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Posts posted by BomberBall

  1. 31 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

    I think because - in real time- a Rider dove (wildly) - and it could have looked like a push if you half saw it. 

    Refs should call things they see though. - not guessing. 

    Exactly…. If something kinda looks like maybe it could’ve been a push if you halfway saw it… Leave the flag in your ******* pocket and not ruin one of the most exciting plays in football.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Booch said:

    Our gain for sure

    But age...2 attempts already...walk on...in drafted...and our food fortune that he excelled in the waggle were all against him...he's ours now till we won't want him

    Yeah... I agree they certainly aren't on the take...but maybe some bias in the ranks? Moreso tho likely just an example of the crappy refs in the league...I know this time and age it's being harder and harder to get good officials...mainly at amateur ranks...but C'mon...that was truly a sad display...with such a weak call on the Bryant hands to face..where he basically just overpowered his guy cause that's what he does...to WJ cleanly beating his guy and having his ripped off..and he gets penalized...how does the CC not step in there? And how does a ref miss that...does he think WJ pulled it off himself to gain some kind of advantage??..like really?

    Kudos to WJ for not sqwuaking about it on field and flailing around looking for a penalty but instead just taking care of business

    Yup, those 2 plays in particular were absolutely terrible.  Hard to believe there wasn’t some bias there.  Glad the guys played through it and got the job done.

  3. Day 3 of Bombers camp: looks like Brady Oliveira has the day off. Bighill, Grant, Thomas and O’Leary-Orange as well.
    Looked like another good round from the kickers. Side view, but it looked like only two misses: Castillo from 50 and Liegghio from 54
    Evan Holm got some reps at halfback with the 1st D during team period. Believe that’s the first time we’ve seen that in camp
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