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lyin' guy

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Posts posted by lyin' guy

  1. On 3/17/2017 at 2:03 PM, Kluchk said:

    I'd bet you $50 the Riders finish ahead of the Bombers this year in the standings. If you're man enough to take the bet call me out in October/November and I'll pay up.

    What every Rider fan never seems to takes into consideration when they are naval gazing at their own roster and how improved they think it is, is that every other roster has improved just as much.  In order for the Riders to overtake the teams above them they have to improve significantly more than what the other rosters have developed into.  And they simply have not done that.  The QB situation there is as perplexing as I've seen.  Ego Jones turfed his QB because he wanted to be the king.  No more, no less. And that's the one position that you need to significantly improve to help you overtake the other teams.  Releasing a championship QB and replacing him with Glenn won't get that done.

    The Bombers are right there with the Lions and right behind Calgary.  Edmonton is definitely in the mix as well.

    Sorry.  Put your money back in your pocket.

  2. Vince Young.  They let Darian Durant, a GC winning elite QB with 5 good years at least left in the tank,  walk to sign Kevin Glenn and Vince Young.  Innovative geniuses is what Murphy and Jones are.  We just can't see it.

    Brendan Taman would have been lynched had he pulled this.  Embarrassing.  I feel bad for a few of the really good people at RFs.  As for the rest, I can't stop laughing.


    The Saskatchewan Retreads.  If you have him, or get rid of him, we want him.   We have a network of 100 scouts diligently reviewing every player that every CFL team gets rid of. 

  3. I remember when Jones first arrived there. There was a photo of him all in black with his coaches around him. He looked liked an old west outlaw and the people at RFs loved it. Posts there referenced his FU attitude and that they were going to be hated; and they loved that thought.  Well, this is what you want? This is what you've got.  Don't whine when other teams take umbrage with what your inept, arrogant leaders are doing.   Jones isn't stupid, he's arrogant.  And IMO he's wearing thin on everyone outside of Saskatchewan. Some there too by the sounds of it.  Why all the media attention on him?  Well, just look to our neighbours to the south for the answer to that. Everyone loves a train wreck.

    Ego is a powerful drug.  

  4. 12 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    Riders trying to have open tryouts in another CFL city?



    Riders have done nothing but sign other team's cast offs. They have recruited no one with how many scouts?  And they want to hold a tryout in another CFL city. Jones is either oblivious or has industrial size balls that say F U to the test of the league. Either way, loose cannons shoot themselves in the foot eventually. 

  5. 50 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    RiderFans is a cesspool of delusion being perpetrated and encouraged by CFL insider wannabes with an owner that seems like he has given up on encouraging and protecting football discussion. Poor Gov doesn't even realize that guys like Stronson, BSD, RAJ, etc. are going to be his undoing. He thinks his site is untouchable. Someone with ambition will take a run at his website when they are at their lowest, after his own mods make it unbearable, and he will find out how hard traffic can be to generate between two Rider forums. What he doesn't realize is that there are a ton of quality posters there that are Riderfans as well that are just as miffed and fed up with the bullying tactics. So far they have stuck around...soon they will realize they don't have too.

    Hey LionGuy wanna go halfers on a new forum site? We'll go recruiting at Riderfans for Mods and members beforehand....hehehe

    His site is trending in the wrong direction. They will eat their own, they don't need any outsiders to collapse what they have. They are doing it themselves. 

    I liked being there. It was fun and I had some good discussion, met some good people. But after they tasted success in 13 and then into a dumpster since it has been a difficult place.  Let them be I say. Just sit back and watch the carnage. Which on one hand is a crying shame, but on the other........delicious.   


    PS. Gov is part of the problem. When the mods start treating all members as equals then they will make some gains. Yes it's a Rider site, but it's not exclusive. If you are a member, you are a member; they way you are treated shouldn't be defined by the team you support. If they want an exclusive club, then punt the other teams fans and make it exclusive.  You can't just have members from other teams there to kiss your ass. It doesn't work that way. 

  6. 27 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Meh I'm done posting over there. between the mods acting like assclowns banning any criticism by non-rider fans and the jonestown circle jerkers sippin on pink drinks and high fiving each other for mediocrity and league wide ridicule, not worth the time and effort anymore.  Tho I will pop in every now and then to watch them self implode with every loss and circus move Jones makes.  Green tears taste like unicorn farts

    The irony is they shoot their venom at outsiders, but they are killing themselves from within. 

  7. 37 minutes ago, Mike said:

    Part of me wants to just adopt the same approach they do over there. They always throw out the "if we acted like this on your forum, we would've been gone long ago" nonsense. Then I look at how we still allow folks like Kluch to continue posting and think ... boy, are they really that unaware?

    As much as I like Gov and I can't even blame him for "allowing it", what was formerly a pretty good place to talk about football has fallen by the wayside and become overrun by idiots like Rotor and his little puppet RAJ. So many characters on that forum, it's essentially become a cesspool of inbred children's toys with only four programmable phrases that can be spit out at a time: "#1990!", "Mulberry bush", "Keep 'em comin, Jonesy!" and "hey, hands off my sister, she's mine!"

