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lyin' guy

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Posts posted by lyin' guy

  1. 2 hours ago, gcn11 said:

    It most certainly did!! lol. This is a debate you are unlikely to win here LG. Your team got the benefit on some questionable calls as well. It was a really good game. It's too bad for us our team decided to give it away with a string of stupidity and mistakes. We'll getcha next time.

    Noted.  The RTP call on Lulay after the pick was a garbage call.  It was simply a football play.  They say it was late, but there's no way a lineman call pull up once he has started the motion to tackle.  Terrible call.

  2. 1 hour ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    I realize rotations happen to give players breather or for specific play calls, but are you suggesting Awe and/or Davis are 1B 1C to Burnett? they have not been rotated that frequently to suggest they are on the same level

    Burnett won the job in camp......probably because Awe is a rookie.  Wally tends to shy away from first year players.  Awe can play; so can Davis.  Lions don't give up too much not having Burnett in.


    My opinion only.

  3. 20 hours ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    If you say so. Anytime you lose your starters your likely dropping back a bit in talent (or the back ups would be the starters?) Awe and Davis being primarily  S.Teamers have a lot to prove before I say they are good depth that won't see a drop off in talent at LB.   Who replaces Bryant Turner Jr at DT?

    Define starters.  After the first play of the game "starters" are being rotated in and out for the balance of the game.  Lions have 9 D Linemen; they will all play.  Turner may not though

  4. 59 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    If I were you, and knowing Lulay's injury history and our ability to get to a QB, I'd be more worried about how well you think your #3 QB can play, because if Jennings isn't good to go, there's a very real chance that Ross might have to after the 2nd or 3rd sack.

    I seldom get worried about anything, let alone a football game!! 

  5. 45 minutes ago, Taynted_Fayth said:

    Must be. While I picked the Lions to finish 1st in the west this year,  it won't be coming off our backs.  your 3-0 vs the east but 0-1 vs the west (soon to be 0-2 ;)).  Lulay has a stiffer test then racking up big numbers vs a team in disarray (Hamilton) and our pass rush is going to light up that young OL that's still learning as you mentioned.

    I don't expect us to win by much as the games have gone, but the Bombers match up well vs the Lions as of late

    So what...about 8 sacks for you guys then?  Lulay doesn't need numbers, he needs 1 more point than the BB

  6. 2 hours ago, BigBlue said:

    We love to bash and crash the green machine next door west to us: no depth, no Canadians, mongrels with mish mash of talent filled with has beens ... no end of disrespect and disparaging jokes

    But the facts are that in spite of losing Jones and company came very close to winning and could be sitting in first place right now ... they were at least competitive

    The chances of going 0 & 18 look more and more remote .... the probability of going 9 & 9 are going up

    As much as we love to hate and ridicule Jones, he has done some things in his career and we might be seeing the early signs of a turnaround...

    Or is this complete foolishness? "The Riders are going to implode as soon as the injury bug hits!" some will shout with pride.

    So is Jones talented or a lucky pretender?

    That is as well as Kevin Glenn can play.  Emotion carried their D for a quarter, as did the rust on Nichols. 

    They might have a shot against Hamilton, but if they lose that next one at home then 0-18 is a very real possibility.  Their morale will sink.  Jones will lose the players. Look what's happened today releasing Newsome and Tull who was promising.  Jones and Murphy are desperate. They know the next game is massive. 

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