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Posts posted by ediger

  1. Thrilled to see this. Bob Cameron is arguably one of the reasons I became a die hard Bomber fan. I grew up a few streets down from Bob and my best friend though elementary school and jr. high's dad ran a home reno company in the neighbourhood. If anyone knows Bob, you could easily imagine that these two guys got along pretty easily. Anyway, one day my friend and I wanted to go chuck around a football but we couldn't find his in his basement. His dad suggested we pop by Bob's; he'd probably have one. So off we went, in the drizzling rain, to Bob Cameron's house to see if he had a football we could use. Sure enough, he had one. But not only did he have a ball, he also had a story about the Grey Cup the ball was used in that he told use before sending us out into the rain with the thing to kick it around. This was probably about a year or two after my dad took me to my first Bomber game (1997). The next spring my buddy and I got season tix in section S as 14-15 year olds. About six games in the guys behind us started buying us beer because I hit a Ti-Cat fan about 20 rows below us in the head with a Coke bottle cap I flicked. He tried to fight like 30 people attempting to find the guy the flicked it. The dude's behind us thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever seen. I never learned their names in the 3 or 4 years they sat behind us but goddamn did they do a ton to introduce me to football. I'll never forget them cooking on their Hibachi in their seats during the 2001 east final.

  2. On 2019-08-24 at 1:26 PM, Mark H. said:

    Could well be.  But the interview ^^ is one of the better ones I've heard all year.  Normally I don't even listen to the entire thing. 

    But I don't agree with him about the penalties.  When you push an official, you better expect 15 yards - he should have gotten 25 for that - it's pathetic. 

    an intentional push should be an automatic ejection.

  3. On 2019-07-02 at 9:42 AM, kelownabomberfan said:

    apt analogy as I think that fielding Geena Davis, Rosie O'Donnell and Madonna would actually improve the Argos.  Especially with Tom Hanks chugging booze and yelling at everyone from the bench.

    Say what you will but Geena Davis is one hell of a power back. With Rosie blocking, she should be able to get close to 1,000

  4. 1 hour ago, wbbfan said:

    @ the crowd issue, A thursday game right before canada long weekend is idiotic. Weekday games in general suck. Idc whose fault it is, scheduling, stadiums what not. When you have an extra day you shouldnt be having weekday games.

    This is very true. I also think the Bombers could revisit their pricing structure. There's some price points that just don't sell very well.

  5. play calling might have been better if the Bombers actually executed on first down in the later stages of the game. Oh well. The good guys won. A number of the low points were from guys having unusually poor games so it doesn't concern me too much at this point. Basically what tonight showed me is that even if a few key guys have bad games, as a unit this team is still strong enough to compete with the other top teams in the league.

  6. 9 minutes ago, WBBFanWest said:

    I think that the bolded part actually explains what happened.  Bennett had three years CFL experience and yet, there was little to choose between his play and  a guy fresh out of college.  Also, bear in mind that last year Bennett was beaten out by another player fresh out of college.  I think that the Bombers might be thinking that Bennett doesn't have a ton of ceiling left and what you see is pretty much what you're going to get.  

    That's pretty much how I've been feeling about it. If you've got two evenly matched guys in camp who aren't really going to play at all, take the younger guy with less experience. If McGuire is at Bennett's level without the experience, his potential SHOULD be higher.

  7. There's basically two ways for the stadium to book large events. Either they go out and "buy" an event and act as the promoter/co-promoter or an outside promoter rents the building for an event they bought. This NFL game definitely seems like On Ice Entertainment bought the rights to the game and is renting the stadium. The Bombers assume less risk but On Ice stands to gain more if the event sells out. Still, it's within the Bombers best interest to sell that sucker out and get as much concession money as possible.

  8. 47 minutes ago, Mark F said:

    I agree with this.

    It's a real low point  for anyone attempting to survive as a full time musician/singer/songwriter/performer.

    It's never been great, but now, it is abysmal.

    The only way its possible is to tour non-stop and even then it's not a lucrative business. The few friends I have that are still making their living off of music are rarely home and when they are, they're working a part time job to supplement their income.

  9. Last night was another good show by WPW. Slightly smaller crowd than the first two but still a solid turn out. Kevin Chevy has improved so much over the past few years. His match with Airwolf was great. AJ Sanchez vs Josh Alexander was another really good match, as was the main event between Shotzi Blackheart, Jody Threat and a third woman who's name I didn't catch.

  10. 13 hours ago, johnzo said:

    Finally finished watching it tonight, I like the flippy guys/gals best and there was plenty of that, so I was happy.  Really dug the joshi event, hope that AEW keeps pushing that.

    I've seen the Lucha Bros on TV a lot and live twice, I'm a big fan of those guys, and it was great to see them against a team that can go as good as they can, maybe even better -- most matches I see of theirs, they're slowing down because their opponents can't match their speed.  It's a weird match when Pentagon is the slowest guy in the ring.

    Wasn't so much into the big name matches otherwise, after the relentless pace of the earlier matches, the main event felt a little slow for me.

    Forgot to mention the Lucha Bros/Young Bucks match. I really liked that one as well. Overall, I think my favourite part of the show was how well balanced it was. You had fun matches, athletic matches, violent matches, story based matches, brawls, women's matches, singles, tags, young guys, legends, guys in their prime. Just a really great mix.

  11. It was an excellent show. A few hiccups but nothing that derailed things. The Rhodes match was great and one of the goriest matches I've seen in a while. The Jericho/Omega match and the women's tag match were also really good. The battle royal in the pre-show was super fun, too.

  12. 3 hours ago, bigg jay said:

    I wonder if they are working on a Canadian deal?  Nitro was also on TNT and TSN aired it (not live though) so maybe we see something like that?  TSN did lose WWE to Sportsnet so they might want to work with AEW.

    I thought I read something a while back about a Canadian broadcast partner but there's been so many rumours and half-truths floating around that I can't keep it all straight anymore.

  13. 9 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

    He was better at cutting promos as well. Brett often would stumble on his lines.

    "Yous... Yous guys are nothing but wolf... Sheep in wolf's clothing! You're prancing around nude in some mag... some girly magazine... well I think it was a GAY magazine!" - Bret Hart

    And ****, Bret, clear your damn throat! But still, definitely one of the best ever.

  14. 6 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Add Luke Harper to the list of talent that have requested their release.  

    Hes 39 years old so it’s a gamble but he’s really talented. And would add some size and experience to AEW

    Does he have a history of injuries or anything? If not, these days 39 still gives you a few good years and a few more decent ones if the cards fall just right.

  15. 6 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Sasha is off to think about her future.  She tried to quit over the weekend and was furious that the tag belts were being taken off her and Bayley.  WWE told her to think it over.  She's been unhappy for awhile.

    Now that there is potentially a viable alternative to WWE, I'm guessing we'll see more people thinking about where they really want to be and how much they want to allow their careers to be dictated by WWE.

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