    As I've  said before the majority are good folks.  I understand their angst due to their lousy record for 2.5 years and the fact their saviour might turn out to be a fraud.  They are passionate and we need that in our league. The ones that get it are solid. The ones that don't contstantly have to show you how big their **** and swing it at you because you support a different team are the ones worth sharing a beer with.

    However there are a handful there that are extremely disappointing. People I thought I had developed a rapport with turned out to be just as described above. Then there are those that just so Rider intense it's ridiculous. You know who they are. You named one.  

  8. 4 hours ago, Kluchk said:

    First off.....Vince Young still hasn't signed. And if he does there is still a chance he may not even make it to camp. If he can play ball keep him. If he can't move on. There is zero risk to talking to him. 

    Secondly....the Riders are in much better shape to make a trade this year. I wouldn't be surprised to see something happen. I'm not sold on Franklin yet.

    Trade with who? And for which QB?  The league knows the state of the Riders QB position, no one is going to give up their young gun to you. You don't have anything anybody needs! Receivers?  Montreal and Edmonton, the 2 teams RFs have the hots for QB wise, don't need receivers. The Riders QB situation will not be resolved by some others team's young gun QB; superscout Murphy and his band of 100 scouts need to start turning over more rocks and find their own. Even then, when they do, he won't be ready for couple of years. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    If I was Hervey I would just keep asking for more and more everytime Jones came calling for Franklin. each attempt to trade for him shows signs of desperation.  Adams might be the most probable trade, but Reed should still bend Jones over the barrel for what he had to give up just to negotiate with DD

    Adams is a sandlot QB. The Riders have had nothing of a plan to replace DD for years and now they're caught with their pants down. 

    Jones’ revolving door philosophy won't work. You need a solid core. They don't have one yet.  Look at their roster, who are their leaders ? Vets? Glenn? Owens?  You need tenure to be a leader. They disposed of their heart and their leader. Jones ego did that.  He wasn't playing second fiddle to Durant, and that's what that was all about.

    Revolving doors don't work.  They will suffer again.

  10. 11 hours ago, yogi said:

    Too bad they're worth jack **** with the QB's you have

    That's true to a point.  They'll pick up lots of yards between the 20s with Glenn.  

    seem to under the impression that Jones is stockpiling receivers to make a trade. Just my opinion of course but I see no scenario on the horizon where Reed gives up Adams or Hervey gives up Franklin. No way in hell Hervey trades his up and coming QB to Jones.  No way on earth. If Adams goes anywhere it will be Hamilton. 

  11. 19 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    I don't mean to pick on the Lions, but who do they have on the DL that is really that good?  IMO they are a high powered offensive team, but I thought they were extremely suspect on D, thats why our meetings with them were such high scoring games

    It's an issue.  We addressed it somewhat re-signing Brooks in the middle ans getting Evans from Montreal.  Wally usually finds pieces at camps. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, Mike said:

    If they waste even a minute negotiating a contract for that over the hill tub of goo, it's a mistake.

    That being said, nothing would make me happier than if Vince Young started week 1 of the 2017 CFL season for them.


    1 step forward, 2 steps back.  The poor old Jones/Murphy disciples over at Riderfans catch seem to catch a break.  All they want is to stick Jones triumphs down others cakeholes and to trash other teams for their transactions, but ole Jones just keeps pulling the rug from under them.

  13. 31 minutes ago, gcn11 said:

    12-6...bah..that was the rebuild prediction. This year he likely goes 14-4 or 15-3. Probably calls them unstoppable.

    What I have gotten a kick out of these past 2 or so years is the fans of a 3-15, 5-13 team criticizing the moves of other teams.  

    I guess if you can make someone else look bad it takes some shine off of your own situation. 

  14. 38 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    Dunk seems fairly sure of himself.

    This from the CJME website:


    However, in an interview on the Green Zone Thursday afternoon, Dunk said he sticks by his report. 

    "The report stands for itself. It happened," he affirmed to Jamie Nye, adding his anonymous sources were solid.

    Dunk declined to elaborate on who those sources were, stressing he needed to protect them, but said he had been working on the story for days before it appeared on 3 Down Nation.

    "I wanted to make sure — before it was reported — that everything was locked down."

    So the ball is in his court. How far does he want to push it?  Jones and the Riders calling foul, RF's dumping all over his a** now....you would think if he has something he will let CFL exec know about it.  No worth in reporting something and then backing off when challenged.  No, he's got something and I bet he shares it if he hasn't already.

    Ball might be in Orridges court if he has. 


  15. Had a read at Riderfans.  Justifiable anxiety over there.  People need to let this play out before rushing to judgement or jumping to conclusions.

    There is another shoe to drop here, one way or the other, as this won't just disappear.   This will need to come to a conclusion.

    I don't think Dunk is naive enough to run a story that he knows will ignite a poopstorm in Riderville without some conclusive evidence; and not just an " I heard it from a source".  He must have something concrete, because if he doesn't his credibility will be shaken at a very important ( FA and Draft ) part of his season.  I don't think an I'm sorry will cut it here.



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