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lyin' guy

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Posts posted by lyin' guy

  1. 2 minutes ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    If Nichols is out for the season and they know it, this is not a game of musical chairs the Bombers can afford to show up late for.

    True enough. The west will be hard to climb back into the mix if any team falls too far behind early.  Is there word on when his condition will be known? 

  2. 30 minutes ago, Floyd said:

    Streveler - #1

    Trade Ekakitie and our 1st for Bridge - #2

    Ross - #3

    In that order...

    The ONLY upside is that Durant now realizes that he would have been a Day 1 starter...

    You may have forgotten, but you are the Winnipeg Blue Bombers. The Riders will NOT trade you their No. 2 QB for anything you have. Full stop. If they did and Collaros goes down or poops the bed then they have just put themselves in the same position that you're in now. That's dumb. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Fan Boy said:

    When I was in high school it was baby duck and "something" goose. IE Kool aid with vodka. Beer was too expensive. Bush parties with orange crush and rubbing alcohol like vodka. Oh no the old guy part of me has been activated. 

    Bighill looks great not NFL bloated at all. No need for laxative. He is going to make other teams player dirty their pants. 

    Did you guys dirty your pants when you played the Lion's Bighill? 

  4. 1 minute ago, AKAChip said:

    Sure. And for the record, I don't have anything against the Lions. I just don't like the makeup of their roster this season.

    Time will tell with the make up.  We've gone from CoverGirl to Sephora. A little risky coming off a bad year, but if anyone can pull it off the boys on the west coast can.

  5. 13 minutes ago, jazzsax said:

    If it's serious, there are options.

    Trade for Masoli. (Ham)

    Trade for Lulay (BC)

    Trade for GLenn (Edm)

    Bait Smilin Hank out of retirement (not a far fetched idea to be honest if he's still in shape. But TSN is probably paying him too much)

    All are solid options. Question is what we have to give up. 

    Nope.  Out til July. And he's not going anywhere.  Future coach.

  6. Just now, Mark F said:

    I don't think I'd want Lulay. Still plays like he's indestructable, which he definitely is not. Also, doesn't he chuck it up there a lot? That's what I saw last season when he went in for Jennings.

    IF Matt is hurt, Go with who we have.  Worked for the Eagles. 

    Lulay is a month away still. No way is he going anywhere.  And he doesn't "chuck it up there a lot". 


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