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Dr Zaius

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Posts posted by Dr Zaius

  1. I care about one thing and one thing only.

    1. Ploen obvs for winning 4 Grey Cups in 5 years.
    2. Collaros for winning 2 Grey Cups in 2 years.
    3. Tom Clements for winning the 1984 Grey Cup
    4. Sean Salisbury for winning the 1988 Grey Cup
    5. Tom Burgess for winning the 1990 Grey Cup
    6. Bobby Fritz for winning the 1939 Grey Cup
    7. I can't find who our quarterback was in the 1935 Grey Cup, but that guy.
    8. Wayne Sheley won the 1941 Grey Cup

    6 through 8 are up for debate because I don't know who tf any of those people are.

    Disagree with me and I'll fight you. 


  2. 34 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

    Oh I’m sorry. Did I disparage the character of this fine upstanding Bomber fan? How dare I!


    I have my personal reasons for disliking and thinking less of fans I consider drunken hooligans. If you feel that you are owed a public explanation for “why I am the way I am” on this topic I can get into it on the board here. 

    throw our your custom jersey 

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