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Bubba Zanetti

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Posts posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. 5 minutes ago, MOBomberFan said:

    Nope he snapped every ball, Eli came in for a few plays here and there especially late.

    Kola is not a world beater but boy is his 'cave in' reputation way overblown. The replay is posted in the GDT I'm ready to go break down every snap. Live in the GDT thought I was taking crazy pills, the 'Kolapse' when it's Bryant that oles his man, the supposed 'bad protection call' by Kola when Dobson just plain gets beat one on one, the 2nd down Bailey catch when 'Kola is in Collaros' lap' while literally being the furthest downfield of any OL, it's crazy that the entire OL can take turns coughing up bad plays but the center is the only one under a microscope on the forum

    I don't even like the guy that much it's the whipping boy routine that wears on me

    None of the o-lineman have draped themselves in glory this year. The reason he sticks out to most is his penchant for taking holding penalties and getting put on rollerskates, which weve witnessed numerous times this season.

  2. 14 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Just to put this all to bed and end the debate I will leave this right here, sorry for highlighting your post when doing so Booch just your comment along with this confirms what we've been saying about our OL. Top rated QB, top rated RB, top rated OL. Sounds pretty good to me.



    Lol. Kolankowski being caved in repeatedly while taking 2 holding calls is rated as the 2nd best o-lineman of the week?? Was he not also replaced by Eli at times in the 2nd half? CFL.CA's "rankings" are toilet paper.

  3. 1 minute ago, Doublezero said:

    I agree with this. One reason for the seeming Q4 success is because FB Damian Jackson was in as an extra blocker for some plays in the 4th Q vs Hamilton - evidence the braintrust believed the O-line could use a little pass pro and run block help at that point. Same way Bombers used LB Wade Miller to clear traffic on offence back in the day. 

    Ofcourse. He's a Navy Seal godammit!

  4. 6 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    We have been a 4th Q rushing team since Andrew Harris came here. We have always piled on our rushing totals in the 4th. The facts just don't bear you out on this. Sorry. Look at our production by Q the last several years in the rushing game. Big jump in the 4th.

    Andrew Harris was not just a 4th quarter performer lol. And ofcourse our previous seasons' 4th quarters were huge, we were s**t stomping teams and up by multiple scores going into the 4th so we could just run the ball and salt away a lot of games. This year games have been much tighter and we need that running game earlier to keep teams honest and not pin their ears back and focus solely on Zach. Theres a direct correlation between lack of run game/lack of passing success. Its likely why games against the Montreals, and Ottawas, and Edmontons have been so close for so long. An effective run game opens up the pass. Its written in stone.

  5. 5 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    Run blocking? Our numbers are virtually identical to last year in rushing yards, YPC, and YPG. Therefore, I will categorically deny that. Also, our passing numbers are up almost across the board this year. We have surrendered a lot of sacks compared to years past but that isn't always the best indicator of overall pass pro. Or at least shouldn't be viewed as a stand alone statistic. If the passing numbers show no real discernable difference, then it is just a matter of isolated plays and not an over all performance issue.  I agree we gotta get those sack numbers down tho but it really isn't having a dramatic effect on our offensive efficiency. Could very well be that ZC has decided to eat a lot more ball this year and take the sack trying to extend plays. 

    The sack numbers look right. I hesitate to look at them in iso though. Our overall pressures could still be relatively the same just with a worse outcome than years past. Its time for Zach to start chucking more into the 2nd row and see if that gets it in line.

    I would love to see QB pressure stats because Collaros is having much less time in the pocket as years past, as per the eye test, which is leading him to throw early/force throws at times(hello Ottawa 4th quarter pick-6). Also, if runs for no gain/negative yards could be found i would wager Oliveira is likely nearing his last seasons totals already. If you take out the 4th quarter last game he probably had like 20 yards on the ground. We gouged them in the 4th because they were gassed. The majority of Oliveira's yardage has been from late in games this season. I'd rather not wait until the 4th for our running game to get going, thats the type of thing that will make you one-dimensional. The run game push from the o-line has been largely non-existent this season for large chunks of games. You can argue the stats seem the same, but the eye test is very much different from previous seasons. The o-line needs to sack-up. If they dont it could be just a matter of time until something happens to Zach and/or teams make Oliveira a non-factor.

  6. Just now, GCn20 said:

    I'm pretty sure if Booch had the chance he would rephrase that. It wasn't luck. our defence was absolutely lights out, and our offence firing on all cylinders all 3 games. We won every one in very convincing fashion. Definitely not one game where we didn't completely overwhelm the opposition in those playoffs.

    Our playoff defense in 2019 was generational, as was our regular season defense in 2021. That was no fluke.

  7. Just now, Booch said:

    yeah should have been spotted on the 51...minimum...we got boned there

    Yeah, noticed that female lineswoman screwed us a couple times with garbage spots. The Prokup fumble was one where the previous catch should have been ruled a first down on the positive yardage gained, but she marked it short. Basically marked it where the receiver was tackled. Brutal.

