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Bubba Zanetti

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Posts posted by Bubba Zanetti

  1. 1 hour ago, Jpan85 said:

    Anyone else see after Lawlers TD Zack turn to the Lions bench and say something to them.

    He always chirps the Lions. They were the first CFL team to sign him, but they released him before he ever played a game for them. He plays with a big chip on his shoulder and lets them know what they missed out on every time. Love it.


    Oops, thought we were talking about Lawler. Zach does chirp the odd time too. Love it. Love the fire.

  2. 2 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

    Thinking about how great our wrs looked last night and barring injury it seems likely that we'll have three 1000 yards receivers this year, with Woli cracking 700-800 yards as well. Impressive. Don't think we've had three since Milt, Edwards and Armstrong in 07.

    Yup. Its going to be an insane offense in the 2nd half. Lawler and Schoen are quite possibly the two best receivers in the league. Good times.

  3. 7 minutes ago, blue85gold said:

    Agree the reffing sucked but the simultaneous offsides make sense. You can have a slotback offside and a Dline offside completely unrelated to each other.

    But wouldnt one guy technically be drawing the other guy offsides? The first guy to move is the culprit and gets the penalty? I have a hard time believing the simultaneously moved and went offsides at the exact same time. Unless one guy lined up offsides and the other ran offsides i guess?? I have never seen a double offsides in my life.

  4. 9 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

    The officiating is nuts.

    The replay official buzzes down to make sure they call a no end penalty on us first drive of the game.

    Where was he on Betts uncalled offside?  Where was he on the Bighill play that was blatantly not a penalty?  Where was he on the next play when BC receiver was clearly down at 40 with contact gets up and runs across 30?

    If they are going to auto review some plays (aside from scoring ones) they need to review all of them.

    Also O’Shea needs work on when to use the flag.  On a 60 yard play to Lawler…use it.  On a blatant illegal tackle by us…don’t use it.

    Yeah like WTF?? The play had already happened and was over and were in the huddle for the next play and now you negate the previous play and move us back? What a s**t precedent that is. Calls get missed every play. Youre going to start micro-managing everything from the pressbox and calling penalties after plays have already happened?? Unreal.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Stickem said:

    That call on Biggie was just pure unadulterated bull$hit....This is football and I think someone in the league office has to remind some of the refs of that fact

    That call was a f**king joke. As usual there were a ton on garbage calls last night. The Lawler offensive pass interference was weak. But the one i really couldnt figure out was the simultaneous offsides?? It took the second Lawler TD off the board. They flagged one of BC's Defensive lineman and Shoen for offsides on the same play. How the *uck do 2 guys go offsides at the same time?!?! Clowns. It would have given Zach 4 passing TD's and it likely cost him a 400 yard passing game.

  6. 12 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    Davis Sanchez : BC is the best team and it isn’t even close. 

    ******* clown 

    That guy is a piece of s**t and has hated us since birth. We could be 18-0 and he'd be telling the world were garbage. Hope that guy gets lip herpes.

    Was getting quite worried that their DC Ryan Phillips was going to get a concussion with all the head shaking that was going on.

  7. 24 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    You don't know that. Tons can happen. Tons. You are talking like teams have never fell off down the stretch, and it happens almost every year. Also, sometimes crap teams get their act together. It can happen. Are you willing to write off the entire league at this point save Toronto, BC, and us? I'm not. Last year Toronto was not very good through the first 9 games. They were 4-5 I believe and then became a juggernaut in the 2nd half.

    YARN | -You never know. -Sometimes you do. | Seinfeld (1993 ...

  8. 18 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

    No, that's not true. It would be tougher for sure and out of our control, but definitely not impossible. You are assuming that BC plays at a high level all year. I am not willing to bet that quite yet.

    Yes, we would need help or a small BC collapse in the 2nd half. BC still hasn't seen the meat of it's schedule yet so don't count either of those things out. They get it pretty rough in the 2nd half. A lot of divisional games.

    A BC win would have them 4 points up and give them the season series. Meaning we would need to gain 6 points on them in the second half. They play us one more time but dont play Toronto again. The rest of their schedule is against junk. Not going to happen.

  9. Just now, GCn20 said:

    Seasons aren't won or lost or determined over the course of one game or two in the first half of the season. If we lose tonight the only thing we need to admit is that we have some work to do before the playoffs come. Lots, and I mean lots of things happen in a 2nd half of a CFL season. Declaring BC the Western champs at this point would be insane.

    Seasons aren't, but you can kiss 1st place goodbye with a loss tonight.

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