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Posts posted by ediger

  1. 7 hours ago, Geebrr said:
    I'm told there was a fairly major fight between Bombers fans and Ticats players at the Westin last night. If anyone knows any further details, please reach out

    Sounds like this guy confirmed with police that there was "a disturbance". From what I can piece together, some Bombers fans were giving the Ti-Cats the business and one of the fans chucked an ice cube when the players turned to leave which lead to a bit of a tussle.

  2. 4 hours ago, BigBlueFanatic said:

    I finally got to watching both the first and second halves of the GC Wired Up feature.  Having the highlights edited with field level footage was awesome.  The collisions, yelling and crowd cheering put me right back into the moment.

    The difference between the Bombers team-first culture and the Ticats me-first look-at-me prima donnas showed me that we were never going to lose that game.  Simoni and Williams are an outright embarrassment to Hamilton fans. And Banks? I’ve never seen a whinier excuse of a football player.  Seeing him complain about getting the ball too much and taking too many hits?  In the championship game?! Give me a f.ucking break.  Banks is 2 for 2 crying in GC’s and it looks good on him.  Smfh

    The differences in attitude were really telling. The Ti-Cats really did go into that game like they had already won. Well, looooooks real good on 'em now. Simoni comes off as a real SOB. That's not even trash talk.

  3. 17 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

    I wonder if there is a longer version...seemed so short. I do love the fact that simoni slowly just disappeared though. He made exactly zero plays when it mattered most. OVER RATED!!! and he wanted the MODP? What a joke, what a fraud, what an absolute pretender.


    15 hours ago, Throw Long Bannatyne said:

    I think a longer version will be up within a few days, most "Wired" episodes are usually 7-8 mins. long.

    Full versions are up. 10 mins per half. Just watched em. Is that Williams that tries to start **** with Adams during the celebration? I mean, to be fair, it looked like Adams was kinda looking for him.

  4. 53 minutes ago, wanna-b-fanboy said:

    Nah it's a saying you'll see in success literature. 

    It was attributed to Julius Caesar (or Cortez) when he arrived on an Island... found that his army was making arrangements to go back home... so he burnt the boats. Got 100% renewed focus from his men from that time on.

    Basically take away the safety nets, remove any excuse to turn away from the task at hand.... singular laser focus.

    Well look at you with your fancy book learnin' 😉

  5. The airport was a blast. The fellas looked like they partied appropriately hard, lots of dudes leaving the sunglasses on inside. O'Shea was still chomping down on the gnarled end of a cigar. Saw coach getting swarmed by fans trying to catch the elevator in the parking garage. He looked so exhausted but was taking time for photos/autographs/hugs from whoever came up. Streveler looked/smelled like he hadn't showered. Still had eye black smudged on his face. He took a ton of time with as many people as possible. At the end he was getting shuffled away to get to his ride but there were still a bunch of people trying to get photos. My brother and I were heading towards the door as a mob was following him. At one point it all seemed to hit him and he just kinda stopped walking with this deer-in-headlights look and muttered "holy ****... this is incredible".

  6. 1 hour ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    On the back of a RAW invasion, NXT finally beat AEW but it was really close.  AEW still won in key demos.


    It would seem that having the RAW guys on NXT pulled in some RAW viewers that don't usually watch NXT but didn't pull many, if any, eyeballs off AEW.

  7. 23 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

    That vignette be the inner circle had me howling and Cody’s promo has me invested enough to slap 50 bucks down.

    Completely agree. I also loved the juxtaposition of the two segments. Sets up just how differently the two are approaching the match. I'm predicting a Jericho win after some Inner Circle fuckery. I think the judges will be a red herring to make you think it's going the distance. The key to booking heels is to have them take away what the crowd wants or prevent the crowd from getting it in the first place. The crowd loves Cody. Just having Jericho win a standard title match wouldn't mean that much. But if Jericho cheats and that takes Cody out of the title picture for the foreseeable future, they'll hate Jericho all that much more.

  8. 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    Whether wwe is inherently racist or racially insensitive, people can decide on their own.   Rocky certainly made it big.  But let’s not forget before he broke out he was part of the Nation of Islam group (nation of domination). And was also mocked by DX in blackface. 

    You could also point to Booker T as a multiple time world champion.  And also point at Booker as being the victim of a terribly racist angle with Hunter. 

