighill played last season its not even that much of a downgrade which is very sad to say.

    There’s absolutely zero need for it. We’re not talking about a spot injury, we’re talking about a potentially prolonged absence with the ability to have an open camp competition. 

  9. 1 hour ago, bluedawg said:

    Haven't been using this forum for long, but find it remarkable how hard-headed and negative a few of the folks on here are......

    Having an opinion and voicing it on a forum like this is exactly what it's for but some of what I see on here crosses the line from supporting the team to arrogance and name-calling. It's really really weird to me.

    Shouldn't the discussion on here be about which new young rookies are stepping up from the ones on here that have come to practices to watch so far? This is supposed to be a time for excitement not dumping on Redha Kramdi (who seems to be a decent player coming into his own).

    Don't want to ruffle any feathers in here but golly where's the positivity in what should be a hopeful time of the year!!!!!!!

    Worth putting into context: some of us have been discussing football with eachother for nearly 20 years

  10. 1 minute ago, Booch said:

    doesnt matter where a guy comes from the bud...nor does a talent ebvaluator care or use as his decison criteria..with that narrative Sheed should never amounted to anything....I've seen all the guys ball I have mentioned...at pro....some at amatuer level....several in off-season training facilities....thats what I base my opinions on....mine....not yours, not his....and I dont glom on a media story based off a comment a coach makes and run with it.



    I just think it’s weird that you want to start Jake Kelly or Miles Fox because they can “grow into” a role but you don’t want to let Kramdi “grow into” his role and you didn’t want to let Evan Holm “grow into” his role.

    The messaging is inconsistent and let’s be honest, it’s no different than the major beef you seem to have with O’Shea: he plays favourites. So do you, they just aren’t his favourites. At least admit it 😂


  11. Just now, Booch said:

    explains a lot Kramdi!! hahaha


    honestly, with the way we’ve used that spot I’m definitely willing to give Cole a look and see if he pops off the page but Kramdi is nowhere near the biggest problem we have at LB. I’m also pretty confident he’s only going to continue to get better. He did well for what was essentially a very raw player, not coming in with the NCAA pedigree or history and I there’s still a lot left to develop there in my opinion

    That being said, I wouldn’t be upset with three new LB starters when week 1 hits 

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