  8. 36 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

    No it was Man coverage, at least on Houstons side. He bit on a double move and then stubbled/played his recovery horribly and that was that. It happens. Situational awareness is needed there, but every single db gets got at some point.

    He does it clean too. No PIs called against him that I can remember.

    He got one PI call against him in the Ottawa game but it was very ticky-tacky.

  9. 5 minutes ago, M.Silverback said:

    Not sure McRae is that guy. I'm talking about a Carey, Mills, Logan type RB on Calgary. They're out there. Bring one in, tandem with Brady, maybe dress one less special teams LB or FB, there's your RB game setting up your passing game for Buck and Zach. Defenses have figured this out. It's on their whiteboards under their "Believe" signs - don't worry about the Bombers running game. 

    Mcrae is plenty shifty and fast. The guy averaged like 9 yards a carry in college. Youre not going to be bringing in a newbie at this stage of the season when Mcrae is around.

  10. 2 minutes ago, M.O.A.B. said:

    I agree with Rose - Nichols - Alexander - Parker - Houston secondary 

    Keep Dobson at RG and start Eli at C 

    Start Wilson at WIL  

    Kramdi was OK at SAM last night nothing fancy but made some good plays but If not Darby (injured?, regressed?), maybe we need to try someone there. 

    He was but nothing serious as him. (hopefully)

    Not sure how you can take Holm out of the lineup. Rose was hot poop last year. Parker does need to come back in though.

  11. Just now, M.Silverback said:

    I hear ya. Like I said, I like Brady. I'd just like him more as part of an RB tandem, where the other RB actually was a break away threat that defenses worried about. Helps set up the passing game. Doesn't have to be a 180 lb juke RB. Calgary has three American RB's who are legit threats. NFL teams cut RB's every year that could easily excel in the CFL. Bombers could find one. They may have had one and cut him. And 4Q grind out a lead - Brady is definitely the guy I want. But 1st and 10, first Q, the opposing D is not worried he's breaking one, and are scheming for that. The run is not setting up the pass in other words. 

    Mcrae is pretty much that guy already. They did insert him for a couple runs last night when the running game was stalled. Its imperative that our run game is a success. It opens up so much more for Buck and Zach.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Booch said:

    the same can be said about Holm...But he lacks the tackling talent of ADS....Thats why Parker is our best option at the other HB spot...he's twitchy fast like Nichols to actually break up that pass...or to close before the first down stick and kill drives....plus he is a fierce tackler and physical....if by week 10 or Db's arent Rose/Nichols/BA/Parker /houston then something is wrong...thats our best starting 5

    no it hasnt...and I bet the tragets and completion percentage against him verifies it too....he hs wiffed, and missed a lot of tackles...especially in the traffic areas

    Disagree. I would love to find said stats but have no idea if theyre available. If anyone can/cares to please do. Youre strange dislike of him since day 1 has clouded reality.

  13. 8 minutes ago, Booch said:

    ...and I know u all drool over Holm's member...and the media is too....but we would be a better defence with Parker or AD at the halfback spot...see more upside there...more physicality and way better tackling...which we need bigtime...he's done some good things...everyone has...but he also gets targeted...a lot...and there is a reason for it...plus he has the physicality of a teenage girl...no offence to any teenage girls, but thats a big issue ...he'd be a great extra DB tho right now as he could slot in to a few positions and I guess retirn a kick or 2....but that be a bit sketchy too as his times he has done it since he been here haven't been very comforting


    Holm has been nothing short of excellent and his tackling has been fine. I'd argue his coverage has been the best out of all our DB's not named Nichols. I cant think of many scenarios where he hasnt been in the hip pocket of receivers and/or was able to use his elite speed to recover in time to make the play. Im sorry he stole your ice cream.

  14. 7 minutes ago, M.Silverback said:

    Agree. I know Brady is kind of off limits to critique - Winnipeger, loves puppies ... - but I really think he'd be better as a secondary running option. I like him, and I know, he leads the CFL in rushing. But, he's not a threat that opposing defenses game plan around. He's not quick, shifty, and doesn't find holes enough for defensive coordinators to worry about in scheming. Unfair comparison, but he's not prime Andrew Harris. He's a great grind out the end of a game RB; get 4 tough yards RB. I'd like to see another RB share time with him who is a threat to break big runs. Even at UND he had another RB he shared time with. McRae - maybe. Likely someone new. 

    Harris was never quick or shifty either, he just had that spin and hurdle that Brady doesnt. Brady is a beast though and will grind you down. That run in the 4th where he lowered his pads and mashed that Elks linebacker into a fine paste was a thing of beauty. He's never going to win a footrace to the endzone, but thats O'Shea/Bomber football and the type you need to grind out wins in the cold playoffs. No one wanted to tackle Brady last night in the 4th quarter. He was punishing them. Love me a big back.

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