    Hunter did blackface twice actually.  And when working Mark Henry, acted like a gorilla to mock him.  Hunter also did. Racist Asian stereotype as part of a vignette.  Gee do we see a trend?

    I find it very difficult to believe that Hunter didn’t know what he was invoking with the ACH design.  It might not mean he’s maliciously racist. But I bet he thought it was funny.   A dirty little secret of wrestling is that it’s often racist (or racially insensitive) to minorities.  

    Not to mention The Rock was making Vince toooooons of money. The McMahons would work with Hitler if they thought there was a payday in it.

  9. 2 hours ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    A mistake is one thing. A design that clearly invokes racist imagery is something else.   Giving the designers the benefit of the doubt, its at least very tone deaf.   And ACH’s point about wanting more representation makes sense.  

    I don’t necessarily agree with everything he’s said or how he’s said it. But one has to assume he spoke to them privately and was not happy.  He did have issues with ROH as well so you can’t dismiss the possibility he’s a bit of a problem employee (contractor). But he’s not wrong.  And WWE’s statement wasn’t nearly appropriate.   

    I assume he wants a release. 

    One thing you can say about the way he's handling this; he's definitely getting his name out there. If he gets released, his name recognition will be at an all time high and I wouldn't be shocked to see AEW, or more likely Impact, bring him in. Unless he has a reputation within the industry that we haven't heard about yet.

  10. On 2019-10-24 at 3:40 PM, The Unknown Poster said:

    Wednesday Night War numbers 


    The Canadian numbers are getting real interesting. Here's this past week:

    Smackdown: 125,800 viewers
    Raw: 169,800
    AEW: 150,700

    Raw was up against a Leafs game while AEW was up against the World Series. Doesn't take much for number in the 100,000s to be drastically affected by an opposing sports event so looking at numbers week to week doesn't give you a great picture, you'll need to look at trends. But the fact that AEW is that close to RAW in Canada and actually beat Smackdown, even once, that's surprising. I'm sure both TSN and AEW would love to use the "most watched wrestling show in Canada" line.

  11. Crazy match tomorrow night at a pretty funky venue. Mentallo vs Super Crazy at the first WrestleMax show. The show is at the former Neon Factory space on Main St. As far as I know, there's no full-time business in there right now so it's basically a wrestling show in an empty building. You see a lot of punk shows like this in empty business or warehouses. Seems like they're going for that sort of thing. Should be fun!

  12. Tony has been great. I was hoping that they'd use him on commentary and I've been really pleased that it panned out. I agree, I wasn't overly excited about Jericho's new crew at first but it's shaping up alright pretty quickly.  Really looking forward to being able to watch the Omega/Janela match on YouTube.

  13. 53 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said:

    baseball hurt both but aew wins week two 

    Over 1,000,000 is still a good number. So is the NXT rating for that matter. Personally, I don't think they're going to drop much lower. You'll probably see another small dip in 2-4 weeks when some of the more causal fans who are real jacked up right now stop watching religiously but that could be countered with some solid programming over the next few weeks.

    Aside from WWE and AEW, anyone watch NWA Power? I thought it was a great show. I love that within one week we got so many alternatives that are offering different styles and presentations. AEW's doing the 90s thing pretty well and it looks like NWA is going to nail the 70/80s studio wrestling style. The set looks great, the lighting is great, I love the shitty low camera angles and the piped in booing. The matches were also very good. Completely different style than what you see on TV today. Way more old school. Hell, two fat guys won a tag match by squishing their opponent. It was super unimpressive and ******* AWESOME!!

  14. Also, just read that AEW had 109,000 viewers on TSN2. Someone on twitter did the math and that's equivalent to just under 1,000,000 US viewers. That's impressive on no promotion aside from a press release AND going up against opening night of the NHL season. For perspective, Raw gets about 250k-300k on Sportsnet from what I was reading.

  15. Couple of thoughts on Dynamite...

    - A lot of guys didn't see any screen time. I like that. We don't need to see everyone every week.

    - I like the look/feel of the arena and the production. Like TUP mentioned, it feels like wrestling.

    - Tony Schiavone and JR on commentary was very good to great. I've been so so on JR in AEW up to this point. A friend of mine and I were talking a while back and we agreed that it felt like JR just wasn't happy with the broadcast team and took the Homer Simpson approach ("If you don't like your job, don't quit. Just go in every day and do a really half-assed job"). Now that he's got Tony with him, he sounds more engaged.

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