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17 hours ago, Brandon said:

The Rock is a huge star... isn't he pulling in 10 + million pay days in each of his starring roles??  

No one else in wrestling has came even remotely as close as he has in success.

Yes, he's a genuine box office draw.  He and his ex wife own a production company that produces a lot of stuff too.  He's really a tireless actor who does a ton of work.  Currently filming season 2 of Ballers and I believe its Baywatch that starts around WM (for which he's been unable to get insurance clearance to wrestle).

Batista is good too.  By the way, Batista was backstage this past week and Vince offered him a role (non wrestling) at WM.  Dave declined for now but left the door open if creative comes up with something interesting.  Dave has been very negative on creative in the past so I would doubt they'd find anything for him but you never know.  They could definitely use him.

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Batista is trying....  Guardians of the Galaxy was his meal ticket and a few more bigger roles and he could be set for life. 

I'm guessing Stone Cold's deal with that Canadian company is up since I haven't seen him in any direct to dvd movies for a while...

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I kinda felt Batista in Specter didnt really do much for him. like maybe 1 line in the whole movie if that despite plenty of screen time. i guess just a resume piece.

Randy Orton took over in The Condemned 2 (stone cold was in 1) so that might be a safe bet, tho I still quote him in the longest yard every time i hear Mississippi Queen

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So the word is that Darth Vader will play a larger role than expected in Rogue One.  They have created costuming that is identical to his A New Hope suit as well as "battle armor" which sounds like its just the regular Vader suit but designed for the actor (or stunt man) to work action/fight scenes.

It would be pretty cool to see an angry, powerful Vader cutting his way through rebel scum left and right.

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weird this thread keeps falling into star wars discussion lol but only thing im left to wonder is, in ROTJ, the emperor says he allowed the plans of the new death star to be leaked out, walking the rebel alliance into a trap, makes me wonder if in ANH he too allowed those plans to be stolen, it not only got Obi Wan out of hiding, but also unearthed Luke, who he knew was Anakins.  their dialog went like this;

Darth Vader: [kneeling before Emperor Palpatine's hologram] What is thy bidding, my master? 
Emperor: There is a great disturbance in the Force. 
Darth Vader: I have felt it. 
Emperor: Luke Skywalker 
Darth Vader: He's just a boy. Obi-Wan can no longer train him. 
Emperor: The Force is strong with him. The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi. 
Darth Vader: If he could be turned, he will become a powerful ally.

so seems like Darth sidious was smarter then your average Sith


** for all we know the rogue one movie, if it indeed is Vader heavy, might be his personal (or conspired with the emperor)  vendetta to hunt down the last of the Jedi, but for Vader, more specifically Obi Wan, but could never get him out of hiding until they gave them a false sense of hope (plans).

Im sure all those years in his robot suit must have driven Vader stupid with anger that Obi wan not only beat him in their battle on Mustafar but forever trapped him to that suit. and I dont think anyone could or would have confirmed killing Obi Wan after their fight so he knew he was out there, somewhere

Edited by Taynted_Fayth
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This looks interesting. RAMPAGE starring The Rock

        RAMPAGE is a 1986 arcade game where players take control of gigantic monsters, including a giant ape named George, a giant lizard name Lizzy, or a giant wold named Ralph. The game saw the monsters running amok across the United States, fighting the military, and destroying key landmarks. Several sequels were developed for the title as well, adding even more types of monsters to the playable roster and extending their path of destruction into the cosmos and even back in time.

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I saw Hail Caesar last night. Everyone rates Coen Bros. movies differently1 so take this with a grain of salt, but I thought Hail Caesar wasn't very good at all.  It's got some really pretty setpieces in it that will get the critics and the film nerds going, but they add up to nothing storywise, as we can see on Rotten Tomatoes.

It's kind of like a happier version of No Country For Old Men ... but instead of being about a candle snuffed out by the cold horror of the universe, it's about how awesome it was to work in Hollywood during the golden age of film.

1my Coen top four: Big Lebowski and Raising Arizona for the comedies, Miller's Crossing and Inside Llewyn Davis for the drama.   Fargo is wonderful but a bit overrated and A Serious Man is slight but really really good otherwise.  It's been awhile since I've seen The Hudsucker Proxy, but that's fantastic as well, great old school screwball comedy.

Edited by johnzo
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Hells ya!

There are reports that actor Ewan McGregor is rumored to be having discussions with Lucasfilm to reprise his role as Obi-Wan Kenobi as a Force ghost for director Rian Johnson’s “STAR WARS: EPISODE VIII.” The rumor comes courtesy of Kristian Harloff of Schmoes Know and Collider Jedi Council and stresses to take this new information with a grain of salt. Read more at: https://tr.im/be8d4
Edited by The Unknown Poster
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5 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

Why not just CGI Alec Guinness?

Probably easier using a live person than CGI'ing someone who's passed on.  Plus they'd have to get permission from his family and I imagine there is some issues with "new performances" related to CGI'ing "new" actors who are dead.  And besides, Ewen played the role just as long, even more so if you consider totality of the performances.  And if you CGI Alec, who does the voice, Ewen?  Might as well just use him.

Perhaps they'd do a combo of CGI over a live performance to tweak him slightly to get an even closer image of Alec.  It would be very cool to see Ewen in "old" make up to look like Obi Wan.  I've heard Ewen say before that he'd do it and he did the voice over for TFA.  I imagine it wont be hard to get him.

This, coupled with the rumour of Hayden being brought in as well, plus they always have Yoda they can use, really excites me for Episode VIII. 

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11 hours ago, FrostyWinnipeg said:

Why not just CGI Alec Guinness?

Because Ewan McGregor is awesome (not that Alec isn't, cause he was) and I want an Obi-Wan movie/trilogy.

Apparently they did a whole scene with a force ghost of Yoda, and Frank Oz did the whole scene, but it got cut as it revealed too much.

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Saw Hail Caesar on the weekend and I'd kind of put it in the Fargo category in the sense that it's technically a comedy, but you won't actually be laughing that much. The story was weak, but if you like the Hollywood of the 50's and 60's, you'll be somewhat entertained. Josh Brolin was quite good in it, and there's a hilarious corny 60's musical tap dance scene with Channing Tatum that is worth the time it takes to watch the whole movie.

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