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Trump man Bannon was in Italy  promoting this crowd, they are in power now, and he celebrated their win.



Italy’s new far-right interior minister has announced a “census” of the country’s Roma community and set the stage for deportations of the ethnic group.

Matteo Salvini, the leader of the far-right League party, said those Roma found to have Italian nationality would “unfortunately” be allowed to stay in the country while others would be expelled.


Rounding up "gypsies"

who next in Italy?

 we are going rapidly the wrong way.

It's an easy pivot to direct the minds of hateful morons from one group, to another one.

first they came for...............


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10 minutes ago, do or die said:

So today, Trump states that the press is causing human trafficking, and the democrats are separating kids from their parents at the border.    Always it's somebody else.   His deluded base, always needs bogeymen.

He knows they can just lie.  They preaching to the choir.

I saw a clip of Kellyanne on Cuomo and she was ridiculous.  She started off claiming this was a law and Cuomo shut her down and she then went with the idea they want immigration reform as a package.  Cuomo asked why it has to be all or nothing and she said "oh you want it your way?"  This is what they think, that people who dont want to terrorize children, separate children and hold them in cages are the bad guy.  I wish Cuomo's reply had been "No Kellyanne, its not what I want, its what any human with a ******* soul wants".

And the media then asked the DHS Sec. why they never show images of girls, its always boys and she said she didnt know.  Where are all the girls!! 

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41 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

He knows they can just lie.  They preaching to the choir.

I saw a clip of Kellyanne on Cuomo and she was ridiculous.  She started off claiming this was a law and Cuomo shut her down and she then went with the idea they want immigration reform as a package.  Cuomo asked why it has to be all or nothing and she said "oh you want it your way?"  This is what they think, that people who dont want to terrorize children, separate children and hold them in cages are the bad guy.  I wish Cuomo's reply had been "No Kellyanne, its not what I want, its what any human with a ******* soul wants".

And the media then asked the DHS Sec. why they never show images of girls, its always boys and she said she didnt know.  Where are all the girls!! 

Do you watch the whole thing?

She claimed that this enforcement  of zero tolerance was protecting children from parents/guardians they (being the children) didn't want to be with (implying bad/abusive parents/guardians who are smuggling unwilling children over for human trafficking, sex slaves etc) and that CNN was guilty of playing audio tapes of children crying and not reporting these facts  she just presented of how many missing children and abused children there are because of previous administrations who had open border policies that led to not protecting these children.

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4 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

Do you watch the whole thing?

She claimed that this enforcement  of zero tolerance was protecting children from parents/guardians they (being the children) didn't want to be with (implying bad/abusive parents/guardians who are smuggling unwilling children over for human trafficking, sex slaves etc) and that CNN was guilty of playing audio tapes of children crying and not reporting these facts  she just presented of how many missing children and abused children there are because of previous administrations who had open border policies that led to not protecting these children.

The old "immigrants are animals and rapists" position?  Thankfully Trump is saving all these kids by keeping them safe in cages.

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The end game is getting 25 million for a wall that he stood in front of people like a peacock and told them that the Mexican's would pay for, that's not going to happen so now he is using the separation of children to get his way, remember this is not a law it is a policy, Trump's policy and the people of the USA need to get rid of this ignoramus before he destroys them. 

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Naturally, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter are currently blabbing on about the fake media, using staged fake kids, to tell a fake story, for the benefit of globalist swamp dwellers.

Boogeymen...... oooohhhh

ps.....note that the very same rationale was used to smear the Parkland kids.    


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Watching the head of ICE on CNN, I’ve never wanted to reach through the tv and punch a guy so much. 

If these clowns are so righteous why do they have to lie and obfuscate? 

Edit: God this is horrible. What soulless disgusting people. Wolfe is being so fair and nice to this jerk but he’s sucked him in to looking like an idiot and catching him in lies.  

Edit: wow!! Wolfe asks him if this policy is humane and he can’t even answer it.  He completely supports this but can’t say it’s hunane. They embrace the inhuman. 

This is child abuse. It’s terrorizing children. Send these guys to jail. 

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8 minutes ago, johnzo said:

Snopes says this photo is a fake.

The trump movement is plenty ugly in reality, when you spread fake stuff about it, you legitimize all its fakenews whining.

Fake or not there are plenty of the Trump base supporters that subscribe to this.

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12 hours ago, 17to85 said:

Hope he realized that the reason that the trade relationship with China is what it is is because Americans like cheap **** and they don't want to pay the prices for things made where the people making it need to be paid a living wage. 

Considering almost everything Trump and family sell is made in China you would think he would grasp that.

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When you have Trump's stooges saying that asylum seekers are coming to infest, or are invaders, it sure strikes images of a time gone by, when Ann Coulter calls the children child actors, and when Cory Lewandowski mocks a story about a child with down syndrome being taken away, you really have to wonder what the hell is going on down there.

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Just saying, but children are ripped from their parents everyday in the USA and Canada, not sure what makes this any different? The parents broke the law, any parents that break the law, if severe enough, would lose their children to foster care.

But seriously, whites are becoming a minority in the USA and it scares the crap out of them. They see this as their last hope to hang onto any sort of elected government. Any minority would react the same way. Not that I agree with but if you stood to lose everything you might react the same way too. 

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